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Everything posted by cog

  1. Yves, Still great build. Question about the sails. Wouldn't the hatches be more flush with their suroundings?
  2. Nice study, it almost looks like you worked with pastels, and ion some spots colour pencils!
  3. Love it Jack. Had not seen that one. Must start saving to get it ... maybe X-mas can come early ...
  4. Truly gifted, Keith, complete mastery of the art Couldn't you pinch the hole, and hence clamp the pin?
  5. Than I would rather have one of these in miniature ... for other purposes you might be cheaper of with an aluminum strip and some wood with e.g. an Axminster Bull nose plane or the equivalent of Veritas
  6. I am acquainted with the time problem. As long as you can make progress from time to time it's alright. Difficulties arise when the build turns stagnant ... looks good, I like the black at the bottom of the structures, makes them seem to float above the decks
  7. Always nasty those self moving chairs. You never know when they take off. Glad it's mainly your pride which has been hurt.
  8. Maybe some time has passed, but it is worth the wait. I like the crowsnest and how you build it. Lovely detail as usual
  9. Good , you are back. I nearly started missing you 'round here. What size/width do you make your treenails?
  10. Keep it in the dark ... nice work Jan
  11. Welcome to MSW, Robert. A Very nice build. I'll certainly follow your progress
  12. LEGO-man is some what rigid anyway, not an asset when it comes to steering
  13. Dick, I just wonder, wouldn't it be more logical that depending on the lee side the rudder on that side would be used, as the other one wouldn't give enough steerage way, Which in turn would imply druxey's rower (nice touch by the way) wouldn't be able to row, as the horizontal bar would be much, much shorter
  14. You got out from underneath the table! Did you find all that there?? A truely lovely collection of deck furnishings and furniture, Nenad. You have come quite a way, lovely detail, certainly at tthat scale
  15. Knowing you, Mike, you'll get there sooner than later. Look forward to your progress
  16. Hello Mike, Good to see you work your magic. Thanks for the magnet tip, I'll have to remember that one, will also come in handy on my regular workbench Yes it does, for you remove all moisture, and the longer you heat the wood, the further inside the moisture will be "vaporised", and the wood will turn brittle and break. By heating the wood you change the cell structure, and if you do it long enough you burn the cell's wall due to heat, and lack of moisture.
  17. But for the "loose ends" a really stunning build, Johann
  18. Yes you should, can you make a video from the way you did it
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