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Everything posted by augie

  1. I think the tight proximity of the beams on these ships surprises many people. Check out some of the really nice scratch builds on here like Mark's Licorne 1.0 (using the Hahn method) and you can really see the full effect 'in the bones'. I have a book on the 'Sailing Frigate' which depicts many beautiful models from the UK and honestly it makes you wonder why they just didn't make the real ships out of a solid piece of oak and cut out what they didn't need! On Confed that section is the only area done like that for display purpose...... a nice touch I think because it makes the point. If you jump back to page 12 of this log you can see the construction as well as a photo of Chuck's finished rendition.
  2. Thanks to all for the encouraging words. Nice to have the wind abeam. Daniel - I favor the natural variation as well. The rectangular section on the starboard side is an area left unplanked to display the framing beams. Jax -- Yes, there sure are a lot of planks on this lady. Enjoy it ---- it's that much better when it's done Chris -- I'll shoot you a PM.
  3. Copper looks terrific. I know how you felt drilling that hole for the rudder. WELL DONE!
  4. Still an amazing process. Working one-handed like that would drive me nuts!
  5. Well, we've been back on course now for several days. The result is that at the 400 hour point (and 6 months on the calendar), we've completed the hull planking. I'm not completely thrilled with it and a few planking 'rules' were shelved here and there. But all in all I'm satisfied. At this point it's been sanded but no finish applied. Need to make a decision there so we'll move over to the testing bench. In 1780, copper plates were not routinely used. 'White stuff' would have been SOP so I'll take a look at that. Rusty used holly on his lower hull and it gave the light effect nicely. But having gone with kit-supplied basswood I can look at using a natural stain finish. Or I may decide to stain to match the upper hull (Admiral's preference). A lot of touching up to do first on the britework (battle damage). I'll figure this all out and the next time she's here we should be ready for a step back and relax moment. Oh, in Ben's Confed log it took him 6 months to reach this point. Chuck must have built this into the kit (just like he figures everything else out).
  6. That may be true for the 'average' seagull. But very common in the North Atlantic is the Great Black Backed Seagull with a wingspan of 5.0-5.5 feet which would give you a 5mm span at your scale. I'd think a 4mm representation would be quite realistic. But what's a mm or two between friends.
  7. A lot of what we do is repetitive --- it's an occupational hazard. Just relax and don't forget to sit back and admire what you've done when it's completed.
  8. Haven't tried the Dremel yet --- thanks Nenad. I tried Popeye's dish washing method but had trouble keeping the door closed during the rinse cycle.
  9. Hey Popeye ---- to get CA off your fingertips just use a sanding block. 100 grit works well. Don't think I have any fingerprints left!
  10. You should put us all in touch with He Who Has No Name. Apparently, he has very good taste.
  11. Here's the thread started by Marc Mosko, John. http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/4899-big-change-at-model-expo-and-i-need-help/?hl=%2Bmodel+%2Bexpo
  12. There are certainly limitations to this method wq. I've done flat stock up to 3/16"x1/16". It comes in handy if working with kit supplied wood where you are not given wider pieces to work width and need a group of planks.
  13. Not to agree or disagree with what's been said, here's the jig I use for edge bending (post # 784). http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/3371-usf-confederacy-by-augie-ms-164/page-53 It is useful when many planks need to be similarly bent.
  14. Sorry about the tools, Mobbsie. Nice work on the little bits --- those can be maddening.
  15. Great cleanup and nice new tools. You can come over and clean my shop anytime ---- and bring the machines !
  16. Love the scrimshaw tooth. Ship's leopard could use a bit of downsizing
  17. Looks like you've got the knack now my friend. Good luck with the shop renovation.
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