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Everything posted by Chuck

  1. Pretty Please......I have moved many over the last few days. We want to only have topics that are build logs so there is less to weed through. There are other appropriate forums set up for your other questions in this Forum - Shop Notes, Ship Modeling Tips, Techniques and Research - and it's sub-forums.
  2. Pretty Please......I have moved many over the last few days. We want to only have topics that are build logs so there is less to weed through. There are other appropriate forums set up for your other questions in this Forum - Shop Notes, Ship Modeling Tips, Techniques and Research - and it's sub-forums.
  3. We want you to have the best experience on Model Ship World that you possibly can. It can sometimes be hard to to put yourself out there and share your work. We have all been there. Its still hard for me. There are a few things you can do to really have a great time on MSW... First - START a BUILD LOG It doesnt matter if its your first ship model project or your tenth. Start a build log in the "kit" or "scratch" build log forums and share your progress. Now this doesnt mean that after you start a log you will be flooded with responses from our 37,000 members. If only it was that easy. It will happen though. Post updates frequently with good pictures of your progress. Ask for advice and help from others in your build log. In no time at all, you will meet a lot of new friends. Second - Find a mentor and find other build logs of the subject you are building. It's hard to get folks to see your build log and reply in it. On a large site like MSW it is easy to get lost in this big crowd. To help other members take an interest in your project, there are some great ways that you can help make that happen. Instead of only posting in your own build log and nowhere else, it is super important to seek out the build logs of others. Find a mentor. Spend some time posting on the build logs of other MSW members. This is the quickest way to meet new friends and encourage them to take an interest in your log as well. Staying within the confines of your own build log without posting elsewhere is probably the worst thing you could do. A wallflower is seldom asked to dance!! So get to know and take an interest in the topics and build logs of your fellow MSW members. Third - Ask a lot of questions. Yes ask questions in your build log. But don't just ask them there. You should ask your questions and seek advice in many other areas of the forum. If you have a rigging question, ask it in a new topic you can start in the "rigging" specific forum. In addition....that mentor you are looking for...ask them a question in their build logs. Ask them to take a look at yours and provide a link perhaps. Let them know that you would like to ask them some advice. In addition, take advantage of our private messaging system. If you know someone who is particularly skilled in one area or you really like their models, feel free to send them a private message and ask them for advice. I get about a dozen private messages every week. Feel free to ask any of our members for help. Don't be shy!! These are just three simple words of advice I can give all new members of Model Ship World......and a few veteran members as well. Happy modelling!!!! and welcome to Model Ship World
  4. Please please........only photos of your completed models in the gallery.......Please Its right there in the title of the gallery. If you want to show in-construction photos, please start a build log. But please dont douple post the images either. Just photos of the completed models. THANK YOU!!!!! Deleted many over the last few days!!!!
  5. This group as well as all of the others are perpetually open. So feel free to jump into any of them for a nice project with your peers. I have plenty of carving blanks available at Syren. This is a great introduction to carving those little elements for your ship model.!!!!
  6. That gallery is coming along really well. The cherry blends in with the Pear perfectly. Well done.
  7. Moving your build log didnt seem to break any links in your signature. Everything is working. Great model by the way. We;ll done!!!
  8. You are off to a great start. I think that will turn into a great looking model. Keep it up.
  9. I dont think so with this theme. Sorry. But you cant switch to Uniform theme below in the footer.
  10. We know....but other comments that were deleted werent like that. They were just complaining that the mashed potatoes were too lumpy. No worries. You had a very constructive comment. And we were getting to it. Thanks
  11. Just think.....In a week you will never remember what the old stuff looked like, LOL. Hey you kids......get off my lawn!!!!
  12. Yes it looks very good indeed. Well done. And yes all of those tiny uprights for the fancy rail are different. They angle aft and that changes with each one.
  13. working on it.....lots still to do and after many hours we are still tweaking. So please refrain from jumping the gun with the usual this sucks comments....Not you Cathead ..........but I am referring to the usual gang of members who do this before every update is finalized. I have already deleted a few such comments which arent helping at all. Just switch themes for now thanks. Its literally the same half dozen or dozen cranks that do this with every change we make. We have a pool going with the moderators containing the usual suspects.....I got ten bucks on one guy to see who will complain first before we finish.
  14. There are two other selections but keep in mind we will be switching out that image on this theme every few months to make it interesting. Bottom footer to change themes.
  15. It certainly is...that looks very good. Try and even out the sheer though. It has some dips and needs to be a nice even curve. A graceful line before you put the cap rail on.
  16. Sorry Carl, not all themes are available any longer.....we will see what we can do. If anything.
  17. We already added such tags to other builds and subjects. Everyone should use them. They are not in red like the Ancre tags but are black instead. Clicking on any tag will have the same effect. We (the staff) have to do this manually on every build log. So please patience. We are also removing some nonsense tags that members have used that are useless to the function......such as "wood" "Scratch" or "first" and the list goes on and on. Chuck
  18. Kent Thanks, when are you gonna start that build log!!!! I would love to see what you are working on.
  19. They unfortunately discontinued there line of thread in most sizes that was used for rope making. They used to make sizes 100 thru 10 in white and ecru. Now you have to hunt for them on ebay second hand.
  20. we are doing some forum freshening and will be trying out some things. So it should get interesting in the short term...... All for your MSW browsing and modelling pleasure!!!! If something doesnt work we will scratch it. Chuck
  21. Lovely work Gerard. You are using cherry wood correct? But your wood doesnt seem to darken as much over time. What finish do you use on the wood? It might have been mentioned once before but I couldnt find it. Chuck
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