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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. the case looks awesome! a very nice display indeed! I wish I still had mine it wasn't really mine........I built it for the gentleman who ran the Billing Boats warehouse in Wisconsin. as far as I know, he still has it.
  2. a jig for the fife rail? straighten the legs and all you'd really need to do is make sure the boom rest is aligned properly. it looks fine. is the height what the problem is?
  3. hello Jerry! it's been a while.........hope you and Charlene had a super holiday! I'm trying to do the same thing......fancy that?!?!?! someone once told me it was like eating an elephant.......one bite at a time. puzzled me as to why I would want to eat one {I have junk food}, but sometimes, that's what it's like with a model.........keep hack'in away til the last part is on. I figure that I haven't built my masterpiece yet..........an' I ain't stopp'in till I do you gotta visit more often..........
  4. did you fare the frames first? if this was to be R/c capable, the outer hull would need to be fiber glassed. I just get away with using a resin, since I don't plan on putt'in 'em in the water those panels.......never liked them. I agree with Jan......if it were me, I'd plank the whole thing. figure where the screw tunnels are and go from there sometimes, the laser cutting melts the glue between the plys.........had that happen with the bulkheads on a few on my models. I just glue 'em back together and move on. she's look'in good Sjors........keep up the good work! BTW - is it as you remembered it last?
  5. she's looking splendid Kevin.........can't stop now I'd say to omit some of the lines, to make it easier, but you've already thrown the Kitchen sink at the bow. never stop.......your an awesome modeler and very creative........besides........I wanna see that trawler shihawk.........there are model ships that don't require a lot of rigging
  6. too nice a model to be in the snow.........now you'll have to dry her bottom whoa.......didn't come out right real nice pictures though........
  7. great job! she looks awesome.......did the decals come with the kit? congratz on a fine looking model
  8. well.....OK........as long as you rig the cannons no...........your not getting out of this THAT easy! she'll skin you alive
  9. the sprue is what the boats were molded to. injection molding.........either the sprue has a part number, or there is a number in the instructions. do the instructions show the diagrams of the sheets {wood and plastic} and detail the part numbers?
  10. now.......now........see, your already having fun with it, and you haven't even started on it yet better you put the box on top to the refrigerator. that's what my mum used to do with the cookie jar.........
  11. the life boats look great! you also gave me an idea about the guy wires to the funnels. I have the Academy kit......the wire pass through the holes in the deck and come back up to run the next one. what is happening, is when I start to fit the deck in place {all this is done off the model}, the wires either go limp or a few of them are pulling out of the holes....the glue isn't holding them. it will mean that I may have some reconstruction to do, but I will use eye bolts instead.........don't know why I didn't think of that before I like the way you think! do the sprues have part numbers? thanks for the tips here......it may just bring her back to the table
  12. I took today off...........I hear by call this a 'paint' day to start this session off.......a few decisions. a few more parts are to be de chromed. the firewall is to be Blue....I don't like to paint over chrome. since they don't suggest a color for the frame, I'll be painting it either gloss or flat black. so......into the jar it goes. the bell housing was next to go in....that I will paint blue instead. the last thing to go in at this time will be the drive tube, that connects the clutch linkage {gearbox} to the differential. so...while these are stewing, I get to some painting and more assembly. those two parts.....the air induction and the induction plate, were sitting on the platform of my crane light. they were cemented together, since they will be painted in one color......and so I won't lose them the rims were assembled next. the cockpit brace was also cemented in place. the frame, was undergoing some straightening at the time, so I couldn't install it. the cock pit was fitted a while after this part had time to dry......it will be painted soon. here is the contents of the bag, included in the kit. hoses, wires {don't know what the length of braided rope is for}, and of course, the tires. the tires are really thin rubber.......I noticed the heavy mold line that runs the circumference of the slicks.......gonna be a real pain to get rid of it. the drive belt is there too.........I already mounted the front tires. I wanted to see if they would spread out enough to bead properly. in the event that they don't, I may have to stuff them with tissue, to make the sidewalls fill out more. the differential has been cemented together at this time as well, being a halved assembly. I left it to be chrome, in spite of the sprue marks that were left after trimming. I'll see if I have some chrome silver handy. on the box, it showed red ignition wires.......mine are going to be yellow, I guess. I looked on the decal sheet, but I don't see a decal for Accel wires........perhaps I'll make one of the logo and add it. Accel 8.8 spiral core wires........$90.00 over at the Speedway Motor Auto Parts store I set to work on the slicks......as I feared, I'm not going to get it all out. I don't want to get too aggressive......the rubber is really thin. the fronts still need to be done, but I got the road surface of the slicks all roughed up. the line can still be seen, but not as much of a eyesore as they were....there's no line on the front tires. they suggest the engine to be gloss black, but I mixed up a nice Plymouth Blue for it. I will compare it, but it {almost, if not exact} will match the Grabber Blue that I intend to paint the body with. the bell housing will be the same color. the intake is painted copper, and the supercharger is painted flat steel {I didn't know it, but I have aluminum}. the fuel cell was to be silver.......but it will be painted in the same blue......it will even out the chassis. here are also the other parts that goes to it. the pulleys were added to the painted pile........I also noted that the pulley for the supercharger will be painted the same color, so I added it and then painted it. I mentioned that the transmission gear box is in a protective wrap. MAN!!!!.....if this ever blows, I hope it's strong enough to stop the pieces from flying! it's located right between the driver's legs! suggested to be black, I thought I'd do something a bit different.....it will be gloss tan with silver bands on both ends. OK....so we have copper, flat steel, silver.........now for bit of gold to accent the plumbing for the fuel, brake, and oil systems. last, but not least, I started to detail the cock pit....the seat will be painted flat tan. the gear box shroud is beside it, already painted gloss tan and one of the bands is on it. at one point near the end of this session, I realized that the fire extinguisher is to be painted red.........that too was chromed so........in the hopper it went.....both halves! more on the project soon thanks for looking in and thanks for the likes👍
  13. I know.......remember.........I have a copy of the instructions
  14. the interior ribbing seems to have been built rather well love the beer box........and you wrote on it too........nice touch! if you took a 1" brush and went in there, you might get more of the dust out of the cracks and corners. some polish will bring the wood luster back too. this will help blend in with the work your putting into her looking really nice.....were there any with a raised cabin, one that might be high enough for some windows? I see there is a coaming there............your doing a super job!
  15. looking good OC are you going to put that theory to work? those cannons look so lonely it would be hard to come up with blocks in this scale....let alone rig them {oh, I'm sure they are out there somewhere}. good that you can avoid the hassle.
  16. very nice EJ scratch building is good to have under your belt........for the reasons you mention, as well for the kits that don't seem to fit together very good. also good for kits where your having to make a lot of the fittings....I have one of those kits I learned this with my first model......not that I didn't know better, I just felt that there should be more to it. it will be very useful to you
  17. my word.........you've made some really great progress Greg she's looks splendid with her new deck.......structure looks really good too! really nice work!
  18. missed the finish..........awesome looking bike! very well done.
  19. must have been grueling adding all those lugs on the tracks. is the drive gear movable? is there a way to compensate the slack from the top, as your adding the tension boggies? they look really good
  20. catching up with your project Danny........you've certainly created one sweet looking model. the open concept would be interesting to do, but like with car models {early ones at that}, they gave them opening doors hoods and trunks for that very reason. you have the movable hatches, so that would suffice very well the boggies are awesome.......you did a great job with them....right down to the drive gears. I wish you well with the track. did you look into the link that maaaslo posted......looked like a decant replacement. almost done........fantastic job!
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