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Everything posted by mtaylor

  1. Sjors, Three weeks? No pictures? No popcorn? But it's good to take a break and do something else. Say "hi" to Mobbsie for us and enjoy your trip.
  2. Hi Danny, I asked about the heat treating since I thought the grinding would cause the bit to lose its temper and not stay sharp.
  3. Matt, Stunning work on her. Just beautiful. Michael, Who needs a shelf. I'll bet you could put at least 6 models of that size on your cutter.
  4. Ray, Have a look here: http://modelshipworldforum.com/ship-model-framing-and-planking-articles.php There's several good articles on planking.
  5. Hi Pierre, I'm just following along. This is an interesting project. As I understand it, the drawings for her at the NMM are "incomplete" and that Aeropiccola based a lot of the decoration work on contemporary paintings. It's just fascinating to see this one being built. I have the Roebuck plans from Hahn and the NMM so even though they are the same class, they are similar but different. I hope you'll decide to finish her.
  6. I can't speak for others, but the weathering is so fascinating that I missed the channnel location. But then again, it's the Victory and wouldn't know the proper place to begin with. Now about the finetuning... does this mean it will be better? Better than great!????
  7. Ok.. show the wood the fireplace. If that doesn't work, flick a lighter while talking to them. Maybe have a chainsaw or a beaver next to you. Mention that you have friends who wear flannel and are lumberjacks. That should bring the wood in line. As for the drill part... take some sandpaper and round the wood so it fits in the drill chuck. My bad for not mentioning that in my previous post on this. It won't be perfect and won't take a lot of rpms, but should (or not) be able to spin the wood. Ooops... almost forgot... if the wood is not submitting, mention "woodchucks". Scares the hell out of those stubborn pieces.
  8. Matti, I'm not commenting much.. been busy. But, I am following along. The folks at the Wasa museum are very helpful even by email. I really enjoyed doing my build of this ship. I'll have to do some digging, but there was someone from the old site who did cannons and some the other things for the museum. I'll try to remember and find out if they will repost their log.
  9. I think Kevin's been kidnapped and stashed in the converted attic. The wabbits are running things now. Now where did I put those carrots... er... peace offerings?
  10. Push the weather man into the rubber room and feed him Thorazine. The bipolar weather should mellow out. That's my story and I'm sticking with it.
  11. Next best thing to a road trip... a boat trip. Have a great one and send us pictures from time to time.
  12. Nice work on the rudders and the pintles came out especially nice. Did you heat treat the bit after trimming it flat on the end?
  13. Andy, The key is to use a very slow speed and to support the other end of the piece. You'll need to clamp the drill down to something and then work on the other end. Actually, about 1" in from the end of the piece. You can put a block of wood (again clamped down) for that 1" or less bit at the end to spin in. Otherwise, grab some sandpaper, and rotate the wood in it by hand. Slow going but you do other things, like sip a beverage, watch a movie, yell at the dog.
  14. Sjors, you got the answer. You need to drill holes in the cross-trees for the deadeyes. On your San Ildefonso, look ahead at the rigging drawings. I'll bet you'll have to drill holes there also. If you can, drill them before you put them on the masts. I hope you had a nice day off to watch the Coronation.
  15. Sjors, Excellent progress. And you're still having fun... I like that.
  16. Have a good trip (but since it's work related, can it really be "good"?), Larry. The hull is fairing up nicely.
  17. Aldo,since your doing the POB, you could probably get away with fairing the bulkheads with a heavy hand. The POF is a different story.
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