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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. that is one very fine model............not much of a landing gear set up. long.........make one wonder how it survived landings superbly done model
  2. ohhhhh.....I love gassers! I wish they had a 1:16 scale kit out there of one! that's a very nice model CDW.......but don't alter your plans! your doing a great job on that Shinden.........and I think quite a few folks want to see the KI-45 come to life......including me thanks for the kind word J and CDW there are few options when stuff like this happens...........along with another one that just happened your gonna laugh when you hear this one.
  3. so now it's repair and redemption....gotta make it work. after trimming the excess decal around the wheel wells, a little more decal was removed around the outer edge for not sticking. knowing that I had to touch up the driver's side, I had tried to mix up some Blue to fix it with. the problem here, is that the blue changes hue....for this side, from front to back, making it very hard to come up with an exact match up. it does in one part, but gets noticeable near the end. I still need to play with the passenger side a little more....but it meets muster.........it's better than it was I also painted around the edge of the wheel well to give it that 'wrapped' look. the red was another problem......I have no gloss red.....just flat. I went with it, thinking that if it was too flat, I could go over it with clear lacquer and solve the problem that way. well mixed, flat colors sometimes give off a small amount of sheen........that seems to be the case here.....so I left it alone. I painted around the edge here as well, which completes the decal. I see I gotta fix that front corner again..........may need to cut the bad part out and retouch. the driver side came out much better. the rear window presented it's own problems........my plan was to go over it with clear lacquer. the can says that it works on plastic......but as I found out........not this type of plastic. it quickly became rough and 'buckled' with every brush stroke........it was eating the plastic after it had time to dry {now that the damage was done}, a plan B was performed.........going over it with a coat of window maker....of all things. I figured that it would self level itself and bring the sheen back to the window. using a brush created quite a few bubbles.......took like forever to get them out. too bad I have the body assembled......could have cut the window out and made a 'blind' for it. most of the roughness is gone........it still looks striated but with 'softer craters'......what else could I call it. ah, what the heck, I gave it the thumbs up and put the decal on it. here's Fred the driver side logo decals were laid in place......... I was going to put the Accel decals on the side window columns. when I went to reach for them, they were gone...........what the hey! I just cut them out and had them next to Fred........where could they have gone off to ?!?!?! I found one on the floor.......the other I feared, fell into the garbage can! I tried to locate it....emptied the contents of the can into the kitchen can piece by piece........but no luck....the decal was gone! so I only have one, and I'll need to figure out another location. logical.........the rear bumper. when I made these decals, I used a white decal paper......it's all I have. this actually works better for the decal......the white background makes a perfect base for the color. on clear decal paper, they come off rather transparent and tend to disappear, when placed on darker colors. you have to cut the decal out along it's edges though....and sometimes though, it can be a problem. I may make another down the road......if I do, I'll put it on the front bumper or spoiler.....who knows.......the other one may turn up when I least expect it to the passenger side decals went on next......... noticing some spots and stray finger prints, I gave it a spit shine. the gray interior was touched up, and then I cemented the windshield in place with the window cement. other than a few touch ups that I might see.......or meddle with........the body is done. the chassis needs to have the rest of the parts added to it and finish hooking up all the hoses. so, that will be the next update
  4. thanks J.........I should know that better 'n anyone. it happened.........nothing much I can do about it now. I'm not turning back from them, I've gone too far already. there aren't too many places that do 1:16 scale decals . so I guess I'll have to fix them somehow. thanks to all for the likes........I think I may have started something........look at J we're one man short of a epidemic...........anyone else wanna throw one out here?
  5. great looking paint job.........the decals look really nice as well. they should look awesome together
  6. this looks to be a very interesting project Danny....you don't see to many of these. if you think there should be added detail here and there, add it in......you are more than capable
  7. wow.....quite a story......and quite a bit of damage too are you sure you just didn't stack something on top of it considering what you did on the Mustang......you won't have a tough time with the chassis {you already did wonders with the body}. jee........I hope I didn't send you down a dark path check either Plastruct or Evergreen......they carry other stuff beside 'rod' that may make it easier
  8. I had a minor mishap last week, where I slipped on some ice and landed in a shrub........getting a poke in my right eye. I went to work anyway.....driving was a real trip...........luckily, I have a pair of glasses, that I use fort acetylene welding, so I could drive home.........I had no options...I had to go. it's much better now.....although it still feels like I got something in there. I tried to do a little something to the model too....every time I thought about doing it, something came up. I took the afternoon off yesterday.......I could get that passenger side decal on............but no. I get a call from the admiral, asking me if I could do a brake job on my son Kevin's girlfriend's car....failed inspection. kicking the dirt, thinking that this wasn't going to be a money maker, I said sure.......I'd love to after it was finished, I could relax a little.........doing all of life's little pleasantries, related towards settling in for my three day weekend. later in the evening, I decided that I would put the decal on. I put the driver's side on in the pantry, setting it up on a towel and the sink nearby, since this was a large decal. I had a dry blotter, a wet blotter, the dcal set, and the Q-tips laid out for the job. there was the same brittle condition...it took a while to get it the way I wanted it. there will be some minor touch ups. later........that's when curiosity killed the cat {so to speak}..........I checked on it and thought I could get the area around the wheel wells better. a little dab or two of decal set, I started to smooth and press it down.......and then the mid part of the decal shifted, creating some very ugly ripples! with trying to smooth and align it again, cracking and chipping occurred, and so now, I have even a bigger repair to do I can be my own worst enemy I'm not losing the decal for no one!
  9. well now.........aren't you having a time for yourself! coming along quit well........yea, there are a couple that are a bit off, but they weren't drilled very well either. once they are all lanyard up....they should blend right in very nice work com'in down the pike!
  10. that green {looks metallic} reminds me of the older MPC models....they used to mold them in metallic Green plastic. I think that is the same blue I have on the duster.....but I didn't mix it. I have like four bottles of light blue. I think I'll use it up on the Progress when I'm ready to paint her wicked nice paint jobs on the both of them.....are you working on the Vega too?
  11. did you brush it on and wipe it off? looked very scary..........but very effective looks awesome!
  12. yepper J.....it won't be much longer before I'm done. I have a few other non ships I could do
  13. Friday was errand day .........but I still managed to gt some work done on the car. there are two braces that help support the sides of the cockpit shroud. they both needed to be shortened a little, to fit in place. using the rear wheel well as a guide, I saw that one side of the shroud was bowed outward, so it was closer to the wheel well than the other side. a clothes pin corrected the problem. the chute cable was installed, running it through the hole in the body, and through the inner panel after drilling a hole for it. the clutch pedal and shifter was added to the engine assembly next. the fuel shut off line was run from it's lever.....figured I'd do this before the engine was cemented in place. it will run under the passenger side header and connect to the pump at the front of the engine. I inserted a piece of wire to keep it straight. there aren't too many parts left.....they were painted and set aside to dry. still more to be done on the extinguisher. finally, the engine was cemented into the chassis. now the cockpit panels can be added, and the rest of the hoses can be connected. the steering can also be finished off as well. thanks for the likes!
  14. if your working on a Billing Boats kit, you may be in luck. just go to the Billing USA, or the Billing Danmark site. you should be abl to find what you need.......or you can even contact them: http://www.billingboatsusa.com/ http://www.billingboats.com/ I have the plans for the Bluenose I
  15. good to see an update peter I see you've been very busy! the deck looks very nice. the battens look really good to, but I can't help but think that the top batten should follow the deck line all the way to the bow. is there a reason why you have them like that?
  16. nice job painting the parts deck looks awesome too!
  17. yea,,,,what you have is just a run of the mill pirate ship. practically every model company at the time had one or two........except for lindberg line {or you can call them just lindberg}.....they had three if you wanted to change it over to a know or lesser know galleon, you could do a search on line, and find one that it closely resembles. all is not lost my friend, they do make nice models. to make her look good, you still need to use assembly and weathering techniques . I built the Jolly Rogers....left off at masting the Flying Dutchman....and still nee to tackle the Henry Morgan...AKA Captain Kidd......the three Lindberg kits!
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