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Everything posted by newbuilder101

  1. FANTASTIC jobs Sjors! You should be very proud of your accomplishment! I agree with everyone that your "fleet" looks terrific! Congratulations!
  2. Excellent work on the rigging! Everything looks tidy, precise and lovely.
  3. Just found your new log. Looking forward to your updates! If it is anything like your Agamemnon then it will be beautiful!
  4. Wonderful looking cannons! If I could find this forest too, I'd bring a bushel basket!
  5. Beautiful! The rigging is every bit as spectacular as the wood and metal work!
  6. The "spaghetti" is looking great Sjors! Nice job!
  7. Two things I find consistent in your log: 1) Your work is always absolutely beautiful, precise and educational. 2) I am never disappointed when I stop by!
  8. Excellent work Mark! They say that the third time's the charm but I think, rather I know, you've got it the second time around!
  9. Wow! I'll add my congratulations as well. She is a beautiful model. You have done a wonderful job on her and have much to be proud of!
  10. I've just finished catching up on your log, and as usual your work never disappoints! Beautiful work!
  11. Re-do? What re-do? Looks like there was never a problem to begin with - looking very nice Frank!
  12. Just catching up - your "Fonz" is looking wonderful Sjors! The sails give her a majestic look.
  13. Just finally catching up on your log. WOW! Absolutely beautiful work and a stunning model! You have much to be proud of!
  14. Sjors, It's been a while since I checked on your progress. I stop by and what do I see? Lovely copper plates on the hull and then pffffffffffff, copper plates gone from the hull! And they say women are always wanting change! Seriously though, I thought the plates looked really good, but I also know that if your not completely satisfied with them, then you'll be glad later on that you changed it and made it better. Now.......pictures please Oh, and I'm trying to figure out how I can get one of those 9 day weeks off.
  15. Always an inspiration Doris! Amazing and beautiful work!!!
  16. Thank-you! Dave: By all means, do pull up a chair. I hope to be back in the shipyard again before too long. It's been a very hectic summer and no time for my San Felipe - I think I'm in withdrawal!!!
  17. I've been checking in once in a while and hitting the "like" button but I absolutely have to comment on this update - she looks wonderful! The paint really brings her to life.
  18. VERY nice! Congratulations on this milepost! Belated happy birthday as well!
  19. Right then, enough of this talk Kevin! Your ship is beautiful, yes you read it correctly, beautiful! Just remember when you get back to it, approach it with confidence and you will achieve a wonderful Victory! And yes, the pun was intended! Consider this your "pep talk" for the day.
  20. Every time you include a shot with your hand I shake my head! I could swear that I'm looking at a much larger boat and then that last picture brings it all into perspective! Spectacular little boat!
  21. Ohhhhhh.........I feel the pain!! So sorry this happened. I did the exact same thing a few months ago. It's a stomach turning sound when they hit the floor! I was able to fix mine and I'm confident you"ll be able to do the same. Here's a link to my damage and then you can see the fix - just as an encouragement to you that it can be done: accident
  22. More terrific little boats! I know these little cutters will be as amazing as your other boats! If you set the miniature boat building bar any higher, I'm going to need an extension ladder just to see it!
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