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Posts posted by AON

  1. Got most of the sanding done today.  Decided to mark off the top timbers and cut those back and mark off and install the gallery side doors to the officers toilets (seats of ease) and get those done (install the cills) before I complete the sanding.


    While marking the timbers for the doorways I discovered I had one short adjacent timber located improperly... it needed to be the next one over.  I suppose I should have triple checked.  So I need to remove that pair (port and starboard or larboard if we're being correct for the period) and reinstall longer timbers before I cut any doorways.


    I will post a photo when I'm done.

  2. That is why I cannot find it.   I do no have issue 41!

    Could you possibly PM me that complete article so I can add it to my collection.


    I originally was given a stack of different magazines and I scanned the articles that related to my build and filed them on the computer for future reference.  Then I gave the magazines away to our local club members.  Issue 41 was not in the stack.


    Your comment about David's drawing Techniques article was not lost on me.  I only have part 1.  Are there others and do they discuss the stern?

  3. Started work on the side counter timbers on Saturday.  Tried again yesterday.  My third try today.

    I made the blanks deeper today so I had something to hold and pin.

    I also took a piece of pine 2x8 and made a support shelf to rest the timbers on.  Took me until today to imagine that.

    I drilled and pinned these to the wing transom so I could transpose the hull outboard shape.

    Then I pencilled in the molded depth

    I will cut these shapes tomorrow to near the correct molded depth leaving something to sand.... because I enjoy sanding so much.


    1- side counter timbers.jpg

    2- side counter timbers.jpg

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