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Everything posted by Piet

  1. Fantastic work Doris. Always a pleasure looking at your progress pictures. Cheers,
  2. Pretty good progress Jan. R emind me not to try paper models😉 Cheers,
  3. Hi Greg, Caught up with you, finally. She looks really great. Cheers,
  4. Hello Nils, I also caught up with your magnificent build. As a succor for details myself I really like all the things you are adding to this working boat. It makes it realistic and alive. Cheers,
  5. Nenad, when the ship is completed there will be so much "stuff" to look at that these few minor imperfections will not be noticeable. Continue on and don't fret about it, I think you have done a most outstanding job. Cheers,
  6. Caught up on your Sapphire build Patrick. She's REALLY looking fantastic and getting all dressed up with comfy furniture. Nice work! Cheers,
  7. Hi folks, A minor update. Our friend Kevin Denlay brought to my attention that I have forgotten to install the shields on all four Bofor anti aircraft guns. Needless to say that was a surprise. I normally snip all components from the PE for an assembly and mark the drawing as they go on. Somehow old age disease must have crept in and voila, no shields. So, I must proceed with correcting my error and finally, really finish the model and install the missing shields. Not easy to do while at sea and during the battle going on but it must be done. Don't tell my father though otherwise he'll bob me one on the head. I need to free up some time and it wont be tomorrow though. First I need to make a drawing for the correct shape and show it to Kevin for his okay. The shield is curved on the top end. I must work with the Bofors installed which makes it a little more interesting. So, stay tuned for the next phase and hopefully final phase of this build. Cheers,
  8. Hey Nils, yes, thanks and I found your Zeeboot build. Will try to follow. Nice job! @Kevin, re stern photo, yes, understand completely about having pride of workmanship. Now it being the only record of that stern portion available, me "breaking my word" seems to be a blessing - - in light with the removal of the wreck. That particular photo has done more for me then you or anyone can fathom. This is based on the one on one conversation I had with a Kapitein ter Zee rated officer I had when serving in the KL (Royal Air Force), 1954 - 1955. I guess I have mentioned it somewhere in this build log. I'll get back with you at your personal e-mail address. Cheers
  9. Nice going Nenad, you sure are getting the hang of it, making tine parts. Cheers,
  10. Ah, here you are Nils. Sorry for missing your Zeeboot build - - but I'll be starting from page 1 tomorrow or whenever I get the chance. Cheers,
  11. WOW JesseLee, that's some very fine craftsmanship. Cheers,
  12. Nice work as usual and hope the sea food was good. ref your question what I have been up to - - - busy with several no ship building projects. My latest is the 1:3000 scale clipper ship Young America diorama. Got as far as the basic hull (25 mm) that's still laying on the bench gathering dust. Made prelim drawings for Gwen's father's ship he made captain on. Was gathering info on a Buginese pirate ship but that's in limbo. So many things to do and so little time. Cheers,
  13. Thank you Nils! What have you been up to? Miss your builds. Hello Kevin Denlay, what a pleasant surprise hearing from you! Yes, indeed, it's been a few years since our last correspondence. Computers do have a tendency to self destruct, how well I know. I am on my third hard drive! The one that crashed was not fully recoverable and still have a few issues. ref the stern pics, I really had to think long and hard about posting them after my promise to you. I figured though that now the wrecks are gone and no other record exist of that section of the wreck, these wonderful people on this forum would benefit from it in tying in the possible battle station of my father. Thank you for understanding. I am sending you a PM with my e-mail address. Cheers,
  14. Hi Jan, I understand, smart move. Cheers,
  15. Very nice looking stern indeed! Cheers,
  16. Great work Nenad. Cheers,
  17. Hello Ab, Sorry for the long delay in responding to your post of last July 7, stuff got in the way. First off, glad to hear the good news about your daughter. Yup, cancer is always a scary issue, I had three of them 😫 Fortunately, I have been cancer free now for 10 years. You commented about my name looking rather Dutch and asked about it. Yes, I am Dutch, or least before I became an American citizen. Hmmmm, still am I guess 😏. I was born in Soerabaja, Nederlands Oost Indie in 1934. My father served in the Koninklijke Marine and was killed during the battle in the Java Sea, 1942. Repatriated to Holland in 1946 and left for the USA 1957. Yeah, proud of my Dutch heritage, with a family line back to 1675. Hey, no problems with my hands and eye sight. I did a diorama of a shipyard with two ships on the stocks in a scale of 1:2,000 in 60 watt lamp bulb. Sorry for the long-winded response and love your log, it's fun and informative. Cheers,
  18. Ouch Marcus! Glad you went to see medical help when you did. Yeah, I remember going through the same thing when I worked for KLM in Amsterdam. No fun, was out of work for 4 weeks, complications set in. Take it slow Mark, the wood is patient. Hope the recovery goes well and swift. Cheers,
  19. Hello Mark, Piet is back with you on the LBP build. Nice going so far. I'll try to keep up, have many other things going on in my life. Cheers,
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