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Everything posted by edmay

  1. Hey it's just me, Personally I feel you under estimate your workmanship.Your Royal Caroline has been superbly built,The Friedrich Wilheim zu Pferde will be to, that's the way you do things,it's nice to learn and watch your methods and your reasons why.I would like to reserve a seat for your next build.Edwin
  2. Hello Frank,What a display of brilliant workmanship on all three Wasa's posted today,each and all can be very proud of there workmanship.Edwin
  3. Andre ,more than one masterpiece Wasa today,Nice to see you back at it,Edwin
  4. Michael you do nice work,I've saved your beautiful pictures,A masterpiece for sure.Edwin
  5. Hello Carmelo,A nice clean beginning,I got the same model for xmas from the Admiral,A few months ago another model maker started a log of the same junk,which I admired hence the gift,The admiral said your build is very tidy,I concur,Edwin.
  6. Hello Doris ,Always in awe of your perfected modeling workmanship, as many fans have stated "congratulations" on your new job and position, Happy New Year, full of good health,joy with your music and modeling.Edwin
  7. Nice workmanship Dave,may the new year bring you wellness and prosperity ,cheers. Edwin
  8. Nice Work on the drums and railings Denis ,happy new year to you and your family. Edwin
  9. Hello Max,Ditto to what Shipyard Sid mentioned,with good photo's and explanations. Concur with you ref Joe Cocker.Edwin
  10. Hello Jesse. nice workmanship, The best of the season to you and your family.Edwin
  11. Hello Nenad,Tis time to fill the house with family,happy holidays, good wishes to your son on upcoming exams,I raise my glass to you all,Cheers, Edwin
  12. Hello Frank, Enjoy a well deserved holiday break.Edwin
  13. Hello Gil, Christmas greeting from Port Alberni,wishing you and your family a healthy and prosperous New Year. The small boats are beautifully built as your work always is. Edwin.
  14. Hello All, Merry Christmas and a Prosperous new year. Ye old sailors of years gone past, spent there little free time carving sails from the oak wood grates used for transporting,oil lard,salted meats etc. On there return home Ships and sea, were painted on the walls of there homes and the wood sails glued to the painted masts, not needing any clamps.!!!. Edwin
  15. Hello Mark, Wow very nice neat workmanship,what color did you use for the bowpeice,, also wish you a merry festive season to you and your family .Edwin
  16. Hi Augie,Your quality of modeling has been flowing high all year,time to ebb into the festive season,Merry Christmas and a prosperous new year,Edwin
  17. Hello Dimitris," starting well usually ends well" nice neat work ,the pictures are good,keep on enjoying your build,best wishes for xmas and the new year to you and your family.Edwin
  18. Hello Frank, It's a pleasure to see your awesome workmanship well detailed and informative,thanks, Secondly best wishes for the season to you and your family,I raise my glass ,Cheers. Edwin.
  19. Hello Max,Absolutely awesome, an excellent build, you must and should be proud. The extra effort done to produce these beautiful pictures is much appreciated which I will save.many thanks. I also wish you and your family great cheer and a wonderful Christmas and a prosperous new year,Edwin. Prost.
  20. Hello Ulises, Nice progress,there's been a lot of learning on this kit for many modelers,thanks to your followers and yourself,Edwin.
  21. Hello Janet,Simply outstanding,love the way the woods have blended together, the neatness of your work is first class. Wishing you wellness. Edwin
  22. Hello Max,Sure is extremely nice workmanship,and it does not seem to have taken you long,The blue coloring you chose works nice with the natural wood colors,masts are neatly done..kudos.Edwin
  23. Hello Adriaan,Real nice looking model workshop,buillde are coming along to,I started to plank my Endeaver a little as time allows,hoping to speed things up, well done on your return,Edwin
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