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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by augie

  1. That may be Odin, Sjors. I'm sure Mark will explain. No matter ---- it's good to see blade to wood once again!
  2. Good luck on the sail. Glad to see you found a way to stimulate the economy in the 'fiber arts' store. And best wishes on the house situation!
  3. That's just plain basswood Sjors, nothing on it and not sanded yet. The batch that came with the Confederacy kit is much nicer then what came with Syren from the standpoint of sizing but the edges still need to be trued up and the color is all over the place. It's also fairly soft. If I were buying wood to replace it for hull planking I'd go for boxwood.
  4. All these fine details are bringing her together VERY nicely. Yeah, I figured you had an idea in your head when I saw the ship's boat. Don't let that rigging plan scramble your brain. One line at a time a 'poof', it gets done!
  5. Cabin, galleries, stern --- all first class. I may have missed it, did you glaze the windows?
  6. Ponce wheels are available from a place like Micro Mark. They come in various tooth/inch sizes. If you intend to use the tape there is an excellent tutorial right here on MSW by Gene Bodnar under framing and planking..... Copper Sheathing a Hull.
  7. Very nice progress my friend. Don't go deaf with the stereo that loud. Enjoy your speed skating. You've even got us here rooting for the orange. Of course, there ARE other winter sports in Sochi ! Like Olympic Ratline Tying.
  8. And it's pretty darned accurate. The belt driven model is actually just as good mechanically but it's only 3 speed and I dislike changing belts.
  9. I've had good luck for many years with this Microlux: http://www.micromark.com/microlux-benchtop-variable-speed-mini-hobby-drill-press,8283.html They make a slightly less expensive model that is 3 speed, belt drive (about $200).
  10. Really nice work there all around Mobbsie. Hope nothing is serious on the health side.
  11. Looks great. I guess you should leave all the weight in those bottles so that they keep working for you.
  12. OK, I give up. Your precision and attention to detail are ridiculous. Fine piece of work my friend.
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