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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. that's a pretty neat idea about the blades.......most razor blades are thinner than most x-actor blades. I use the same razor blades you've shown......although the double edged razor blades are even thinner than that. the big plus with the double edge, is that, cut in half.....you get two blades for the price of one!
  2. such a beautiful build Piet! to see her overall is a treat for the eyes .....and yes, I was talking about the sub. you mentioned that the rigging and the dingy is all that's left......so there's no more secrets up your sleeve I would be awestruck to see that there is more that can be added.......I'm sure there's a bobble here and there, but for all of the aspects you've put into her, you've covered all the bases quite well! the mines and the tubes were one thing......but the addition of the launcher and doors, is a prime example of what a scratch builder goes through in adding an aspect into an existing build. very well executed and done....good sir! the effort you've put into this build is awesome....a shining example of your modeling abilities. I should never ask {although I sometimes do} a modeler what his next build will be......I should know better than anyone, that quite frankly, he hasn't had the time to think of it yet that's quite a 'to do' list you got there! well met!
  3. good on you! yea.....having a false deck can be quite a plus......especially when it comes to staggering planks. the every other one.......every other two, is Ok........but if you wanted to go any more than that, it's almost impossible. now you can do any method you want! your even going to be able to pre map the deck layout......only for a short time though.....once you plank, it's all gone! the only build I didn't have a deck platform for was the Susan A. I ended up making some goofs on the planking, and the only aspects that were mapped out, were the cabins. I also had to frame for the margins and the aft deck. it just makes the deck work easier
  4. looks super Adam........I'm not a blackening sort of fella, but you done a sweet job of it! gonna look nice on the build
  5. so....you made the false deck platform? came out great! planked over.....butted up to the inner bulwarks, is gonna look super! are the inner bulwarks planked as well? if they are, that will be just icing on the cake!
  6. I know what you mean........I'm on my second month of no work at the Wharf. had too much B.S. going on around here to concentrate. I've even resorted to building a plastic car model to jump start myself. I've had this idea in my head though......perhaps I should give in......maybe that's what is mess'in me up {I was like this when I did the Gundalow} to drift from the plans isn't a bad thing.....especially if you see something that doesn't look right, and research tells you so. dry fitting is quite useful, once the basic shell of what your working on is already there. I like your way of doing the beakhead......on the Half Moon, I did it the other way around. your still on the right track......as with all builds and kits.......have fun with it
  7. considering how much of the hull you have coppered, have you considered finding a product that will dull out the shine. perhaps lightly going over it with steel wool? I know you'd need to be careful not to pull any of them up, but it may be effective. ......the use of diluted washes and greenish patina?
  8. nice work on the torpedoes Piet........the launcher looks great fully loaded the doors are coming along nicely as well......scratch building can be quite the task master coming up and creating the basic concept is is fun......but I think the real fun, is in thinking of other aspects to add to the build. do you have any other ideas in mind?
  9. that's almost as crazy, as when I did the decals for the Half Moon! I wish the decals were a bit darker {more visible to see}, but I still haven't gotten the update for the program. you did a great job though.....the redo looks even better! I've never tried it that way....... I guess the advantages to making decals, is I'm not squinting through a magnifier......but I am 'one eyed' looking at the computer screen :D hope your not building that ship in your backyard........your liable to have a Bill Cosby moment
  10. so now your rigging...........makes me feel like a wallflower...... nice progress in getting ready for the rigging........are your masts mounted on the ship yet? it'll make it easier, to put some of the more 'obvious' blocks on before they are cemented in place. looking good though.........good to see your going onward and upward!
  11. she's looking great Sjors........are you doing both sides or one at a time? I told you, you'd get the hang of it by the time your finished......you'll have 'copper hanger' to add to your list!
  12. I see you have those two guys on your shoulder as well....hindsight and oversight. it's like a card game really.......hindsight tried to trump oversight, with the woulda....coulda.....shoulda......but just keep on play'in the 'fact of the matter' card.......that'll keep'em in check! instructions are merely that....a guide. I'd say that there are many of us that have a certain flare, in the way we approach a step.....I myself, have to build it on the ship, so I can see how it's going to look on the model...either that, or I'd end up doing an um-teen number of dry fits you picked up where you left off quite well......both the beakhead and the aft deck came our very nice! matching the stain work can be the hardest part......nicely done.....sweet! wonderful progress, hope to see more of your fine work!
  13. you got it! it would be surprising, with the way prosthetics have come along, that they won't be able to come up with something for her. wishing for a quick recovery......is she home now?
  14. hello Kees.......you have one fantastic build right here! I am awestruck with your talent and ability. is this all styrene, or is it a mix of styrene and card? you've done some really nice metal work as well. your weathering is superb as well....I know of both techniques, but I don't do them {I'm terrible at it } I'm one of those clean freaks.......I try to weather something.....the next day I don't like it and fix it I also noticed the boat in the back......is there a story to that one? oh....the chain.....I don't think you need to worry about that too much. to me, it may be a little out of scale, but when you have the deck fitted out, it will blend right in it's only a couple small pieces. super build......I'll be watching!
  15. I'm still here good buddy......have a bunch of crap going on at the moment. smoke's beginning to clear now, so I should be back at the table. I barely have time to look in, so when I do...I have to play major catch up. thinking about your plywood.......I did do something like it, but I just made a frame and faced both sides. hollow.........can't seem to remember what I did it for. yours look good though......it will be a treat to see them hung did all my yard work today......next to rotate the tires on the Isuzu
  16. judging from all the nooks and crannies......I think it would be a trial to stain. then again, I know better than tell a modeler something is impossible it might be better to lay on some clear coat and let the wood grain pop! very nicely done.....she's a beauty
  17. thank you Doris......coming from such an accomplished modeler I can only hope to come close to your talent! thanks for the good word.
  18. good to hear the news as well.....will she be in a wheel chair? take care and make her comfy.....time for the build later
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