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Everything posted by mtaylor

  1. Jim, Looking great and I like the way you made the fairlead. As for the photos... upload them. Then move the cursor to where you want the photo. After that, go down to the photo you wish to "paste" and move the mouse down near the bottom of the image. Two "buttons" should show up. On one side is "delete" and on the other is "add". Hit the add. Then scroll down to the next place for a photo and repeat. I hope this helps.
  2. You have some great woods available then it would seem. As for specifics, well that, as they say, depends. It depends on how you want the model to look. Not so simple answer, I know. I'd suggest looking through the scratch area and see what "looks" are appealing to you. The Russians have theirs as do the French and you'll see the differences. Everyone else, it's pretty much what the builder likes.
  3. I wonder if Chris is ok. We haven't heard from him a while.
  4. I think the hatches just slid fore or aft. There's photos showing hatches in sections and opened they ended up on top of each other. Lifting one off would be impractical in my view as time in the dock is money not being made.
  5. Very impressive work there. Hmm.. scratch that. Incredible work there.
  6. Thanks for looking in and the likes. Been awhile since I've not been in the shipyard but moving the shipyard. Anyway, move is done, only thing left is the laser cutter to re-calibrate and find all my spacers for setting the focal length of the lens. Going to be a busy rest of the week and then hopefully shop time this weekend or maybe early next week. Thanks for that reference Patrick. I have that book also. However, at the time of Licorne's capture, she had been rebuilt and no longer looked like she did originally, which was much like La Renommee. At the time of capture she was very similar to Belle Poule in style of the sterm. quarter galleries and bow but with differences. One of the differences is that Licorne, as captured, had the Arms of France. In many ways, her carvings were more like Le Venus (even her masting sizes were comparable).
  7. I'm totally in agreement with Jan and Popeye. Looks good. Don't be too harsh on yourself as we are own worst critics.
  8. Congratulations on this stunning model. Beautiful work, just beautiful.
  9. Hi Jake, Welcome to MSW. There's some pinned posts at the top of this forum: https://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/forum/10-build-logs-for-ship-model-kits/ Also here https://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/forum/3-new-member-introductions/ There's kit reviews here: https://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/forum/72-reviews/ Your best bet is look around and there's more here in the database: http://modelshipworldforum.com/ship-modeling-articles-and-downloads.php. If you have questions, do ask as there's no such thing as a dumb question.
  10. Welcome to MSW, Sort out which ship you want to build and then look around MSW for either the ship you select or one similar. There's some excellent kits available and also scratch building your own. MSW is a great resource for help and sharing your experience with others.
  11. Hello Victor, You might try posting some questions here: https://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/forum/13-ships-plans-and-project-research-general-research-on-specific-vessels-and-ship-types/ We have a lot of knowledgeable people here that might be able to help either with some answers or point you to places that might have the knowledge. As for the physics part, pretty much all sailing ships of that era were using the same physics. The differences will be the design philosophy of the designer. Many of the Spanish ships were influenced by the French designers as I recall so that might open another avenue for research.
  12. That's not a bad thing, IMO, Marc. I'd rather see "over documented" than bare bones, here's what I did with one picture as it really does help others in unexpected ways.
  13. John, Here would probably be the best place to continue..https://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/forum/5-nauticalnaval-history/
  14. That's excellent news to hear that all have arrived safe and sound, Ken. Enjoy your stay and the invisible air compared to what's out here currently.
  15. What Druxey says. I've made two, one large for house projects and one for ships. Not that hard to do, just a bit finicky getting things squared up.
  16. The outhauls look good, Jacek. The left gun needs the coils though. Now I'm not sure about the breeching ropes though as they need to be wrapped once around the breech knob and secured to the bulkhead as you have done. Here's a pic..
  17. Check that the fence isn't warped and also the deck on the saw itself. Also, when setting the fence, press down slightly while tightening it into place. It sounds like you have an air gap between the fence and the deck.
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