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Everything posted by gjdale

  1. Happy Birthday David - I hope you received lots of model building presents!
  2. Taxi looks lovely Mick! Enjoy your break and don't take any fishing tips from Augie! (Unless you're fishing for moose that is!)
  3. Looking great Kevin. Is there a decoration missing on the stern? (I probably missed when you mentioned that).
  4. Great pics Mobbsie, she's looking superb. I reckon that bow netting is well travelled - you've done a great job there mate. Love the colour scheme on the bulkheads too. Regardless of what you intended for the shift of the butts, the deck looks great!
  5. As Monty Python seems to be popping up regularly all over the place here, no need to get a moose licence Mark; Augie can just use his fishing licence, cross out the word "fish" and write "moose" in crayon! :P (If you want to see the original sketch: http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=nmyHup4TpkU&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DnmyHup4TpkU )
  6. Sjors told me to say he's sick of waiting and wants photos - NOW!!! :P
  7. Yeah, but you forgot the pictures Augie, and you KNOW what that means. "The Voice of Reason" will be on to you quicker than a rat up a drain pipe! All this talk of moose reminds me of the credits for a Monty Python film: Moose trained by: Moose fed by: Moose dressed by: Moose chauffeur: Moose hair stylist: Hmmmmmmm.................. No Moose were harmed in the making of this build log! (yet)
  8. Very nice Robbyn - that is a quantum leap over the first time around. I'll bet you're glad you decided to re-do them now.
  9. Richard, I have to agree with everything Floyd has said about starting a build log. If you want to see how it's helped me, check out the re-build of the stern of my Victory - all done with the assistance and support of members of this forum. That gave me the confidence to try more "new" things, the latest being the scratch building of the first of the ship's boats. (Link in my signature block). So, don't be concerned that your work isn't "good enough" to post - think only of how much better you will become with the support and encouragement of your friends here at MSW. Okay, getting off the soap box now.
  10. Spring might be just around the corner in Melbourne Brian, but I was looking at snow from my back patio yesterday! It's definitely still mid-winter here! Lovely work, by the way Paul - just stunning with the detail.
  11. Ingenious Daniel, as we've come to expect from you! Must say though, I'm glad it wasn't Kevin's wabbits responsible for that first mess!!!
  12. Nice work on the anchors Augie - love the little details on this build.
  13. Congratulations Antony! Of course, this will now become just the first buy in your "collection" of Jim Byrnes machines!!!
  14. That really is a great improvement Robbyn - well done! The Morope looks very nice, as does your serving. You can be well pleased with that.
  15. Nice work on the painting John, and glad to hear you found your stars.
  16. Welcome home Robbyn! Hope you enjoyed your break by the lake, even if you did have to follow it up with house repairs/rennos. There is an attachment for the Dremel that replaces the collets with a micro-chuck that should solve the problem. Alternatively, you can buy drill bits that have a thicker shaft to mount in your existing collets.
  17. Looks idyllic Sherry. I just showed the Admiral your scenic photo and she wants to know if you'd like some house guests!
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