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Everything posted by mtaylor

  1. Whitewash would have been appropriate. Gundecks were dark enough without painting them red or leaving them unfinished. I think the phrase: "if it doesn't move, paint it" came from this era.
  2. Olphart, Good catch on the jig. I use a method similar to the others. I tape the assembly drawing down to a 1/4" piece of glass, Build the frame and then lay another piece of 1/4" glass on top. The glass lets me view that everything is lining up and also provides pressure to ensure a good glue joint.
  3. Larry, looks super. I like that color of the finish. However, Grant is right about the knee placement.
  4. Hi Frank, I'm just now getting caught up... the furled sail just looks perfect. I can't wait to see more.
  5. Nice work. I think I missed the previous log. I take it you have fully opened the gundeck? I ask since I thought the MS version used dummy guns and gunports near the stern area.
  6. Sorry... "Stairway to Heaven" was Led Zepplin. I actually like the dinghy.
  7. Adrieke, I'm finally catching your lovely build. Sorry to hear about your father, but happy to hear he's doing better. I do hope you and your wife get to visit him. From experience in our families, it will be a trip you won't regret.
  8. Drazen, Do what you need to do. We'll be here. I can understand about a zillion parts all over the place. As for the "disaster", I think the lesson was learned.
  9. To separate a joint: For PVA - use ispropyl alcohol. Some soak the joint, some others soak the joint and then wrap it with a bit of paper towel soaked with alcohol. For CA - Be cautious with this one. Soak the joint with acetone. Actetone is toxic. For both methods, no open flames and good ventilation is required. For PVA, heat also will sometimes work. Not an open flame!!!!
  10. Andy, Try fitting while wet to bend but then let it dry completely, not even damp. You'll find you get no shrinkage. Even damp, the wood will shrink a bit.
  11. It actually will do both.
  12. Sjors, The wire looks great on the head timbers. Just the right amount of gilding.
  13. Bob, I thnk you're right about the slide tackle. I didn't realize it was a howitzer. My bad. As for the tackles you added, they seem appropriate to be used for training and also securing the gun. I did some research into these early on during my Constellaton as they were used in the ship's boats and by Marine landing parties and then promptly mentally spaced the info..
  14. For an interesting read on one such model, Seawatch books Legacy of a Ship Model - Examining HMS Princess Royal 1773 provides a lot of insight into how these were made.
  15. Robbyn, OcCre was started by a group of former AL people. Long story short: The owner of AL decided to move many operations to SE Asia. Anyway, I've heard that OcCre are step up. You might look in the gallery to see what's been finished and PM the builder for their opinions. Footnote: I see several OcCre Montanes, an Albatross, a Santisima Trinidad and others. All together 8 builds. You have search for OcCre.
  16. Nicely presented Michael. Thanks. I take it you move and re-calibrate the fence for each additional slice?.
  17. Marius, Go here: http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/forum/52-hms-triton-28-gun-frigate/ and then go into the downloads area for the plans.
  18. Brian, On the spar, fore, quarter decks, they were probably stored on the bulwarks. On a gundeck, from pictures and paintings I've seen, they were stored on overhead beams. There were hooks for their storage. As for being on a model, most kits don't have the beams. Most scratch types, it's tough to add them. I think they're seldom shown as seeing them is almost impossible. On the other hand, some modelers have put these items around some cannon to indicate the cannon is in use.
  19. Drazen, It is your choice. Do as much or as little in way of catch up as you want. Some people are doing a full restore and others are just doing a quick summary or review.
  20. Rusty, Seeing this again is just amazing. I'm with Augie.. I'm going to Toys-R-Us and look for either an erector set or Legos. Super nice work.
  21. A very nice planking tutorial, Ron. Reading the docs are one thing, seeing done is another. And excellent treenailing.
  22. Caroline, Not only a beautiful build, but it has working gun port lids, too!?! Wow.. I'm thinking it's time you start thinking about the "darkside"...
  23. Nice work on the wheels, Wim. Seems we spend almost as much time doing touch up as we do building, doesn't it?
  24. Pete, Try a mix of water and white glue at 50-50. Test it. You might have to go down on the glue. If use this, form the sail and then let the cloth dry. It can add a nice billow. I've also seen hairspray, starch, and matte finish (diluted) polyeurtothane varnish used. Oh... and did I mention test... test.. test before putting anything on the sail?
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