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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. now here's a wood I've hardly heard being used for hull planking.......sounds wicked cool! I wonder how well it will take stain. from where your deriving these planks from though, the wood might already be sealed. I don't want to sound like I'm critiquing or anything, but the transom counter tends to curve more on the starboard side. is there supposed to be a curvature there? since your going to redo the stern, you could trim it straight across and do a gradual curve down to the lower fascia. super job on the MF#1......can't wait to see the second planking on the MF#2
  2. been out of the loop for a bit.........sad to have heard that you were having trouble with the gun ports, but I see you have that well in hand now! she's looking really good.......time well spent, in my view! very nicely done
  3. sorry Nils........Webster's has run out of superlative descriptions for the detailed work your doing. I guess I'll just have to use one of my more popular stand-bys..........FANTASTIC!!!
  4. very nice thought........I guess this could be classified as micro detailing with all the fine bits you've put into her......it would be a shame to stop now fantastic work!
  5. Hee....Hee.....Hee........you devil! what a great way to procure the hull parts! .....and I thought tracing the hull parts from the existing parts panels was devious! :D no....really!.....with all the discrepancies in some of these kits, it's a great way to bypass all the little pratfalls, and proto type your own. this will be a great way to show Alex the research and techniques that goes into scratch building. the best part is that you won't have to wait for the parts to come in.....this alone might be enough to dampen the interest. I know where your coming from.......my oldest was adopted at the age of two {from a previous marriage}......love'em like my own...always will! I hope you two bond well with this build......I'll be watching I have the parts panels for the Gothenborg and the Half Moon.......like to see if either one of these hulls can be modified for pirate duty......looking forward in seeing how your build shapes up. FOOTNOTE: apparently I failed to read the second page..........I hope you reconsider and continue with this build.....I think it would be fun to do!
  6. looking very nice Sjors.........told you that when you got back, you'd go bonkers! :D you'll settle back in though.....it's all good! welcome back!
  7. hey there Den........making some great progress, I see! I'm in the same boat......I make my own sails. I'll have to look at calico......to find the material I was looking for, I turned a Hobby Lobby upside down......the lady that helped me was a god-send! it's hard to find material that is scale friendly and non transparent very nice work!
  8. your build is looking great Matti! first steps and shrouds are very nicely done........I really like a few of those pictures! they show the extra work you've put into her.....I quite agree, this is the best representation of a kit, that I've ever seen brass really isn't a big problem......I would think there is a product out there, that would remove the finish, but retain the overall character of the part. prepping the surface, in order to get the paint to stick seems to be the stumbling block here. I do recall that there is a product, used in the process of photo etch, that may be a solution to this problem. most of your ornamentation is carved......one sure-fire way to negate this problem really adds to your build as well.....very nice work!
  9. glad to hear you had a good time and made it back safely. the aft end looks great.....very nice picture. will look forward in seeing more of the armament!
  10. sounds like a small trade off I don't have the power tools you have.....what I do use is in the garage. what I do at my table, the admiral makes sure I tidy up. I was envious of your last set up.......I'm sure this one will make me drool!
  11. happy belated birthday Mark.......no boom booms in my camp......there was enough going on all around us, to scare the crap out of the dog! poor Gibbs.......I had him in the living room with me with the TV turned up.....thank goodness there was a walking dead marathon going on. been out of the loop.....but chomp'in at the bit to get back to the table. sad to hear that your having issues as well.......but you'll get the job done...I have no doubt! very nice work so far!
  12. I rather like the different hues in planking Dave....it seems logical that no two planks will age the same way. I've seen that method of calking......in fact, in the Billing's kit of the Regina, they supply thin strip mahogany to lay in between the planking. I did it.....and I liked it quite a bit. sanded with a couple coats of lacquer, it looks very nice very nice build you have going......got some sweet looking detail
  13. been out of the loop for a bit..........quite amazed at what I've caught up to see! this ship is simply amazing.....there is so much packed into her! very.....very well done Nils!
  14. been out of the loop for a bit.......my, she sure has gone places! loved the sight of her in your living room.......loved the sight of her on the beach. as for her display when finished.....I have an idea for you. it is a bit of work.....but it will lead to a great conversation piece. you could cut out a large display area out of a wall {much like installing a bay window}. paper the wall in a beautiful nautical mural with recessed lighting in the ceiling, and then wall it off with a sliding glass door. sounds like a huge endeavor...and crazy to boot....but she's a beauty Michael, and well worth the effort! other than resorting to building an addition on your home......the next best thing would be a museum.......all this is worthy of your talent dark or light.......it will be a treat to see her in color! I wish I had the experience to build something that big!
  15. very nice work on the stairs and hold cover.....nicely done I like to make little props for the deck as well......depth and detail don't lament on time spent.......you do what you can. most important is that your taking care of yourself and getting better.......glad to see that!
  16. you could also let the rigging do that for you......especially if the warpage wasn't too much. fore stay vs back stay.........the push me - pull you effect I hope this doesn't put a weak point in your mast.
  17. you got me........your quicker on the post than I was! :D slide a thin piece of wood through the gaps......might do the trick
  18. if you can drill a hole for a small piece of dowel, you can accomplish the same thing, as Nenad shows
  19. thanks Dragzz and Matti........this past week has been hard to get anything done! I'm seeing light at the end of the tunnel though, and I should be back at the table.
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