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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. a lot of my work has been done using a decal maker. one visible draw back to it has been a transparency issue, but there is an update for it that is supposed to cure this problem. another aspect that I've seen, is in sizing down a particular decal.......some details disappear. even with photo shop, some of the minute details will get lost.....but it won't prevent you from making a very nice copy I had made up a few copies of the decals {minus the waterline markers}.......but I sent them off to another fellow a while ago. he was doing the Revell kit - 1:96 {this is what made me buy the decal program in the first place there are other sites on the web where the roman numerals can be found.....Dr. Dafi has some in photo etch, that may be of interest to you. the decals are pictures that I scanned and imported into the decal maker. then they are sized to the actual size of the decal sheet. as all knows....ink jet printers cannot print white, but with a little experimentation, some success can be achieved. another thing that can't be done totally, is metallic colors......gold looks like gold, but doesn't have the shimmer. if you look at my Cutty build.....you can see this........they were made from the decal maker.
  2. your mention of this new endeavor brought me to give a look see........stunning contents! I'm sure you'll have a really nice time with this build.....you've acquired many techniques to do so. I did notice that on the flag sheet, the word Mordaunt......there is a ship by this name. could this kit be built to be either one of these ships? if so.....this will be the first kit that I've seen that can be built into more than one ship. of course, any kit can be done in this fashion, if the ship in mind has the same hull construction. as I've found, with slight modifications, it can be done......fitting her out can easily be done with a little research. in seeing what you have done with the S.O.S., and her upcoming conclusion, I'll look forward to your start of this fine ship no doubt, another fantastic build
  3. the additional height to the bulwark is a good fix Bob.......once sanded and painted, it will never be seen. don't be kicking yourself too much.....you've put detail in that I've never seen in any build of this fine ship. definitely shows the 'labor of love' and effort.....you are very much commended for it! to see how the hull is shaping up, makes one wonder what surprises are in store by the time you get to the masting keep up the good work !
  4. looking good Ron......yea, deck structures are my favorite as well well done!
  5. looking super Denis looks like your on the home stretch......mizzen rigging and your finished. very beautiful ship my friend
  6. I hear you on that......but this summer time hiatus is beginning to drive me nutz! it slows me down though, so it keeps my speed issue in check it will be interesting to watch you rig these ships....in different scales, it will be something to see if you can do the same amount of rigging. I'll look forward in seeing your results with the hull planking
  7. hello Hjalmar......welcome to the Halve Maen fan club! super work your doing thus far....looking forward in seeing more progress on your fine build! your new.......welcome! not a problem jumping right into a build.........hit the ground runn'in!
  8. to think of the things I used to do........one time, I wore an apron, and clamped the end of it to the table, so it would hang and catch anything that I dropped. the sad thing was that if they flew left or right, try bending down to look for them :D needless to say......I abandoned that idea in a big hurry! looks great Piet....... too bad we couldn't do our work in a bubble........no matter where the part flies......it will always end up on the bottom!
  9. for all the head banging Nenad, your doing a great job! I take solace in the fact, that so far, the only coppering I've had to do, has been painting detailed plastic so.......did you take hothead to work?
  10. ohhhh my........two thumbs up and a happy dance to boot! transom looks great dave......glad to see that the bamboo isn't sealed to the point that it won't take stain. the wood grain is really sweet as well! the striated grain in the wood really makes it pop. it'll be an eye pleaser to see the hull completely planked!
  11. planking looks very nice Larry I like scale planking as well....better control, and the butt joints gives the deck more detail. pre staining can be good, you know........sanded after the deck is laid, will tend to appear bleached, with grain definition. a light staining later will even it back up if you desire. keep up the good work
  12. that is actually a drafting table...it a nice height, since I stand to do most of my modeling. I've tried to use pieces of pine board that I have lying around. but, in the heat of development, I cut without thinking of pulling one of them out it has a formica top......if it gets too bad, I'll just get a piece and re-laminate it. thanks for looking in
  13. Michael....the trailer looks great! the Bristol is looking great.....love that picture of the deck!
  14. stagger the butts every three huh........you have quite a few bulkheads there, so dividing those increments in half will not matter I usually find though, that I need to, if I try to go more than two rows. I like the wood......deck's gonna look super
  15. nice job on setting the Mizzen up. I think it's rather neat how you've done all this before they are cemented in. I know that some install the masts without cement......free floating. but I would think it would depend on the mast rootings or if rake has to be preset. I might try this with the Half Moon......but unsure how it will work out....I'll need to jig them for rake. great work Denis!
  16. the repair looks very good.......hardly notice it at all! isn't it cool when you can do a major reno, with minimum effort
  17. to envision with your mind, and create with your hands..........how close you can come is a modeler's dream! I'd say you have that lesson learned very well
  18. there I go.......commenting on one page, without viewing them all.......I hate having to play catch up! congratz on the water test.....she looks great in the water! ah.....hem....I mean the Bristol have you given her a name yet?.....naming her after the admiral will give you some serious brownie points I can just imagine the smile on your face, when you finally saw her in the water.......I can't even get my admiral close to a pool! :D
  19. so true on the tip for the masking tape......the paint won't leave an obvious line {ridge}. not to mention the chips that will come with the tape, should you wait too long very nice paint work Michael....you had a hard choice to make {I liked the green}......she looks real sweet in the colors you've chosen! can't wait to see all the bobbles and bling on her.....we will see her total splendor!
  20. launcher looks good so far.........with the surgeries you've had to do in the early stages, this will be nothing more, than a nip and tuck ....I'm with Remco on this
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