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Everything posted by BANYAN

  1. Eberhard that is very well constructed and beautifully detailed. Concur your decision not to cover the detail; that is what makes your models so unique. cheers Pat
  2. That skeleton looks pretty good Rob, should make a very nice hull. Look forward to seeing that. cheers Pat
  3. Thanks for the explanation mate, but I was only being a 'smarta....' cheers Pat
  4. Very nice work Al, sorry to hear of your tribulations and hope you recover fully soon. cheers Pat
  5. Whaaat? the shields are not colour matched to the rowers tunic - I am aghast Seriously though Steven that is one heck of a model, beautifully presented. You are doing real justice to this buil;d. cheers Pat
  6. Glad to hear all are well Michael; I think we all suffer a case of the 'doldrums' occasionally when it come to our modelling projects. cheers Pat
  7. Hi Ilhan, just caught up with your little beauty; wonderful subject to model. This is up there with your usual very highh quality work. cheers Pat
  8. I have to stop reading your log Keith, you make my efforts look so paltry. Just kidding, I get nothing but inspiration from you first-class work. cheers Pat
  9. Nice work on those guns Keith, they look really good in situ. Great to hear your hands are back to near full flexibility and use. cheers Pat
  10. Stunning results mate; worthy of display in a museum. cheers Pat
  11. Dick, when I was building my Endeavour I tried using under car bitumen coating on the lower hull. It went on well and dried to a nice even coating looking very much like a coating of 'brown stuff' - BUT, that was in winter , then along came summer, and while not making the bitumen slump, it got very tacky. So, off it came - but the surprise was that were the tar in the coating had penetrated the gaps, cracks etc in the lower hull planking, it left a very nice effect that showed a distinct darker shade under and above the waterline. Just saying - maybe a light wash that just darkens it while retaining the definition of your planking etc? That hull is looking very good and as Steven says, it would be a pity to cover it. cheers Pat
  12. Love the see-saw Steven - seriously though, that is some very nicer work and makes the ship so much more realistically displayed. cheers Pat
  13. Another very interesting subject you are modelling here Dick. I have been lurking on this topic so thought I had better join the crowd before the pop-corn runs out ( I would settle for a pack of maltesers though ) cheers Pat
  14. Just found you build Allan, a very nice subject and you model is doing her real justice. cheers Pat
  15. Impressive work; love the jig you used for the wheel. Great idea for the lanterns also; very effective results. cheers Pat
  16. Looks great. You must be close to using more twine than wood in this model soon cheers Pat
  17. Great to see you back Keith, even on a part-time basis. Look forward to your updates. cheers Pat
  18. Add a smidge here, take off a tad there and hey presto Just need to tie a few parts together with fencing wire and you will have a true Aussie creation cheers Pat
  19. Another interesting subject to model Greg. Despite the heavy dependence on after-market parts to dress her up, the hull itself seems like if is fairly well defined for her armour panels and the like? cheers Pat
  20. She's looking great Hellmuht; a very nice job you have done on the stitching. Must have taken some time to work out the repeating pattern to achieve the look? cheers Pat
  21. Hi again all, Keith, as promised, I have found the reference but had the wrong author. The book 'Naval Gunnery' by Captain H. Garbett, page 66, states that pivot guns were traversed on gun-metal racers (sweeps) secured to the deck. Note the wording which he uses in his book, which says secured to the deck, NOT into the deck. This book was first published in 1897, the copy I refer to is the 1971 reprint. Hope this helps. cheers Pat
  22. Not sure if directly applicable Rob, but WRT the plates, HMCSS Victoria's Contract required the builder to be redock the ship (at their expense) for sheathing after completely fitting out - probably to ensure a very clean bottom on delivery. cheers Pat
  23. Stunning work as usual Amalio, a feast for the eyes. cheers Pat
  24. The revised castles look good Steven, I might even suggest the core structure look even better. Moving them to better accommodate the rowers was also a very wise choice. Not too much any 'rivet counters' could find to fault in your model cheers Pat
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