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John Allen

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Everything posted by John Allen

  1. Kieth, I am absolutely awe struck, your approach and methodology to your metal work is pure perfection. You may want to insure your beauty. This Buds for you.
  2. That's an awesome table, and work area. T.V computer lighting its a Rolls Royce of a modeling work area. You could also perform out patient surgeries and chiropractic alignments!
  3. I am a moderate novice, semi-experienced, not near pro status. I build for my minds eye each to his own. I also think when displayed the straight lined dead-eyes look better, has more aesthetic appeal and when there misaligned it takes your focus away from the whole build. (tongue & cheek shall we say)
  4. Keith, Caught up on the build, you have gone way beyond the curve. Kudos
  5. I thought I should update even though I am banned from the workshop until the decoration of the lounge and dining room is finished. Optimistically this is scheduled for a week today. In the meantime I took time out to order an Excalibur 21 inch throat scroll saw. I need a plan for broaching this with my wife before the delivery van arrives. Oh hum! Keith, Lesson 1. Intercept said package (priority) if the boss gets it first your cooked. #2 Do not do not buy flowers, take out to dinner, or do anything out of character the boss will ask what have you done. #3 Do not hide said package, trust me the boss will find it by accident. Do not have a friend buy it with cash you rat holed and say look what I bought on EBAY at a 1/3 of what it cost. Always ask the boss first or do what I do buy something of equal value dependent on equal cost saw cost # 1,500? buy a piece of jewelry equal price before you buy the saw then the boss will acquiesce. Lessons from 48 yrs of marriage. Your skill with metalwork is awe inspiring I bet that lathe sings when you work it!
  6. Your like a dog with a bone and have that thing called persistence very nice.
  7. Welcome, Looks like your ready to go. Was your contract work with a secret government agency? John
  8. You can buy that on amazon prime $ 27.19 my reading glasses fit just fine behind the lenses
  9. Agree with all, I look at your boats and my imagination sends me back in time to the early 1900's. Well done.
  10. Marc, Have caught up on your build cannot add any descriptive adjective that everyone hasn't used already. Magnificent kudos X 10 , this Buds for you Our best to the Boss
  11. Russ Off season they would rig for dredging for oysters, they were real workhorses, there are several still working Mobile, bay-Mississippi Sound.
  12. Keith, Your Altair is turning into a masterpiece your metal work and components are excellent.
  13. Very, very, very nice build, the trouble you went to on extras bridge controls, hinges for the hatches navigational lights anchor chocks etc, etc, you can be proud of this one. scale 1 to 10-15 this buds for you
  14. There was a supplier that had an ad posted with other suppliers this web site as recently last year?he custom cut some lumber for me, sadly I lost my invoice and having trouble remembering his name. He was in the Carolina's and lst name began with a C maybe Catlin or some variation of, he had a lot of exotics and would custom mill. His web store had an odd name any help would be appreciated
  15. Looking to add a smaller power detailer, Dremel makes a Mini micro 18 built in battery Wecheer 242 is 110 but not as much power as Dremel The Dremel's battery is built in no replacement available Wecheer $ 26.00 Dremel $ 76.00 but can handle many more attachments does anyone have experience with either.
  16. Nils, I am always awed by your (I call them a build within a build, builds) the mid-ship build as stated earlier is a model in itself. Not to offend fellow modelers but your work is the cleanest and most precise when it comes to building and assembling the myriad number of additions that comprise your build. :im Not Worthy:
  17. Patrick, If I attempted something that small, it would look like a mushroom your very talented with the wee ones, it's turning out great, kudos :im Not Worthy:
  18. Rob, I built the Panart/Mantua armed launch. It was a fairly easy build, you had to be careful with the planking noting 1 layer and could be seen from the inside. In that kit the wood supplied was good, fittings were above average, sail cloth was fair,a little to heavy. Plans were very good. Instructions left a lot to be desired. I would buy from them again. I built this a long time ago before I was a member hence no log. Grant Dale (Gdale) posted a build long not too long ago look at it
  19. Almost finished with my Vic. and going to something temporarily without ratlines I am confused or a little slow. Have been gathering stones, gouges, knives to start carving CSS Hunley and a Maori war canoe and the double hull Hawaiian Holekea. Have perused power carvers this website and have been previously advised by members re; carving. stones,chisels. I have been googling made calls it seems Treeline has a hand piece, and shaft that fits a dremel at $ 49.95 1. is it any good, 2. foredom and flexcuts do not fit a dremel. without changing the cable that has a key. All this being said will a hand piece carver be easier to use, or best to go with a used Ryobi dc 500 I know the Ryobi or proxxon is not used for intricate carving but is useful to remove a lot timber quickly. If I have confused anyone it comes from a confused mind. Am trying to do this on the cheap.
  20. Erin, Do not be discouraged, all of us have had to redo a step that turned out awry. I've had some really bad ones but it really was a good experience after doing it again especially if it was time consuming you are sure never to make that mistake again, maybe
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