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Everything posted by BobG

  1. Your model is far from being "homely!" She's like the proverbial "small town girl next door;" she beautiful with just a small amount of make-up!
  2. Excellent! I was under the impression that it was going to be quite small. I think a model of this size would make it easier for Chris to add a nice level of detail to it.
  3. Oh my God....does it get any better than this?!!! Astonishingly masterful work!
  4. Great build log, James. This is a wonderful model and I can't wait for it to become available. What is the overall length of the Zulu?
  5. Totally worth it in my opinion. I am more than willing to pay a little extra for high quality materials. Thanks for doing this, Chris.
  6. Fantastic model! It's not only beautiful, it is realistic as well. Congratulations on a superb model!
  7. This model is beautiful beyond words! Absolute perfection by a master builder. This is one of the most beautiful models I have ever seen...the best of the best...
  8. Everyone does things differently and post photos with different views and that can be really helpful. I look forward to your build log.
  9. Chuck, I have been using the full size plan that came with the mast and rigging kit. It does not have all the lines labeled on it...only the main sheet, topping lift, peak halliard and throat halliard. I simply assumed that the plan that came in the rigging kit was the one to use and the rigging plan available online was the same thing for people who like to use their computers. The online plan does have every line labeled so I'll use that one. This is the plan that came with the rigging kit:
  10. It would be great if you would make a build log for the Alexandra, Peter. I'd love to follow another build of this beautiful model.
  11. Ok, Chuck, I figured out why I wasn't finding this information. I've been primarily referring to your build log for guidance because I can expand the photos in your build log larger on my computer. I see now that that the instructions on your website are much more detailed. Sorry...I feel a rather stupid about that. 🙄 I will say that, at least for me, I can't differentiate exactly the sizes of the all of the lines from the plans only. Maybe I'm dense and half blind but, for example, the .018 lanyards look thicker on the plans than the indicated .025 halliards.
  12. I have some questions about which size of rope to use on various lines of the rigging. Where is the small .018 size rope used in the rigging? I know it is used on the boom sheet but it is unclear to me where else it is used in the rigging. Thanks very much.
  13. She's such a gorgeous ship and, for your first ship, you doing a fantastic job! The simple rigging I'm doing now on my Medway Longboat is tedious and fiddly but, once I get a little bit done and sit back and look at it, I find it very satisfying. It adds so much fine detail to the model. I'm slowly making my way through it and I do mean slowly, but the I see the light at the end of the tunnel and it's motivating me to keep going. Good luck with the rigging on your wonderful model.
  14. Thanks, Bob. We're doing ok although it is kind of depressing to go out for a walk and see everything closed, streets practically deserted and people avoiding each other like they had the plague. I know it is absolutely necessary and I'm grateful that we have such an intelligent and empathic governor who is acting quickly and aggressively to do what he can to slow the spread of this terrible virus. We're all in this together as a global community since the virus knows no borders. Ok...you said, "Fire away," so here goes. I have a couple of models in my stash that I would like to get that aged, burnished look like you have on the darker wood in your model. What kind of wood is that on the cap rails and on the cannon carriages? Can you explain the techniques you used to achieve that wonderful looking finish on them? I have more questions but I'll start with these first. Thanks so much again.
  15. The accuracy of the tolerances in this kit sound remarkable. Looks like this interesting, little model would be a great starter kit for someone looking to try their hand at ship modeling for the first time.
  16. You're doing a great job on the Terror. She's looking really good. Outstanding work for your first build!
  17. Hello Keith, Welcome aboard. It's a great forum full of talented, helpful modelers. They've been very helpful to me. You've picked a fascinating model to build. I have looked at Betts' website and the mini-series about the Terror is on my tick list. I spent a year and a half tumbling around the Bering Sea and the Gulf of Alaska many years ago when I was stationed aboard the Coast Guard Cutter Storis out of Kodiak. We would occasionally break ice to open up bays so supplies could get into remote villages in the winter. I find the great, pioneering Arctic and Antarctic Expeditions fascinating. Two of my favorite books about these intrepid explorers are Endurance about Shakleton's doomed voyage and The Kingdom of Ice about the tragic voyage of the USS Jeannette. A few years ago my wife and I took an extended trip to Alaska and the Yukon Territories and one of the highlights of the trip was a flight with a bush pilot in a DeHavilland Twin Otter. We flew out of Talkeetna to view Denali and landed on the Kahiltna Glacier. It was one the most exciting flights I've ever taken and certainly one of the most beautiful. We were in and out of clouds constantly. One moment we couldn't see anything and the next moment there would be an opening in the clouds and an icy, mountain wall was so close it felt like you could almost reach out and touch it. We didn't get to spend much time on the Kahiltna Glacier because the weather started closing in fast and the visibility was dropping quickly. Awesome flight! I'd doit again in a heartbeat! I'll be following your build log. I've considered this model so I'll be very interested to see you build her.
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