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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by augie

  1. John--- just don't use Australian coin currency as a size reference
  2. Your carvings look even better this time around
  3. That's the great part about MSW ---- everyone's build helps everyone else.
  4. Welcome back aboard Thomas! And another Syren joins the fleet. Spectacular effort so far!
  5. I went ahead and treated them with Blacken-it. Works fairly well.
  6. Spectacular. Makes that relic Bogie kept kicking on the African Queen look like a piece of junk Well done, Bob
  7. Rod- nice to have you back on the Forum. And it's always nice to have another Syren . I'll be following. Keep that acetone handy !!!!!
  8. Thank you Bob for deciding to re-post. I followed your build previously and think it's fantastic. I was thinking of you when the site went dark as one of the folks who certainly faced MAJOR adverisity. I recalled your mishap in bringing the ship out for a meeting and, coupled with the fact that your log was one of the stalwarts of the old forum, I didn't know if you'd come back. I applaud your effort. Enjoy your coffee.
  9. Sounds like you did the right thing trusting the canon 'mockup'. I think your red color looks good. The camera is VERY picky on reds. Looks like you're having fun ---- and that makes ME happy
  10. Andy- Thanks for taking the time to re-post this classic. You're doing a wonderful job on the build and it shows.
  11. Welcome home, Rosemarie. I am so glad to see both yourself and your Victory back on line. Best regards----
  12. Good work, Popeye. She's a lot sleeker than the 'twins'. Pretty!
  13. Very nice planking and I really like the overall appearance you are creating. Well done mate!
  14. I think Sjors new, exalted ranking has gone to his head. He actually believes he can take on all comers even though his ship has no teeth
  15. Welcome aboard ---- AGAIN! Great to have another Syren log active. I bet we'll have a few more before long. I'll be following. Looks great so far.
  16. Here we go again with the sabre rattling. I am not going to be a party to starting 'The War' again. But, if necessary, I shall be a part of finishing it!
  17. Wonderful to see this log back. You are doing a truly first rate job.
  18. Fear?????? Heck NO! I just need a Syren builder on here who knows what they're doing
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