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Everything posted by gjdale

  1. Well done Gary! Looks like you've done a really nice job on the first layer of planking. As you say, good practice
  2. Well done Sjors, your ratlines are first class! How about some pictures of the re-decorated workshop - just to keep you-know-who happy?
  3. I bought the one from Alexy (on this site) and have been very happy with it - well made, easy to use, prompt service from Russia. They do exactly what the name suggests - they help you to "serve" line, which is basically wrapping one thicker line with a thinner line. You can do this by hand (a real pain), or you can make your own as several people here have. Check out Andy's (realworki gsailor) build log iff you want to see a home made one. You won't need to use one for quite a while yet, but it's always good to buy the little extras as and when you can afford them.
  4. Thanks everyone for the kind remarks, suggestions, and likes. Mike and Danny - thanks for the tips/suggestions on rigging tools. I do have all of those, and even made up a new one for extra long reach by embedding a large sewing needle in a length of dowel, and cutting half the "eye" off the needle. What I really needed though was three hands (at least)! The Admiral was away, so I couldn't even bring in some contract labour. I did find that a pair of locking tweezers was quite useful at times. That and the adult beverage (to celebrate afterwards!). John - the needle threader would be used to draw a line through eye bolts as Danny suggests. I haven't tried this method yet. I always soak the end of the line (about 2cm) in diluted PVA glue, then cut the very tip at an angle. This creates a hard, sharp "needle" like end that is easy to feed through blocks, eyebolts etc. I usually hold this end in a pair of tweezers when threading through blocks etc - I find it easier than holding in my sausage-like fingers.
  5. Boy, you sure are a glutton for punishment with that PE detail Slog. But the results look like its well worth the effort! Can't wait to see the finished guns in place.
  6. All right then! Under way and making way. I'll just top up my adult beverage of choice and send Sjors off for more popcorn. Pictures should be ready by the time he gets back.
  7. Hi all, It's been a little while since I posted an update, so thought I'd best pop in with a couple of progress shots to keep you-know-who happy. I have now completed installing the yards on the main mast, along with the "inner" rigging for each yard (slings, trusses, jeers, tyes, lifts). I've also secured the yard tackles for both fore and main lower yards in a "temporary" arrangement. Being still undecided as to the final "display" version, I've temporarily secured these hooked into the channels and shown the outer tricing line rigged. It's not a bad compromise and may well be the final version, though I'm still thinking on this. The hardest part of this process has been securing the lines to the belaying points - it gets pretty crowded in around the main mast. I think my record so far has been one hour to secure a single line. Let's just say that the language in this shipyard would have made even Mobbsie blush! Here are some progress shots, although at this stage, it all seems to be much of a muchness. In the photo below, you can see the temporary arrangement of the yard tackles, with the outer tricing line attached. I've left the tail ends of these lines long for the time being, in case I change my mind..... Right, now for something completely different - the Mizzen yards !
  8. And of course John, the occasional "you're doing it all wrong" from a passing 9-yr old.
  9. Mobbsie, Your ratlines are outstanding! Beautifully done mate. If ever there was a modeller who under-estimated their own ability, it would be you my friend!!! I have every confidence that your traveller will turn out superbly. Now, did you get that exercise in that we discussed the other night?
  10. According to google translate it is "palmhout", pffffffffffffffff
  11. Thanks for the update Joe. Enjoy your holiday and we'll look forward to the published article on your return.
  12. I somehow suspect there is a lot more turning going on in the background than you are letting on Rusty!
  13. Hi Sjors, Great work on the ratlines my friend! They look super - very neat and even.
  14. Seriously WOW, Rusty! Glad to hear the accountant came good
  15. Now you're just showing off Remco! As the younger generation might say, "that's fully sick dude". Looking forward to seeing the utensils in the drawer.
  16. Very nice work Mobbsie, as always. Glad to hear you're on the mend. Hope to catch you on Skpe tomorrow.
  17. Wonderful Doris, just wonderful! I so enjoy reading your updates - you've made my day.
  18. That all looks fine to me Craig. Don't worry if you need to use a little filler - that has helped many a modeller in the past! Just take your time, as you are, and ensure you keep enjoying yourself.
  19. Nice to see an update there Sjors - that's some mighty fine looking work.
  20. Nice start there oldpaperone (name???). Your keel clamp setup looks good. Are those cam cleats along the edge? Neat!
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