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Everything posted by GLakie

  1. I agree with Brian! She looks great and all done with blinding speed.
  2. The natural light brings out more of the great detail in her Patrick. Nice!
  3. Congrats Patrick! Your Symphony is beautiful. You do some really amazing work for such a small scale. Sorry I missed the construction in real time, but, as much as I'd like to, there's so many builds out there, and not enough time in the day to keep up with all of them.
  4. Nice work scratch-building the channels and chain-plates Matt! Wood AND brass channels, complete with rivets. Hats off!!
  5. If it's the right over-all length Nenad, I wouldn't change it because of that one narrow little panel. I think it looks fine the way it is and no one besides us, would know.
  6. Nice work using the tape for alignment of the deck-rings Thomas. She's looking splendid!
  7. Looking good Piet! Re-dos seem to be a necessary evil with most of these builds, but I know you'll keep plugging away until you're happy with it.
  8. Rikon makes a decent benchtop drill press that I intend to pick up this winter. It's an 8", weighs only 32 lbs., has a 2" spindle travel, accepts up to 1/2" shanks, and comes with a 5-year warranty. Menards has them for about $130 US. http://www.rikontools.com/productpage_30-100.html
  9. I have to ask Tom - Is that the "kit-supplied" strips you used for the hull and deck planking? If so, you've managed to make it look really good.
  10. The rigging looks great Brian. It must be a pure pleasure working with Chuck's blocks and rope, compared to the factory supplied stuff.
  11. Congrats on getting to this milestone Brian. You've done an outstanding job on her. I agree with Patrick about the cradle. I think it looks fine and adds character.
  12. That's a nice looking deck Jesse! Good job on those waterways. I like the sanding jig you made for that. Cheers
  13. Makes perfect sense to me to do as much of the rigging and prep-work off of the ship as you can, before attaching them permanently. Very nice work! Can I ask where you picked up the adjustable jig with the pins in it. Is that a MM product? Looks handy!
  14. Confederacy, Cheerful, and Syren are all on my list of ships to get as soon as I get past this power-tool purchasing trip I've been on. But I'm getting there slowly but surely. Actually looking forward to just getting hand-tools and accessories for these power-tools. Won't be such a bite in the wallet for a change.
  15. You've done a great job with the rigging Ken. I'm still having trouble wrapping my head around the fact that this is your first wooden ship build. Very nice work.
  16. Speaking for myself Dave, the bamboo doesn't look too bad. Not sure what "shade" Tarheel Blue is, but like we say here in MI -- "Go Blue"!
  17. It doesn't look like you have much more to go with the planking Mark. Nice work!
  18. Not only that, but if this kit shows, out of Pluto's 248 year trip around the Sun, it crosses inside Neptune's orbital path for 20 years, like it did from '79 to '99, making it the eighth planet from the Sun instead of the ninth for 20 years.
  19. I like the lighter color lanyards with the black shroud seizings as well Boyd! That was what I wanted to say in the beginning, but didn't come out that way.
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