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Blue Ensign

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Everything posted by Blue Ensign

  1. Great photos Nils, she looks so impressive, and not yet fully rigged. Your Pegasus is a model to look at over and over again and still find something new not spotted before, she has so much detail of interest. Great stuff B.E.
  2. There's always something to learn from a read of your log Tony, I'm constantly impressed by your approach to a build, and what a fine job you're making of Sherbourne. B.E.
  3. Hi there Felelo, I see you've come across my Seventy-four build. You will find the technique I used for the water base in the build log - here's the link. http://modelshipworld.com/index.php/topic/152-le-superbe-by-blue-ensign-heller-plastic-built-as-le-praetorian-after-boudriot/page-4 Hope it helps B.E.
  4. I do hope you find somewhere to display your beautiful model Nils, it's a perennial problem we all face. Best wishes to you and happy modelling in 2015. B.E.
  5. Always a relief to get that part of the build sorted Mike. Did you trial a gun in the ports to check that the muzzle sits central to the hole? it's a good guide to check that things aren't running out. I would agree with Alistair that cutting the window space for the Quarter Badges does add a sense of depth, and it's a fairly small modification. Happy modelling in 2015. B.E.
  6. She's looking impressive Peter, a great job. That's a very valid point you make about the need to tighten lines, it's always a good policy not to permanently fasten off lines until the very last moment. Best wishes for 2015 B.E.
  7. Beautiful work on those fittings Augie, a joy to behold. Best wishes and successful modelling for 2015 B.E.
  8. Great result on the boat Nils, she sits just right on your wonderful Pegasus. Happy Christmas to you, and successful modelling in 2015. B.E.
  9. Best Christmas wishes to you, Mrs W, and Bounce, Martin, I look forward to following your modelling exploits in 2015. Thank you Bounce, you canine assistants provide us modellers with so much support and companionship throughout the year. Happy Christmas from me and William.
  10. Your Top and Butt planking looks excellent Mike, I'm even more regretful now that I didn't incorporate it on my build Have a great Christmas and New Year, and I look forward to following your progress in 2015. B.E.
  11. Whilst perceived deficiencies in the AotS series may make them less useful to the purist and perhaps scratch builder, as a mere basher of kits I have found them to provide a lot of useful information. The Bellona for instance gives sometimes hard to track down details such as the anchor and cable sizes, the sizes of the ships boats, Rigging sizes, the length of the guns, and sizes of the tackles. A lot of the drawings in the series give a useful guide to fittings for those wishing to enhance their kits, and I like the career history details of the vessels given in each book. I currently have 13 of the series collected over many years and my latest recent acquisition is that of the Frigate Essex which I got from the USA at very reasonable cost. As you may have gathered, I rather like them. B.E.
  12. Hi Peter your anchors look just fine to me, and I love those last shots with the boats stowed. Regarding the anchors I intend to stow the Stream anchor along the Portside channel behind the 'Best Bower' The kedge anchor I will lash to the third Bower (Sheet Anchor) along the Starboard Channel behind the 'Small' Bower. This business of Bowers is confusing because in reality they are all the same size, (21cwt) on Pegasus at least. Regards, B.E and Best wishes for Christmas and the New Year.
  13. Great work on the deck planking Mike, that is one area where I wish I had gone the extra distance and incorporated Top and Butt on the decking. The colour comparisons you are doing provides very useful information for us modellers. I rather like the darker Blue colour with the CF stain, it has that contemporary 18th century look about it and I think it will tone better with the darker hull colouring you envisage. Cheers, B.E.
  14. She looks beautiful Ray,(as does your Lady Nelson) great colour toning. Impressive even with only the lower masts and standing rigging in place, which is a look I find quite appealing on models. Cheers, B.E.
  15. Impressive work Nils, love those shots with the fore and aft sails rigged. B.E.
  16. Welcome to the Swan Club herb, I don't think you will be disappointed with the Pegasus kit. B.E.
  17. Boat looks excellent Bob, she sits just right on the skids, a fine addition to your beautiful build. B.E.
  18. and thank you Jack for taking the time to post your appreciation Pleased you enjoyed it and I hope you found it of some use. Regards, B.E.
  19. What a sweet little construction Thomas - love it! B.E.
  20. The online version of Steel's work is one of the most useful reference works available to us ship modellers. but.... a large printed version can be obtained from DN Goodchild in the USA. Here's the link http://dngoodchild.com/divide_for_square_rig.htm When I found this I couldn't resist buying the hard copy it is a beautifully produced book, although I still regularly use the online reference. B.E.
  21. Beautiful work Timmo, your Granado is a class build, I just love it. B.E.
  22. Neat work on the deck JP love the hooded planks, they add so much interest to the look of a deck. B.E.
  23. A scalpel with a No11 blade is my weapon of choice when it comes to trimming ratline knots in particular. B.E.
  24. Nice work Mike, the current crop of Swan builds make me wish I could take a step or two backwards and re-visit some of the areas on my build. B.E.
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