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Timothy Wood

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Everything posted by Timothy Wood

  1. I have a question. I was looking at your paint job and I really like the colors you selected, but I couldn't tell if you had used a wood sealer before you applied the paint? Tim
  2. As I said before, nice work! I'm looking forward to seeing more.
  3. Nice job.... She looks great, keep those photos of your splendid work coming! Cheers, Tim
  4. Normanh, You are doing a beautiful job! You have me thinking about adding her to my future build list! Cheers, Tim
  5. I agree the photos are very nice. They do a good job of showing his workmanship. Keep those photos coming in! Tim
  6. Thanks guys, it's unanimous, thats where the pedestals will be placed! Thanks again for the help and comments! Cheers, Tim
  7. Hey Chuck, I will be there and I know for a fact Ryland will be there too! Tim
  8. I'm about at the point where I will have to make a decision of where to place the pedestals on the hull. I ask the question in another post at MSW and received the rough answer at 1/3 the hull length. I gave it a look and I wasn't happy, it looked out of proportion, the forward pedestal looked to me as if it was too far forward. I decided to move the pedestal further aft about to the 8 3/4" point, this move in my estimation gives the bow a longer more graceful look. Please feel free to give me your thoughts on the subject. Cheers. Tim
  9. Thanks Mark, To be honest, it's a Basswood hull and Basswood is very easy and forgiving to work with. Thanks for the nice comment! Cheers, Tim
  10. Thanks Russ, The paint is only a coat of gray primer! The actual color will be a lighter shade of gray. Tim
  11. An overall look of where she sits at this point, as you can see I'm moving along like a "Herd of Turtles." Cheers, Tim
  12. ZyXuz, I figured I should drop in on your build, Very nice job, I'm looking forward to seeing her completed! Keep the photos rolling in! Cheers, Tim
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