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Everything posted by mtaylor

  1. Welcome to MSW, Pete. Best advice I give is what was given to me concerning wood ships.... start simple and grow from there. The Scottish Maid isn't a bad start with quite a few builds here. If you start and decide it's to tough, go down a notch or two to something simpler. And by all means open a build log for any kit you do. It's the best way to make friends and get input and support.
  2. I just took another look at the photo. This is a stretch but could you cut off that line about the launch and the one below it for the scale?
  3. Can you post a couple of pictures to show us what you have done? Picture's worth a 1000 words.
  4. I guess we all should go stand in the corner for missing that. My excuse is was too busy looking at the impressive workmanship of the wood bits. Good catch on your part, though.
  5. Welcome to MSW. There are quite a few non-wooden ships being built in the Kit area so feel free to post a build log. It's a great way to get help and make friends.
  6. The answer is "dummy guns" like some of the kit ships do. One way is a piece of wood painted black behind the gunport. The dummy barrel is attached to that. At normal viewing distance, it looks like a normal gunport. Others make little boxes for each gunport but that needs a longer dummy gun. How many guns would you need for the lower gun deck?
  7. I'm pulling up a chair, Jack. Will you be going for the "original" or current" configuration? Now to go find a seat and some popcorn.
  8. Perhaps a dumb observation... I would assume that Grace's fleet was a mixed bag of local ships and captured ships, so they would have picked up improvements and new designs from the captured ships wouldn't they? I can't see design being static as history reflects that armies and navies continually upgraded using captured ships as a source of information.
  9. It looks like you would be having a blast with this from not only the challenges but the memories.
  10. Dave, look around for some corduroy. I've seen some with very fine wales that might help with the seats.
  11. Looking good, Nenad. You have your work cut out for you on those tiny bits.
  12. Words fail me, Doris. This is like watching Da Vinci or Raphael at work. The more one looks, the more one sees in the details.
  13. I can't speak for others, but use the prints that have been reduced to keep everything in proportion. Going back and forth between the original and the reduced prints can create all sorts of mismatches.
  14. I really didn't realize how large this was until I saw and then looked a second time. Beautiful work, aviaamator.
  15. I wouldn't think they would be iron at that point in time, but more likely wood that was shaped and carved.
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