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Everything posted by gjdale

  1. Brian, With postage, the total cost was 108 Euros (I opted for the slightly more expensive postal option as it included insurance). Even with the postage, I still think this book well worth the cost.
  2. Brian, I had some trouble with email initially bouncing back until I discovered that the computer had inserted a couple of \\ into the email address. I think it did this when I clicked on the email link from the site. When I took these out of the address and re-sent, it worked fine. I suggest you check your original sent mail and see if the same thing happened with yours. Once I fixed the addressing, I received a response within 24 hours. As for Paypal, I'm not sure - I paid via Credit Card. Again, I suggest you ask in your email.
  3. Excellent work Alexandru, you just keep finding new ways to make an outstanding build even better!
  4. Thanks Mick - all it takes is a willingness to step outside your comfort zone and have a go! You will surprise yourself at what you can achieve by just giving it a go. There have been no fancy tools used here (at least none that couldn't be done just a well with hand tools).
  5. Thanks Mark. Sherry - thanks for the vote of confidence, but I won't be doing any subcontracting These things look difficult, but once you come to terms with the size/scale, they aren't really that hard to do. Having good quality stock timber to work with is a must though, and you can't do better than Jeff Hayes and Hobby Mill in my opinion! (Disclaimer: no connection, just a very, very satisfied customer )
  6. That's great news about your daughter Kevin, I'm very happy for you. I hope you both enjoy a lasting relationship from here on.
  7. To hell with progress pics - this thread is far too entertaining for that! :P
  8. I was aware of Mr Berti's passing before placing my order. I believe the business is being run by his son, but in any case the response to an initial email query was very prompt and the attendance to my subsequent order was likewise handled promptly, efficiently, and courteously. I would have no concerns in placing further orders with Ancre. If you have any doubts, I suggest sending them an email first - and if like me, you don't speak French, they will correspond in English.
  9. Thanks Sjors, Kevin, Augie, John and Sherry. Augie - in general I'm trying to follow the colour scheme of the actual boats, for which I am most grateful for the pictures taken by Sjors and Anja recently. I will be adding one or two touches of "Captain's Choice" though.
  10. That was a mammoth effort to re-post all of that Ed. Thank you so much for doing so, it has been a real treat to re-read. Looking forward to the new stuff!
  11. Hi all, Not much to report in terms of progress as there has been a lot of waiting for paint to dry recently. I've attached a couple of progress pics to keep you know who happy though. After painting the exterior of the hull white, I removed it from the building board and attached the gunwale plank inboard before masking up and painting the interior yellow ochre. The yellow extends also to a band along the gunwale on the exterior. I was surprised at just how light the boat was when I removed it from the building board - it was like handling a piece of paper! In between coats of paint I marked out the pattern for the cap rail and cut this from a sheet of boxwood. I've also begun preparing the thwarts. Here are a few pics as she stands at the moment. There was a tiny bit of bleed under the masking tape that still needs to be touched up, and then a coat of clear matte finish to take the gloss off of the yellow ochre.
  12. I just received my copy of this book today - about a week after ordering it (that's quick for international orders to Downunda). The book arrived in perfect condition and I am delighted with it. It is a beautiful book in its own right, even just as a coffee table book, but I can see that it will also be a terrific resource over the years. If you don't own it already, and can spare the readies, then do yourself a favour. My name is Grant, and I am a ship modelling book-aholic.
  13. Happy Birthday Gary! Been a while since we've seen an update on your beautiful Alfred, how 'bout a progress report (with pics)?!!!!
  14. There you go complaining about the weather again. Today was the winter solstice down here, so the summer solstice for you upside down people. That means that from here on, your days are getting shorter and winter is approaching. Aren't you glad you enjoyed the summer so much?
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