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Everything posted by gjdale

  1. Nice to see you back at it Danny, and also still managing to drop in on others logs to give advice (thanks ).
  2. I'm with Sherry on this Doris - completely out of words, so will settle for just stunningly beautiful!
  3. Danny, Spoiler alert!!! That is exactly my plan!
  4. Nice progress Sjors. Can't wait to see you rig those cannons!
  5. Thanks Lawrence. It's the "two halves" that is the issue - it introduces an inherent weakness. But..........I have a cunning plan. One might say, so cunning, you could pin a tail on it and call it a fox! (apologies to Blackadder). All will be revealed in due course..........
  6. OK, so B.E. got me thinking and I believe I've come up with a solution to retrofit the missing circular pin rail at the base of the Mizzen mast - a solution that will be structurally sound as well. I'll have to wait until I get home on the weekend to test my theory. I promise pics, one way or the other, after my trials.
  7. Congratulations on completing the deck framing Toni. She is looking terrific.
  8. More great work to follow - thanks Gil. I doubt that Cook would have used the same method as me for dealing with a broken T'Gallant!
  9. Congratulations on the new job Anja - I was wondering why we hadn't heard from you. Take your time and come back to the ship when you're ready. It will still be waiting, and so will we. As Mark said, we're a patient lot - well, maybe with the exception of Sjors that is!
  10. That's got me thinking B.E. If it was only decorative, I'd say no problem. But as it will need to support tension from several rigging lines, it would need to be very securely fixed and that might be a problem, particularly with the restricted access to that area now. I'll think on it some more during the week. In the meantime, I'm open to further advice/suggestions.
  11. Hi folks, Small update and no pictures - sorry. I have finished fitting out the Mizzen yards and had hoped to complete installing them on the ship today. Alas, it was not to be. I ran into a couple of speed bumps as I discovered (yet again) some slight differences between the kit rigging instructions and Longridge. As you know, I'm trying to follow Longridge as far as possible, although occasionally the kit has made an omission that is impossible to fix at this stage of the build. So, it's been one step forward, dwell a pause of two marching paces while I figure out how to overcome the next hurdle, and then move on again. The Crossjack Yard and the Mizzen Topsail Yard are now both fitted (to the same stage of rigging as Fore and Main mast yards). One snag I found was that the kit completely omitted the pin rail that goes around the base of the Mizzen Mast, and it's too late to be able to add one now. That meant I had to get creative about where to belay the Topsail Yard lifts, as these should go to that pin rail. I solved this by belaying them around the base of the eyebolts that hold the blocks for the Crossjack Yard Truss Pendants. Sound confusing? Yeah, me too! The good news is that the mast cleats and the shroud cleats I made some weeks back are coming into their own and working very well. I just need now to fit the Mizzen Topgallant Yard, but as it is now midnight here, it will have to wait for another day. I'll post some pics once all the yards are in place - probably next weekend as I'm travelling for work during the week.
  12. Nice work so far grayarea (btw do you have a name?). It seems that you are taking to this hobby like a duck to water. Your observations and learnings to date are exactly right (and we all have a "wall side" to our models! ). I've enjoyed reading your progress to date and will continue to follow along. You are doing a great job so far. Keep taking it slowly and don't forget to keep enjoying it too.
  13. Great progress Mobbsie. All looks very ship shape and "Bristol fashion"! Your snaking looks terrific - very precise. Great idea for determining the spacing too - regardless of who came up with it originally, sharing it here will help more people, which is what it's all about really. Keep up the great work mate. At this rate you'll be finished with this before I finish my Vic.
  14. Good news that you've been able to source some new ladders Patrick. At least you had a go at scratching them first, and that counts a lot.
  15. What a treat to be able to see some of those models in the flesh! I'm very envious Daniel.
  16. Ah! Progress in the Schiedam Shipyard I see! Looks like you've been busy indeed Sjors. She's taking shape nicely.
  17. Bad luck John, but Mark is right - at least you had the skill/experience to identify the source of the problem. We'll all look forward to Cant Frames 2.0 - there seems to be a bit of that going around at the moment!
  18. Hey Patrick, Bad luck with the ladder mate, but I agree with Daniel - have a go at scratch building one. There is nothing to lose, and you just might surprise yourself!
  19. It must be a good feeling to get to this point Mark - sort of confirmation that you made the right decision. I suspect March will seem to be a loooong month!
  20. Nice progress Vince. Your techniques are clearly working very well for you.
  21. Great video Johann - really shows off your wonderful build. Thanks for sharing with us.
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