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Everything posted by dgbot

  1. Looking good. The weathering is subtle which I like. David B
  2. Nice job of planking. What kind of finish are you going to use? David B
  3. I like the way you can now visualize the size of the vessel as compared to the crew. David B
  4. Terrific job of planking. David B
  5. Many years ago when my hair was still red a bunch of us made a group trip up to Milwaukee WI to see the build of the Donald Simmons. While there we saw the workers take a plank from a steam box and place it on the frames. They moved fast the plank was very flexiblle. Once in place they would clamp it down until it dried. I wish I had a video camera to take a video. David B
  6. I have tapered mast and spars using a knive and sanpaper. I have also rough shaped it down then used a drill and sandpaper for the final shaping. David B
  7. After installing the deck I proceeded working on the hull and the bulwarks. This also presented some new twist. On my first attempt I failed to get a really good alignment thus a hull that was a little crooked. And the stern was not not put on properly. This time I tested each part and made sure I was getting a proper fit through out the process. The bow proved to be a little difficult because of the camber. One of the things I did this time aroud was glue the sides to the bottem of the hull first and once that was completed glue to the deck. This was difficult but made for a bitter fit and more control. This worked well. for the stern. But but the connection still need sime backing ro it. It still is not perfect, however I have added this bit a knowlege to my memory. I then proceeded to glue in the interior bulwarks. After a little trimming they came out pretty decent. So far so good. Since paper is flexible it is made to bend to contours. This learned at the stern. I also learned that at time you have to add a little backing not in the kit so it will bend to the proper curves. And for the glue up a light touch is needed to prevent accidental damage. David B
  8. How true. The more I learn about this hobby. The more I do not know. David B
  9. He is correct. It does look like the genuine article. David B
  10. On a side note by builiding this model you will be gaining experience and knowledge that will prove both interesting and helpful down the road. And do not be afraid to ask for help. This is a bunch of great people who are always willing to help out. David B
  11. The entire trilogy is an excellent read. The the rest of the series works good to fill out the history and the principals and beliefs of the trilogy David B
  12. Geoff, I remember at Kurt's place how talked about your new ropewalk. I take it you are even happier with it now. David B
  13. I have used cherry for many things. Frames .fittings and planking. I have rarely had any problems. Of coarse you have to choose the piece that you use. David B
  14. Well how would you feel if you had to breath bone dust for a couple of years? David B
  15. Nice decking and I like the way the stanchions are put. You are doing a great job. Did you sand or use a scraper on the deck? David B
  16. Ingenius. I would not have thought of doing that way. Why go to the trouble of making your own goue when CA works great on bone? David B
  17. Nibbing has always been a week poit with me keep up the good work DavidB
  18. Now it time to break open a bottle and give the Scottish Maid a salute. David B
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