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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by dgbot

  1. Lovely craftsmanship Karl. David B
  2. A lot of patience and a steady hand went into those joints. I wish my hands were that steady. David B
  3. Just be sure you have deep pockets. But it would be great to sail her on Lake Michigan in the summer and catching the breeze. David B
  4. Your stove is a stand alone model in itself. Are you going to blacken it like cast iron or leave it the color it is? David B
  5. Nice paint job. If it is a bit glossy leave it alone. Since you are going the yacht route that is the way it should look. Beautiful work. David B
  6. That is the scale I have worked in for years Bob. Saves space so you can get the model in the car. David B
  7. I have seen a few models of those done and have found them attractive with fine lines. Where did you get the plans? David B
  8. Fantastic workmanship Ed. What brand of paint are you using? David B
  9. Brian I echo all the above. I just cannot believe that the bowsprit is so long on this vessel. The strain on the masts and stays must have been incredible. David B
  10. Nice work around "cheat" I will have to remember that trick. David B
  11. I hate to say this Siggi but I might be calling the guys with the white coats. You are doing a fabulous job. David B
  12. Fantastic! You have done the R.C. justice. Your carving was superb along with the rest of the model. David B
  13. Coming along nicely Mark. I can sympathize about rigging. To many lines and blocks and where they go is a brain buster. David B
  14. The Royal Caroline makes into a pretty model. I think you will have fun with the carving. I think I have a photo of her somewhere and will post it if I can find it. David B
  15. Gorilla Glue foams up and expands to much. It is messy to work with on the parts we are gluing up. Titebond and Elmers are better suited as they are easy to clean and I think a better joint. David B
  16. I have learned quite a bit about working with card stock, thank you for posting your progress Clare. I have been looking at Shipyard and their kits as well as HMV. I have been having fun with my Maine. You have really made my day. David B
  17. A very tempting deal. I am a sucker for a good book. But I am not able to build it in the place I am in. Besides I have enough on my plate already. How about a review of them when you get them. And I think you will make a fantastic model of her. David B
  18. I would advise you not to use Gorilla Glue and go with a PVA glue. Titebond or Elmers. The stuff may be useful for furniture but not for models. David B
  19. Glad to see your posts again and enjoy looking at your work again. David B
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