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Everything posted by gjdale

  1. Looking forward to seeing your cunning plan Nigel (or should I say, Blackadder?)- I'll bet its so cunning, we could pin a tail on it and call it a fox.
  2. Edwin, I'm sure Augie won't mind me answering on his behalf; that particular product is available from Micromark.
  3. I agree with Michael and Sherry, Ed - your explanations make clear what can otherwise be very confusing. Thanks for taking the time and effort to do this for our benefit.
  4. Looks great Augie. I used the same stuff to glaze the windows on my re-built stern windows. I think it gives a really nice "antique" glass look.
  5. Congratulations Mobbsie - a real honour and very much deserved! Having seen your models "in the flesh", I can attest to the quality of their build. Of course, I can see through your cunning ruse - this is really about making more room in the house to display Aggy when she's finished isn't it?!!!
  6. If you are building this ship and want to do any serious "kit bashing", like making boats from scratch for example, you would do well to invest in one or two good reference books. Two that I recommend are "The Anatomy of Nelson's Ships", by C. Nepean Longridge, which is generally considered to be "the Bible" for anyone building a model of this ship; and Anatomy Of The Ship, HMS Victory, by John McKay (Conway Maritime Press). The latter has plenty of drawings to aid in scratch building various parts, including ship's boats. For boats in general, try "Boats of Men-of-War", by W.E. May (not sure if I got those initials right for this author). If you want to see how I went about scratch building one of the boats, there is a description in my log, beginning on pg 13, post #188. Here is a direct link: http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/163-hms-victory-by-grant-dale-mamoli-scale-190/page-13 Unfortunately, a number of photos disappeared in the server glitch a week or so ago. I will re-post these, but haven't gotten around to it yet. Hope this helps.
  7. My apologies Danny - should have known better! That just "sounded" too large - thought you might have misread the scale, but should have checked myself before opening my mouth!
  8. Might want to check that measurement Danny - or you have over-size coins up there in Newcastle.....
  9. That shot with the 5-cent coin just blows the mind Danny, though I'm not too sure how many of our Northern Hemisphere brethren appreciate just how small that coin actually is!
  10. Great idea for the sanding table Rusty - need to file that one away!
  11. Before going any further, take your time to do plenty of sanding and filling to get as smooth a surface as possible for the second planking. As the first layer won't be seen, any wood filler can be used for this stage. Time spent here will be well worthwhile. I would also suggest cutting your gunports before second planking, but after sanding, filling, sanding etc.
  12. Fantastic work on the wheel, Danny, and a great tutorial as well - thanks.
  13. Congratulations on reaching such a major milestone Remco. I'll certainly be following for the remainder as you continue to surprise and delight us all at every turn.
  14. A very nice addition to the kit build Bob - looks terrific.
  15. Thanks for sharing your tips and techniques Alistair. As someone who is self-confessed "paint challenged", any of these tips are gold!
  16. Lovely piece of carving there Sherry, regardless of its function
  17. Getting real close to a close on the hull there Sjors. Go easy on the mouse - you might need him for the ratlines!
  18. Thanks Augie, Sjors, Mark, John, Mobbsie and Bindy for the kind comments, and also to all those who "liked". The finish line is certainly creeping inexorably closer, but it still a way off yet. I think the overwhelming feeling Mobbsie, will be one of satisfaction, mixed with a little relief, and a sense of excitement about finally starting a new project. And no, there are no crows feet on Victory, although there are a few ham fists where the rigging is concerned! Bindy - thanks for the compliment but my photographic skills leave a lot to be desired. I'll try to take some better pictures next weekend - need to do something about the background I think. I might even break out the "big" camera!
  19. Very, VERY, nice Ben. This is going to be a superb build.
  20. Pffffffffffffffffff!!!!! .....oh, that was for Sjors....... Lovely work Augie. She's looking quite splendiferous! (translate that one Sjors )
  21. Simply wonderful details Remco. I do think though, that you should show the drawers of the wardrobe open, just to prove they do. Wait for it.........................................
  22. Nice to see an update Robbyn. I totally understand how life can get in the way sometimes. Looks like your new hull is taking shape nicely - well done. Be careful on that bike of yours - just had a phone call from an old friend this evening. He's in hospital after crashing his bike in the Snowy Mountains on the weekend. Not the way he'd planned to experience his first ever helicopter flight!
  23. Nice work Toni. If you need more crew members, you could always sub-contract Doris!
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