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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. Piet.......all I can say is....WOW! you really put some mileage on that launcher! it looks so awesome! I liked the idea of your home made plywood.....neat idea if you only need a little....why spring for a whole sheet simply super workmanship Piet.....it was shear joy to catch up! I'm looking forward to try something with metal {when the need arises}......I'm taking lessons from you!
  2. the admiral saw the picture and asked why there were sticks in the brats........I said....can you think of a better way to eat them of course, for me....I'd like mine nestled in a bun with grilled onions, green pepper, and mushrooms........hee.....hee! that's the way Nenad......never think on an empty stomach!
  3. plans can sometimes be confusing as to where a line originates and where it terminates. most of them are mainly the simplified rigging schematics. I've also found a few sites online that show some really neat stuff.
  4. very nice planking Dave....you really hit onto something with the bamboo. I like that close-up shot....has some very defined wood grain. does the mayflower waterline go all the way to the wales? my Half Moon is a similar ship...I have mine too low. when I get back to her, I will have to adjust it. I also had a bit of problem with the paint creeping under the tape. what a bother! gonna look really sweet with the rest of the hull finished out
  5. super shots of the overall ship Nils........your setting your self up for some mighty fine rigging
  6. thanks Kees! glad you like the log......I started out doing trawlers and fishing boats. hopefully, I can get back to the table and continue. hope you continue to follow along I think you are well under way Nenad! feel free to try any ideas I may come up with......but with the way your gathering steam, I might be looking for some from you! thank you for the good word!
  7. masts are looking very good.....getting caught up was enjoyable for me......very nice progress!
  8. yepper! no doubt about it........I REALLY need to rethink how I do my masts! beautiful work Doris.....each piece, so nicely done. truly wonderful work of art!
  9. very nice work on the improvement J! really like the way you did them........look really sweet!
  10. a grating or platform would be a good idea......be sure to leave it removable. you could even do a sort of companionway structure.....you won't feel the need to enlarge the hole.
  11. I took the liberty of looking up your lathe......here is what I found. it has the contact address and everything! http://www.lathes.co.uk/unimat/
  12. Sjors.......you started it......that's a commendation all in itself! I've never coppered before, but I've seen them done both ways, and I think they look super! to augment what Augie said, if you chose to overlap them, you probably would have had to flatten one side edge row, and one end row of rivets, so they would sit flush on one another. to do that to over 1,000 rivets, would be a painstaking job indeed! your off to a good start......keep'em straight, and trim where you need.........you'll finish off with a good job indeed! sorry....couldn't resist if I had pom poms, I'd jump up and down and wave them for you! {nawww....I'd just scare the little kids!}
  13. nice job on the planking.....very well done! shame that you've run into a snag like that......I hardly ever had a problem at all, dealing with Billing....now that the Wisconsin site {USA} is gone....I lost a good friend! you could also try here.....it's in the US. http://www.agesofsail.com/ecommerce/ Roger bought the business.....Billing USA is still up and running
  14. it figures that a kit would throw you a curve ball like that. I've had the same thing happen to me....some I left, some I didn't. such a nice job on the decking and structures.....looks really sweet!
  15. nice job in the prep of the hull Sjors.......gonna be a huge task......no doubt about it! looking forward to the start of the copper work!
  16. I think someone else posted the pictures.....you might need to take a look-see, if they're still around I didn't know you started this build Wayne.......I look at so many, I don't know how I missed it! the hull framing looks great.....you probably don't need to worry about that flat spot you mentioned. it will be covered by the deck. as long as it doesn't translate to the outside of the frame, and you can plank it with no problem......it should be OK. you've got a fantastic start going on here......I'll be watching
  17. this is a feature...so far, only found in plastic kits. I used to enjoy buying these kits that had variants included. I used to save all the spare parts and decals......heaven help the model that I became discontented with I don't think we'll see that happening in wood kits, much beyond flag sheets though....I would think that would influence the cost effectiveness. wood, photo etch, brass and wood fittings are counted and monitored to suit the kit subject {although, photo etch might also be an exception}.
  18. being terminology challenged Nils.......you might be right.....club rack would be a good description. I'm pretty sure, that in the heat of battle, capstan bars could very well, have been used as weapons there are probably debates out there, as to how they were stowed.......either binned or racked horizontally along the bulwarks. I think vertically racked looks just as good too makes them quite handy.
  19. you gotta be careful Bob.......while mock-ups like these are a big help.......they can accidentally turn into models themselves :D I hope you made two of everything.....it looks superb!
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