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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. you've come a long way............now your getting the look you desire........happy days!
  2. well, in any case.........while it may be too late to use your new toys on your present build......your next one will look all the better for it!
  3. I have no idea Popjack........but I think you just gave me a new term for the sags under my eyes :D
  4. now THAT........looks real sweet! at least your kit supplied the stars very well done.
  5. looking great Wayne........looks to me like there are enough frame there {ribs} to do a fairly decent butt shift pattern. do you intend to plank around the deck line before you plank the deck? pieces could be used around the inner edge for the ones that won't fall on a rib frame. that's a call you'll have to make when you get there looks really sweet! your painter is really good!..........extra rations for that man!
  6. every one has a system........I have a 'tube system' myself. I saved a bunch of postal tubes {large} and cut them slightly shorter than the strip lengths. drilled some holes with my hole saw and cemented the tubes into them. then I have some smaller ones, shorter for the stock I've already cut. work well......and I can even label the main tubes planking looks very nice........you'll have 'er looking spiffy in no time!
  7. wonderful update Daniel.......great idea on rigging! makes my technique look like a monkey doing the 'mad passionate' to a football!
  8. very nice bit of progress looks super. I fully rigged my first United States.......per the instructions, there were more than enough pins to go around.
  9. thanks to everyone and those that pushed the like button. today was no different......I had helped my son out in buying his first car.....used, but I saw great potential in it. we took off this morning and got it registered, so he could bring it home. once it got here, I began going through it, already found and fixed an electrical problem. had to do some junk yard hopping to find the part....it would have been expensive at the dealer. I've got more to check out before he tried to get it inspected......I really don't think it's going to need much else, besides a couple of tires someone mentioned this to me Evan....where I've made up wood deck platforms, I don't think they would be a good fit for them. the specs I used would make them a bit off. I've seen the work you did with your decks. after seeing them, I almost changed my mind.....but hey, I went this far.....so I may as well get totally wet! thanks for the thought and the good word.
  10. so many holes.....so little time your gett'in quite a few feathers in that cap of yours.....at this rate, you'll have an Indian headdress
  11. this lull is killing me! the last couple of weeks have been busy......I haven't had the time to spend at the table the time that I did find though, I put to good use. the main objective here is to get the decks planked. some prep work was needed before this can happen. first, the wood aspects on the decks needed to be painted. the gun deck got a coat of French Chestnut brown. for the spar deck, the opening needed to have the beams installed. to get the sense that the beams ran under the deck, the thickness was divided in two halves, and cemented together. the beginnings of the mast pots were done under the gun deck. when the masts are inserted into the decks, they will be able to sit in these boxes, without all that extra dowel running all the way to the keel. then the spar deck was painted like the gun deck the planking is going to be a slow process. I'm beginning to think that I should have gone with a 2 mm wide planking......the .5 mm here and there in relation to the deck moldings, requires me to trim the planking to fit. I was looking at the plank detail on the plastic parts, and I see that the planking is in many different lengths, as well as staggered every three rows. there is a wider king plank in the center, so I went with a 5 mm plank to do it. here is what I have so far. I gotta say........you folks out there with the wood deck upgrades for your battleships...are very lucky people I know of a fellow that planked his the same way I am, and he swore that he would never do it again! I also ran into a problem with the archive pen that I'm using for the calking.....it was running out of ink. I had bought a bottle of India Ink to stain some thread. I pulled the cap off the end of the pen and added four drops.......it's like a brand new pen I hope to have an update soon. thanks for looking in
  12. I believe they still do......there are a few discrepancies with it though. the number of galley / stern windows and the aft stairs are the two most prevalent ones. I was looking at the log last night.....I'm missing more pictures that I originally thought......I need to go through the whole log it is a nice kit though, and to bash it is very easy to do.
  13. thanks Matti.....yea, I know I should get back to her. I started to, but I got off on the wrong foot...so I undid what I did. now to start over. I've got many pictures of her and bookmarked a slew of sites. too bad that there aren't too many builds of her going on. I was looking at the corel version of the ship....I like the billing's version better. you've brought her very close to the original....kudos!
  14. thanks Tom......yea.....still too soon yet. to be honest, I haven't looked into it to much degree, but the hull configuration is there.......blowtorch....a little mod....but I think it will work! I'll be sure to let you know what happens
  15. you do make this look easy.......but I know it's not your giving me such an itch to try this stuff out simply wonderful work!
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