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Everything posted by texxn5

  1. Glad to see your build. I love seeing your wood planked decks. That is the most important thing I would have changed on my model, but unfortunately I was way past that point when I thought of it....duh! The other thing I would have done is replace the plastic belaying pins with brass ones. That would have made rigging much easier and better. Mine is finished now, but I'll be following your build. Good luck and keep up the good work. John
  2. Nice start. I'll be following your log. I like your color scheme. John
  3. Hello Force9. I can't believe it took me this long to find your log. I admire what you are doing. My Conny is not anywhere near this detailed, and I have finished her a few weeks ago. I wish I had found this forum earlier as I would have done many of the same things. I look forward to following your build and seeing your progress. This will give me ideas for what I will do to my MSW CW Morgan as I have just started to build her. Thanks for the pictures and resources. John
  4. thanks for the info. I'll try to find his blog. I am not sure if a capsquare would stay put or not. Try one and see, and if it doesn't then decide how to proceed. So the pieces of photoetch come off a Conny.....I'll try and see what happens.
  5. Hi, I like the photoetch parts you're using. Those look very good. How did you find photoetch parts from Model Shipways? I've never seen those items listed. I might be interested in some for my Morgan. John
  6. I just remembered, one thing --- be sure your attachment for holding the bowspirit intact is glued very good. When I attached mine it broke loose and I wound up fishing it out of the gundeck and not using it because I couldn't get to it after the main deck is installed. The half round peg on the bowspirit didn't fit well and when I pushed a little too hard it came off. Just a precaution.... John
  7. Your gundeck looks outstanding. It's a far cry better than mine ever thought of being. Keep it up...looking good. John
  8. Grant, this is really cool to watch it start coming together. These are a whole project in themselves. Nice work. John
  9. Thanks Jpett, I'm sure I'll understand more as I go. I appreciate the info and really like the way you're planking. I know I'll be asking all kinds of questions once I get to that point. It will probably be a while as I'm getting ready to get on the road for a few months. I'll read the practicum in the next few days, and will work on this before I leaave and then try to plank while I'm in some RV parks hopefully. I've really been studying your log, thanks for the pictures and the advice. John
  10. Hi JP, thanks for the input. I have downloaded the practicum, but haven't studied it yet. Did you mark your lines by using the "hull line" tool that holds the pencil at a certain height, then level the ship before marking? Looks like you got a lot of lines out of whatever marking system you used. Again, I'm new to this and this will be the first one I do. I have not seen how anyone marks the lines to get them parallel and space properly. Thanks, John
  11. Thank you Sjors, yes, it must be a virus....it's one of those you can't ever seem to shake...it just keeps hanging on. We will enjoy our holiday today, we pick up our new RV trailer today, so then the preparations begin for our travels. Please bend an elbow to the American Vets today..... John
  12. Thanks guys, I appreciate the encouragement. I couldn't stand it, I just had to do something to get it started.
  13. Here's a couple of more. Hope these help someone starting, as quite a bit of this I found confusing, and took me a while to figure out. Hopefully I got it right.
  14. Well, something happened and I lost what I just put here as a post, so I'll start over again.....the time has come and I couldn't stand it any more, so I at least got started good today. I sat outside, watched the boats and the bods on the lake formed the fillers, shaped the bulkheads, glued all of that to the keel. She's started....pictures to show the progress. My goal is to be prepared to plank her while I'm on the road, so that means I need to be at the planking stage before I leave in the next few weeks. But, Tuesday, back to reality, and things to do besides work in the shipyard. In the pictures, the plankshear is just laying on the ship for reference, it is not shaped or glued, I just wanted to see what's next. Have a wonderful Memorial Day, and for the vets on this site....Thank You for Serving!..... John USN 1969-75, USS John F Kennedy, CVA 67, EM2
  15. Outstanding Augie. You've been hired by the shipyard! Your rigging lines really look good. Glad to see you haven't lost your touch....
  16. Your rigging looks amazing. I think I'll be glad when I get there on the Morgan.....
  17. Hi Mark, that is exactly what I plan to do. I would imagine, people would get interested seeing someone planking a wood ship model. Especially outside in the fresh air. It's a good lifestyle.... John
  18. Thanks Lawrence, I plan to do that. I'm sure it'll come in handy along the way. John
  19. Wow, what a project. Well done. I look forward to learning from your build here, and strive for your success.... John
  20. Very nice build. You've done a really nice job on details. I look forward to your progress. John
  21. Looks great Popeye. I just now got an opportunity to view your log. Very nice.
  22. Very nice builds. I'm envious of your shop. I had one once but a divorce took care of that. I look forward to following your build.
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