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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by augie

  1. They must have a ball at Hobby Lobby and JoAnne's watching grown men walking around aimlessly and picking up things like Bedazzles, Artist's tape and eying the dollhouse furniture. Those places have saved me more then once. I found these great toothpicks...you would swear they made them individually on a lathe.... cut off the points and you've got perfect stanchions. You never know.
  2. Just lovely. That last shot is a classic of which you should be proud. Looking forward to the finished photos. Are you thinking of casing her? Now as for the Constitution.........
  3. Very nice start on the lower hull planking my friend. And the canon look terrific. Sorry about the stern --- hopefully the fillers will help out.
  4. Thanks Ben. Yes, the upper counter has been planked. Have been checking yours and Rusty's logs. Added the QG bases and am trying to get everything lined up. But first I need to thin those inside bulwarks.
  5. You're doing a very thorough job of it. Keep her clamped as much as possible until your bulkheads and bulkhead fillers are in place and you won't build a banana. Your attitude of looking ahead is one of the essential parts of model ship building. Everything early on comes into play later. Two examples are hull fairing, which will determine how smoothly your hull planking turns out, and setting up your sills, which will determine the height of the gunports and the amount of clearance you will have for the waterways.
  6. Tamiya is great tape for painting. But it is much like ordinary masking tape in 'feel'. The Artist's Tape is almost plastic in feel and can take curves very well. For lining a hull I'd go with Artist's tape.
  7. There's not a lot on sailing ships of that vintage that's shiny. Take dgbot's advice and look for a flat poly. As an alternative there's flat acrylic lacquer (Testor's Model Master series) that will give a nice flat finish.
  8. Congrats on the new furnace. You may need it for a few more days this season! Looking forward to your getting back to normal.
  9. Glad to hear you are ok. Best of luck with the new living arrangement.
  10. Looks as flat as the proverbial board. Looks like a good complement of bulkheads as well.
  11. We all knew you would find a way to keep the yard operational whilst awaiting your lumber.
  12. Take your time on that planking. I think we all wrestle with it to one extent or another. Someone on here once said 'treat each plank as a mini-modeling project' --- good advice. The key is to keep improving from one model to the next ---- or even from port to starboard. Or you can do what I did. Get a camera with a 'Make Planking Look Decent' setting ! PATIENCE!!!!!
  13. Time for a short update. The stern post and previously scribed hull moldings were added: Work on the transom has begun: Here you can see that a double layer of 1/8 x 1/16 " planks had been laid on the transom wings. The entire transom was then thinned (on the inside) to an overall thickness of 3/16". This was a bit tricky but (once again) the pencil sander did most of the work: We'll now begin to add the quarter galleries.
  14. I believe the younger generation would refer to your portrait as a 'selfie'. Personally, I'll be happy with Cant frames 2.0.
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