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Hi Glenn,


               Beautiful work, after viewing your log you have convinced me that I need to try and build my idea of a showboat. It won't be historically correct (then again, none of my ships are) but it sure looks like fun.  ;)  


                 Should be finishing my current Paddle wheeler project soon , can't wait to get started on a stern wheeler.


     Thanks for the inspiration, Keith    :dancetl6:

Current build:


     A Battleship


Past builds:


   The Unicorn - The Lindworm - Malahini -  Shinobi Maru  -  The MaryJane - The Weeligstraal


















Great to see you resolved ll of your PC issues Glenn.  The progress and work is great; made my day :)





If at first you do not suceed, try, and then try again!
Current build: HMCSS Victoria (Scratch)

Next build: HMAS Vampire (3D printed resin, scratch 1:350)

Built:          Battle Station (Scratch) and HM Bark Endeavour 1768 (kit 1:64)


Thanks Patrick, albert, Keith and Pat,


Keith, I look forward to seeing the sternwheeler!




This week I was finally able to get around to the top of the paddle box.  It's starting to look like a sidewheeler.


I was able to cut all the pieces for the arches in about 2 hours with the mill.  I don't know how long it would have taken by hand.  I milled some of the segments double.  These will be used on the planked side.  It saves a little time and adds a little strength.




Trying to keep everything square.  The notches in the cross pieces are for a thin plank that will be used to support the ends of the lateral planking.



Port side.







Starboard side.









My Gallery


9 inch Dahlgren on Marsilly Carriage<p><p>


Heroine Shipwreck Diorama


Thanks Patrick, albert, Keith and Pat,


Keith, I look forward to seeing the sternwheeler!




This week I was finally able to get around to the top of the paddle box.  It's starting to look like a sidewheeler.


I was able to cut all the pieces for the arches in about 2 hours with the mill.  I don't know how long it would have taken by hand.  I milled some of the segments double.  These will be used on the planked side.  It saves a little time and adds a little strength.

attachicon.gifPaddle Box 01.JPG


attachicon.gifPaddle Box 02.JPG


Trying to keep everything square.  The notches in the cross pieces are for a thin plank that will be used to support the ends of the lateral planking.

attachicon.gifPaddle Box 03.JPG


Port side.

attachicon.gifPaddle Box 04.JPG


attachicon.gifPaddle Box 05.JPG


attachicon.gifPaddle Box 06.JPG


Starboard side.

attachicon.gifPaddle Box 07.JPG


attachicon.gifPaddle Box 08.JPG


attachicon.gifPaddle Box 09.JPG

Hi Glenn,


              She is beautiful !!!!    You should be proud, I noticed you also have a couple of Moi overseeing her construction.... ;)


               If I can construct mine with half the precision you are showing, I will feel I'm doing something.


Keep up the wonderful work,  Keith

Current build:


     A Battleship


Past builds:


   The Unicorn - The Lindworm - Malahini -  Shinobi Maru  -  The MaryJane - The Weeligstraal




















Magnificent ...


Looking at her two question come to mind:

1. What's the "indent" from fore to aft on the topoutside

2. Looking at the mounted wheel, I get the feeling it is rather small compared to the housing you build around it, why such a height




"Desperate affairs require desperate measures." Lord Nelson
Search and you might find a log ...



beautiful work Glenn,


its getting more and more shape now....



Current builds

-Lightship Elbe 1


- Steamship Ergenstrasse ex Laker Corsicana 1918- scale 1:87 scratchbuild

"Zeesboot"  heritage wooden fishing small craft around 1870, POB  clinker scratch build scale 1:24

Pilot Schooner # 5 ELBE  ex Wanderbird, scale 1:50 scratchbuild

Mississippi Sterwheelsteamer built as christmapresent for grandson modified kit build

Chebec "Eagle of Algier" 1753--scale 1:48-POB-(scratchbuild) 

"SS Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse" four stacker passenger liner of 1897, blue ribbond awarded, 1:144 (scratchbuild)
"HMS Pegasus" , 16 gun sloop, Swan-Class 1776-1777 scale 1:64 from Amati plan 

-"Pamir" 4-mast barque, P-liner, 1:96  (scratchbuild)

-"Gorch Fock 2" German Navy cadet training 3-mast barque, 1:95 (scratchbuild) 

"Heinrich Kayser" heritage Merchant Steamship, 1:96 (scratchbuild)  original was my grandfathers ship

-"Bohuslän" , heritage ,live Swedish museum passenger steamer (Billings kit), 1:50 

"Lorbas", river tug, steam driven for RC, fictive design (scratchbuild), scale appr. 1:32

under restoration / restoration finished 

"Hjejlen" steam paddlewheeler, 1861, Billings Boats rare old kit, scale 1:50


She's being built just like the full sized boat.  Beautiful.



Every build is a learning experience.


Current build:  SS_ Mariefred


Completed builds:  US Coast Guard Pequot   Friendship-sloop,  Schooner Lettie-G.-Howard,   Spray,   Grand-Banks-dory

                                                a gaff rigged yawl,  HOGA (YT-146),  Int'l Dragon Class II,   Two Edwardian Launches 


In the Gallery:   Catboat,   International-Dragon-Class,   Spray


All is well again.. we get our weekly fix.   Just superb.  


Carl beat me to this but I'm curious also.  Why were the arches and paddle box so much bigger than the wheel?  

"The shipwright is slow, but the wood is patient." - me

Current Build:                                                                                             
Past Builds:
 La Belle Poule 1765 - French Frigate from ANCRE plans - ON HOLD           Triton Cross-Section   

 NRG Hallf Hull Planking Kit                                                                            HMS Sphinx 1775 - Vanguard Models - 1:64               


Non-Ship Model:                                                                                         On hold, maybe forever:           

CH-53 Sikorsky - 1:48 - Revell - Completed                                                   Licorne - 1755 from Hahn Plans (Scratch) Version 2.0 (Abandoned)         




Thanks everybody,


I really appreciate the kind words and comments. I thank all of you for making me feel so welcome here in such good company!


I decided not to crop out my friends from Easter Island. A student in one of our conservation classes made them for me over 10 years ago. They've been watching over the room ever since.


Carl, the indent is for a thin plank that will support the outboard end of the lateral planking that will cover the arch. The cap that runs along the circumference of the boiler deck will continue over the arch. It is wide enough to cover the outboard timbers of the arch eliminating a surface for the planking to sit on. The thin plank just provides a shelf for the ends of the planking. Your second question is a good one. The arch does look odd and even unnecessary considering the size of the paddlewheels. In the past I've looked at representations of side wheelers and have always wondered why this arc is so pronounced as compared to the radius of the paddlewheels. We know the the diameter of the paddle wheel and the forward and aft extents of the paddle box. Some clearance was necessary above the boiler deck. I'm wondering if they just picked a radius that was aesthetically pleasing to bridge the ends of the box. When I get a chance to speak to Kevin I'll get his ideas on the question.




My Gallery


9 inch Dahlgren on Marsilly Carriage<p><p>


Heroine Shipwreck Diorama


Here's an idea on the paddlebox: is the extra space to allow for the possibility of debris caught in the wheel? Most western rivers had a lot of woody debris (branches, logs, etc) and I could see a moderate-sized branch getting caught up between two buckets and being lifted up into the paddlebox, where it could do some damage to either the surrounding shell or the wheel itself once it gets wedged in there. Maybe the extra radius reduces the likelihood of this?


Otherwise I'm quite interested to know what Kevin or other informed persons say.


My (limited) understanding is that, as the paddlewheel turns, it creates some pressure in the paddlebox. The large space provided inside the box would ameliorate this effect, as did the later fancy perforated boxes seen on side paddle steamers. Can someone confirm or correct me?

Be sure to sign up for an epic Nelson/Trafalgar project if you would like to see it made into a TV series  http://trafalgar.tv


I posted this question over in Steamboats and other Rivercraft, so we don't fill up Glenn's log with too much speculation, partly to absolve myself from starting the speculation in the first place.I figured it's a general enough topic that the discussion and answer might fit well over there.

  • 2 weeks later...

I've been busy laying out the internal structure on the boiler deck so I haven't had the opportunity to get many photos.  Just a few here to show progress.


The internal walls would have been planked and then the bulkheads added.  I'm putting the bulkheads in first and will then plank between them.  This will allow me to economize on wood by using shorter pieces.  It's amazing how much planking this model requires and I'm running out of the long lengths.





The arches over the paddle box are just about complete.  I still need to add the steps up over the arch and the exposed planking will be painted white on the starboard side.















My Gallery


9 inch Dahlgren on Marsilly Carriage<p><p>


Heroine Shipwreck Diorama


druxey, there's a reason the vast majority of western river boats were built on the upper Ohio River: vast tracts of Appalachian forests right on the boatyards' doorstep. Not to mention the coal mines that fed the metal-working industry of Pittsburgh.


Lovely work, Glenn. The longitudinal bunks are an interesting comparison to other boats.


Absolutely stunning - great work yet again Glenn.  That 'white' sets her off beautifully and the amount of detail shown compared to what you are leaving off is spot on; really gives a good impression of her inner and outer workings.





If at first you do not suceed, try, and then try again!
Current build: HMCSS Victoria (Scratch)

Next build: HMAS Vampire (3D printed resin, scratch 1:350)

Built:          Battle Station (Scratch) and HM Bark Endeavour 1768 (kit 1:64)


Thanks everybody,


Sorry for the brief photo description. The virus that the kids have had for the last few days finally made it around to me this morning. After uploading the photos I decided that I just wanted to crawl back into bed. Hopefully, I can focus on more details this next.


Good point Cathead, I tend to focus on the structural aspects of the boat and often miss the socio-economic considerations. It is interesting to see how the industries are all tied together.




My Gallery


9 inch Dahlgren on Marsilly Carriage<p><p>


Heroine Shipwreck Diorama




          Your craftsmanship really shines through in the recent photos. The clean lines in your framing is certainly not lost on me... ;)


          I find your build quite inspiring, keep up the great work... :dancetl6:


          Will be watching for more,


Current build:


     A Battleship


Past builds:


   The Unicorn - The Lindworm - Malahini -  Shinobi Maru  -  The MaryJane - The Weeligstraal

















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