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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. masts look really good.......the tape banding works very well. I believe they call them woolings.
  2. hello Jud.......no need for you to come all that way........just tell my admiral.....she'd be glad to do it she reminds me of that comic piece I saw one time, where she told the patient that they were all out of enemas......so, she'd have to kick the sh__ out of 'em! yea, I was in tough shape for the last few days.......thanks, I am feeling better I've been trying to catch up again here on the site, which I was doing Tuesday, when I got to the point where I couldn't do it any longer. I didn't even turn on my computer for the past couple of days. I was going to tinker with the trawler a little, but it seems I've spent the better of my time here. I took tomorrow off, so perhaps I can make up for lost time....maybe even on the Thermopylae too. I'm glad your still following along.....us two wet rags gotta stick together, don'tcha know
  3. love the scroll work...really adds character.........the windows came out good too! overall........wonderful job! the other launch is coming along nicely as well. interested to see what style of cabin is in store for it
  4. thanks David...I'll take a peek. me.......I just break'em haven't done much to the 'ole girl.......been a rough couple of weeks. I was sick all this week, but today I'm feeling better.....gett'in the urge to do something constructive, instead of lay'in 'round the house like a wet dish rag. thanks for look'in in
  5. hi Nenad.........dunno....I could look around a bit more. now that I have the size locked down {50 mm looks good}, I at least have something to go on. this whole build will have me doing a lot of scratch building.........I'll see if I have to add them to the mix I haven't done anything on the model........last week was spotty table visits, and this week I have been sick. I was told by my primary care doctor, at my last physical, that I should have my teeth pulled, as they were becoming an issue. guess I ignored it for too long. in spite of what my admiral suggested, I opted to go to our primary care doctor....I thought there might be more to it than that. I was right. the short of it........quitting smoking is in my cards......it's gonna have to be it's always good to get ahead, but the hull is no where near ready to start accepting ideas just yet. I looked into the Aberdeen Maritime Museum....they do have a couple of interpretations of the vessel, but neither one helps me out much.....the search continues.
  6. thanks for the input gents .......I thought about doing that. on the Cyril Hume model, there is only one rigged to the port side davits. the starboard side has a boarding ladder. I'm thinking of not doing the ladder and have another boat there instead. the other problem is that these are not clinker planked. John mentioned doing some looking into this for me........looking at the Cyril Hume model, it's hard to tell. thanks for the suggestions......if I use them, I will most likely do that, and hide the nonconformity I made a good choice in the size of the little buggers......can't see them going towards a larger model
  7. thanks for the kind comments and the likes..........looks like I need to look some more.. thanks John......I'll use your description as a guideline.
  8. thanks for the kind comments and the likes.........I wish I had gotten more done on them. when they are assembled, they'll be painted a flat gray.....then I can work on fitting the nets. I really need to get some new ink jets for my printer.....still gotta make decals thanks again for look'in in.....hope to have more soon
  9. some good news today.......I got the life boats from Cornwall model boats. they say that they are 50 mm.......but they don't look too bad on the Thermopylae. I got four of them........two to go on the boat rack I need to make, I figure I'll have the other two hanging off the davits. aren't they darling...........
  10. hi all progress this week has been spotty at best. none the less, I have been able to visit the table for short periods of time. I was able to paint the lenses for the mast lights...inside surface. you may see a tinge of color.....the two perched side to side are done in yellow, and the one straight forward is in white. the other two pairs of eye bolts were drilled and cemented in place on the net rigs. that finishes them up, so the next step will be to rig them with chain, I couldn't remember how I set up the net rig rack.......perhaps I should have looked back into mu own log it seemed like the rig was too low......but I think I held it in place in another way. the chain is attached to the eye bolts with 4 mm metal rings......I bought these at Hobby Lobby. they are really small.......can't tell you how many I've lost so far......either launched from the pliers, or catapulted by a slip of the chain. the center was found and the center support chain was put in place. eye bolts will be along the bar to attach them. another pair of chains divided the two sides....these will be attached as well. I have around 17 beads to make the buoy string. I have a bad feeling that this will not be enough. I began to paint them. while we were out the other day, we stopped in at Hobby Lobby. I needed more small drills, since the last one I had broke last week. I couldn't believe that they didn't carry drill assortments....I ended up getting another pin vise which had a small index of five drills in it. I'll have to look online I guess. I also found these.....they are the same as I am using, just without all the different sizes {I bought a multi pack last time}. I also got the outer chain on the other net rig....it's waiting it's turn on the rack. should I get any more done today.....I will post it. I have to go out again
  11. what kit did you buy? it sounds like your already hatching out the plans for a scratch build. looking forward in seeing the first cloud of sawdust. it will be nice to see another clipper being built
  12. now that I've read the rest of your progress, I can repeat what I said earlier...........very nice work yea.....it's a bit of a coin toss, whether or not to remove the material in the hold openings. depending on the size and scale of the grating, it can be a bummer looking into the grating later on, and seeing the bottom in the mesh. skylights are even more critical....glass panes are larger. even though the area may be painted with matte black, the sheen from a bit of tell-tale glue, can quickly kill an effect. this is one of the cases, where there is no right or wrong...... I notice you removed some material from the false keel in the next two openings. are they to have gratings too? if they are openings for stairways, would adding a couple of planked panels, to simulate a lower deck, be a good idea? the last opening did not get the baboon treatment.......is that to be a solid covered hold?
  13. my camera takes pictures 2048 x 1536.......they can be anywhere from 900kb to 1.2 megs. I just size them down by 30 % and that works good for me. I've also read some folks were able to put up to eight pictures per post, but I have been able to post more than 13, with text in between. I don't use hosting sites......never had good luck with them. I keep 'em all on memory stick I use the more reply option and add them to the post {lower left hand} off to a good start with your lady......I've never really used the balsa block method, but it is a good one. I did read though that you found faring the frame a bit odd. even using the block method, your doing it faring the frame will give the planking a good solid foundation to lay on. it also gives a smooth even transition from bulkhead to bulkhead and contours the hull. without it, a plank will lay on the sharp edges of the bulkheads and will develop a chunky look. that's some nice looking wood.....I've not heard of it before. it should look very good in contrast to a freshly planked hull it appears that I've not read all of the progress you've made.
  14. hey Bug......glad to see your back in the shipyard sorry to hear you got off to a bad start.........looks like everything sanded up Ok. hope to see you back right regular........any progress is good progress looks good ! where did you get the P.E. sheet?
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