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Everything posted by cog

  1. Igor, Great work!! I see you have bought some more large instuments to fool us besides that giant matchstick of yours. It seems hardly - if at all - possible to make those minute deck furnishings. Marvelous work on the masts and the rigging mate!! Cheers,
  2. It is, isn't it ... but it certainly is inspirational ... I might just get to build one of those in that way (in the distant future) Cheers
  3. Fam, Wonderful work - again - and as Dubz wrote: What is a big update to you ... Your build log too gives some nice tips and tricks to remember (the latter may be a bit hard to ask for my brain so I'll be re-reading you log) Cheers
  4. Sigi, A truely magnificent and wounderful build! On the subject of boats/barge ... Besides Druxy's build you could have a look at this one too http://modelshipworld.com/index.php/topic/1029-la-cr%C3%A9ole-by-archjofo-scale-148-french-corvette-of-1827-scratch-build/page-21#entry323316 Archjofo (Johann) build a few in defferent sizes Cheers
  5. Jason, If you can't find it on the net or on a drawing, ask yourself: What's the use of the lip in general ... Would it be logical to have a lip on a port if it hasn't got a lid. Cheers
  6. Perfect job Grant. I've enjoyed yours and Mobbsie's build tremendously ... lots of tips and tricks to remember too ...
  7. JesseLee, Had some catchin up to do, nice progress, sorry to hear about that glitch in your stock production. I do prefere horss over cats ... they tend to stay off tables and workbenches ... however, they are a pain in the house ... Like the details in your work. Looking better and better cheers
  8. Stunning build Bob, thanks for all those interesting posts. I'll be rereading your log frequently!!! Cheers
  9. You could give here a paint job if those black spots persist ... ;) ;) Black might be a nice alternative
  10. Ganz toll Johann!!! You'll be boot builder #1 from MSW. Soon you'll be able to make them with your eyes closed Looking good (again) Cheers
  11. Hmmm, Remco, just a year ... it seems like yesterday ... how time flies ... Again some truly magnificent work you keep on delivering... !!! Cheers,
  12. As usual ... marvelous detail in your modeling. I like the studies in water colour ... wish I had the time to get my brushes out ...
  13. Already there ... in those dark recesses of the (man?) cave ... Kees, looks stunning. Might take a crash course from you when needed!!! cheers,
  14. Nigel, on screen it looks like the colour is spot on compared to the sails. Your carvings look beautiful!!
  15. Well done Jose (José?) I followed Johann's chaloupe build too and it is very clear and practical. You've taken the right buildlog to take your lead from. Your work on the longboat looks very good indeed Cheers
  16. She looks great, Mark. Some (minor) fairing and sanding issues on the inside you'll always encounter ... part of the 'game' This is a very nice ending to a year's build and a good starting point for the next!! Best wishes to you and the misses Cheers
  17. Johann, I missed a few weeks, so I'm catching up (again) ... and another stunning masterclass finished ... I like the video on the chaloupe ... it all seems so easy when you do it ... Best wishes for the New Year, looking forward to more of your genius model building Cheers,
  18. Cees, Looks good. What is the brand for the linnen thread you use? Cheers,
  19. Wounderful workmanship, Nigel ... she looks the vessel already ... your dragons will certainly contribute to her beauty Cheers, P.s. Happy New Year to you and your family too
  20. Mon dieu! You've made quite some strides ... can't stay a way for you pull a fast one ... Beautiful planking, Mark, the strokes come out nicely, and the poly does enhance the look
  21. Sam Why couldn't it be a like ... often enough it is the same principle which is used no, matter the difference in size ... Cheers
  22. Not much stuffin' up, Mick ... i.e. the acrylic ... Now you find 1" - 1.5" more would be nice ... in your next build you will probably find another option ... we just keep on learning, and the more builds we seee ... the more we might learn - it's just a matter of retention ... (sometimes I feel like a colander with hughe apertures) Cheers
  23. Glenn, If you've got something like parchement or tracing paper, you could use it to filter the light as it will diffuse it which makes the glistening less awkward to photograph ...
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