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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. jeeze.......I haven't browsed Squadron for quite a while now. I've seen some of the wing nut models......some serious cake there......almost as bad as Eduards. I don't recall ever building an albatross.......they were extensively used in all the Jastas. guess I'm just a Fokker kind of guy following along diligently!
  2. super job Danny! even though it fought you tooth and nail, you got 'er together a model well done! ....now if someone can tell me, why every time I log in here........I pick up my x actor
  3. I think that's where a lot of folks run into trouble with the dead eyes, eye bolts and blocks. I always use white glue for the ties and lashings. other cements will tend to weaken the eyelets and they end up breaking. I have never substituted them......haven't had much trouble at all with 'em. haven't tried epoxy......just good 'ole CA very nice progress.
  4. thanks for the kind comments gents it's good to finally have these two halves together. I worked on it a bit more last night, but as I was adding the radiator hose, the radiator popped off! I have a habit of scrapping off enough paint to cement the part on. then if I wished to change things in the future, a light prying usually removes the part with little damage { I used to do this a lot}. the admiral likes it too. good synopsis Lou .......so far, the aluminum and brown {hull red} paints are now in bottles.......got 'em out of those tins {monogram}. I need to find one for the satin bronze. I've been using these paints.......yesterday, I saw that there was a 'skin' floating around in the hull red paint.......tells me that if I didn't get them in a better sealed container, they might not last much longer. I hope you recover quick......there's only two things that you should run down the stairs for......supper and s--. though the two can be done in the kitchen, be leary of the latter.......it may be a decoy to get you there to dry the dishes thinking of you good buddy I wanted the mags J.......but I'll need them for the C.G. PADDY WAGON>>>>>>PADDY WAGON>>>>>>PADDY WAGON! said three times fast......it comes out as puddy wag'in the moons are pretty old school 🎓
  5. while I was browsing here, I have been working on the Coke mobile. still more to paint.......still a ways to go yet. I've seen it in the so many dry fits, that I'm getting all peckish........I want it together! to start off....the glass was cemented into the fire wall yesterday...it is painted and ready to install, but I wanted to make sure it was fully dry. the darn thing was getting red on the interior roof! so it was installed, and the red was removed by a light coat of paint. there was no cement applied with it......it slid into place very snug. yes......the steering wheel, pedals, and E-brake lever has also been added to the body. because of how I had the body propped, the column appears to be almost perpendicular........an innovation by Wenzel's auto body......it's a tilt column while this was drying, a few more parts were being assembled and painted. the side mirrors....there are holes drilled on each side, half way up the windshield for mounting {you may see the dimples}. they are made from the number tabs on a sprue....ca'd to some thin wire. the license plates are being painted. ....and I'm adding a step platform at the rear. when all was dry and ready to go, they were added.........but I took one last stab aligning the body to the frame. I'm not sure what it is......the circumference of the tires has changed.........I shortened the drive shaft, but that was because of the transmission length. the only thing I can think of, is that perhaps I should have cemented the fenders further back on the body. it's a good thing I didn't though......the engine goes back into the recess in the fire wall. to have done that would have meant a larger cover....it's pretty close to being 1/4 of an inch deep as it is. I also removed the two pins that were on both sides, on top of the frame. I think the fire wall butted up against them.......not shown in the instructions {or so vague, I couldn't tell}. I added another .5 mm shim to the first pair....probably could have added another......but all is said and done now. the body and frame are one. I added the new parts as well........even the radiator cap it's still missing a few odds and ends....most important, the exhaust. still another update or two to go the Batmobile is finished........all of the parts are on the car, and now it's waiting for decals. all 'n all.....it was a productive day!
  6. truth be told.......all cars have their flaws. they become text book after a while I thought you'd get a kick out of it J I've reached a milestone with the project. whether or not I made it harder in finishing it, remains to be seen. the update for today
  7. a quote from the Moody Blues: there ya go man, keep as cool as you can. replace piles of trials with smiles. it riles them to believe, that you perceive the web they weave and keep on thinking...free
  8. there you go....that looks really good you gonna break a few eggs, but you'll get there........just gotta get used to working under low hanging objects
  9. it shows effort Vossie........that counts for much more catching up on your project and I see your doing a spectacular job with the rigging...the cannons are nice 'n neat! coming along in fine style
  10. the winches and pump look great Nenad! I see your take on the fife rails is spot on as well very well done!
  11. I remember Zbart very well.......used to be the rave. I also remember spray'in the underside of the truck with oil and runn'in it up and down the dirt road too. there were products that one could buy as well......still do. there was a product called splatter coat for the trunk to help cut down on road noise. it's not a bad kit........there are some fit problems though. it does showcase a full engine, so this one could fit the bill for you. I don't recall seeing any other brands....just Polar Lights. nice box art too it is a sharp car.........in the red finish, it was used in the 1959 movie "it started with a kiss", with Debbie Reynolds and Glenn Ford. other than that, it sat in George Barris's garage
  12. they don't tell you that all assembled bodies go through a rust inhibitor dip. this is a common step in the assembly......all welded joints are sealed with this process. that's quite a claim they make.......I've never read anything like this, in any of the cars that I've owned. it's hard to guess if or when it may happen. older cars and trucks were produced with thicker steel back in the day........now a days, the steel is gauged thinner. framed rear wheeled vehicles have been slowly replaced with uni-body designs, shifting the emphasis to front wheel drive. I have had a few rear wheel drive vehicles that needed to have the rear frames replaced.......olds Cutlass was one of the worst for this. I don't dispute that you have a warranty for rust.....I just find that that sort of claim can be explained away easily, leaving no fault to the manufacturer. if you think about it........3 to 6 years is a fairly safe zone to make such a claim. it took 17 years for the car I'm driving to show a rust hole....now I gotta deal with it.
  13. oh bother.......what to do?!?! I took the two pieces of wood off the frame....I think I already mentioned that.......this lessened the interruption with the generator, but there still seems to be a gap between the frame and the under body. so while I was pondering this dilemma, I was looking for something to do in the meantime. I could work on the General.......but my mind kept coming up with the Adam West Batmobile. so..........the heck with it, I'll bring it back out. it had been tabled since January of 2018....very unhappy results from the paint job. it's odd........I did the Michael Keaton Batmobile........as well as the Bat Boat at the same bat time, with the same paint, and didn't encounter the results I got with this model. this is the Polar Lights Batmobile......I believe this to be an old MPC kit. someone mentioned in another log, that some model companies don't produce their kits....they are manufactured somewhere else with their name on it. this is true......Polar Lights, a division of Round 2 LLC. is located in South Bend, Indiana, but the kits are produced in China. Revell is another....you have Revell Germany......their kits are made in Poland. whether this is a factor or not is unclear......I just looked through a Revell kit that was produced in 1969, but I could find no definitive idea as to where it was produced. I have heard comments about the plastic........some find it hard.....some find it soft........some find it easy to bend, while others do not. I am convinced that the stryene plastic of today, has changed since the good 'ole days. I could feel it when I handled some of the kit parts.....the plastic in that kit felt a lot more rigid. what I have also noticed, is today's plastic is becoming paint sensitive. I do like to use automotive grade paint here and there, as well as the primers.........but with today's kits, this is becoming harder to do. auto grade paints are too harsh for the plastic........it will eat at the plastic finish and cause it to appear rough and blotchy. that is what happened to the Batmobile......the body shines.....but the feel is rough to the touch. the paint I used is the Billing's paint, that I still seem to have a fair amount of. I've stopped using it in my airbrush.....clogs in a heartbeat!.........and if I thin it down too much, it's like shooting spackle...dries as it hits the model. the paint is great......my initial assumption when I started to use it.......but it was old when I got it, and has gotten worse since then {that was quite a while ago}. Billing's paint can be grouped in with auto grade paint.......it contains pretty much the same ingredients. it gives a great finish....I love the shine....as a matter of fact, when I did the Michael Keaton Batmobile, I had to tone down the shine.......used dull coat to do it! I've since stopped using it for plastic models........now primarily on wood. the wood sucks up the paint, since it has no real finish to speak of. I hate to throw it out.......I've used up quite a bit of it, but there's still too much to contemplate the heave ho. so, basically....the body looks all peckish...but shiny.......let's not forget shiny I probably shouldn't post it here.......but it was part of my thought process. besides, it's almost finished anyway. this kit was plagued with fit problems.......getting the back deck to fit meant whittling part of it away. I've done away with the removable stuff......like the trunk, which houses the bat computer. if it was a hinged lid, I might have been OK with it, but it's not.......like the hood, it simply comes off. the hood comes off.......only because there is an engine under there...can't very well hide that, no can I?!?! the glass is merely fitted on there at the moment........I'm not a Picasso with the canopy frames, and I still need to fix them. the holes need to be drilled out a tiny bit larger, for the fit to be better. the paint doesn't look too bad here, but a closer inspection reveals it all. it looks horrible.........I do want to get another and strive for better results. too bad they didn't include the parts to build it stock.......1955 Lincoln Futura. I added the jet nozzle on the rear. the biggest phu-bar with the model, lie with the two grille plates in each side of the rear......that's where the tail lights are to be located. the plates go over them, but it's a shame that the plates are molded in black plastic {kinda moot that bit of detail}. I'm going to make some tail lights and fit them in the fin recesses. the windshield wasn't too bad, but the rear canopy had some sloppy paint work......I fixed a lot of it here. thanks to Mr. Camera, I see a couple more.........Grrrrrrr! the two front grille inserts needed to be fitted into place. they are in there with no glue at all. just a few of the parts left to assemble.......they didn't goof on the headlights though....clear plastic then I added the headlights. you can just make them out......I hope that with the covers on them, they can still be seen. there's the antenna....sweet FM baby! oh......NO!!!! I've got happy feet!!!!!! the canopies are in place now......a spigot look'in thing on the front cowling.......9 more parts and I'll have the whole car then it can be decal time! just in time too.........I've got some decal work to do on the General. as for the Coke mobile, I did some brain storming {just waiting for the clouds to dissipate} and came up with a plan. I've done some minor touching up so far, and added the headlight lenses. the steering wheel, the parking brake handle, the pedals have been painted. I've made adjustments to the fire wall......breaking off a corner of the cover, which I've also repaired. those parts can be added after the body is installed....then perhaps I can stop fixing the frame, because of all the dry fitting. Another thing I need to make are the side mirrors....none in the kit. they are only concerned with what's in front of them.........you know, I had a suspicion that having to see what's behind you as well, was confusing the issue! my word........this mode of travel is trickier than I thought! you passed it already..........forget 'bout it!!!! the good 'ole days were so much simpler I thought I'd start small this time..........I added a .5 mm shim on the frame this time I can always add more if needed more soon
  14. I know of no such warranty Jack. a lot of it depends on the rust inhibitors and undercoating used in car manufacturing. some use more than others, but with the constant use of salt and brine, all cars eventually fall victim to rust sooner or later. we got it less this year than you did......would have hated living in the mid west I have a 2000 Toyota Camy with 170,000 miles........the left rear rocker panel is rotting out......gotta fix that before inspection. I've owned other Toyotas that suffered the same fate........wish they sold bodies rather than having to buy a whole new car seems they all are prone to it. glad to hear your cars are fairing better.
  15. I'm not aware of the Siamese split up.....I just recall that famous line in the movie Robo cop......."your company built the f________ thing, now I gotta deal with it?!?!?" then someone should tell the Kia brother, that if you start with one color of wire, you should complete the circuit with it too schematics are a night mare! Kevin goes back to the dealer today.......I gave him the pads to show them. on the model front.......I have an update.....although it's a bit mixed in trying to think of how to deal with the body issue, I pulled out the Batmobile and did some work on it. it's a sad tale about paints and plastics......I'll tell yas about it
  16. I'm not a big fan of these cars........or Kia's for that matter. the big problem for Hyundai's, is that most parts are dealer items.......some parts are hard to find aftermarket. I'm also not a fan of cars that can nickel and dime ya to death. sad to say that it seems every car he buys is a basket case.........don't want to call it a lemon.......it gives the fruit a bad name I do like lemonade! it also seem like every time I plan a day off.....I end up working on that car! the rust bucket issue can be said for all cars up here in the northeast.......another reason why you'd never see me buying a new car
  17. did that pertain only to this plane, or were all planes given this designation? now....what to do with the chromate yellow? is that still going on the top wing?
  18. wow Greg........your PE ship looks fantastic. when are you gonna add plastic? just kidding......looks outstanding....it will look even better painted!
  19. it's OK if your long winded..........just post more pictures is all she's look'in awesome!
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