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Everything posted by gjdale

  1. Just wonderful Bob. Thanks for re-posting this log. It has given me (and I'm sure many others) a great deal of pleasure to read through.
  2. It's Saturday morning. I sit enjoying a leisurely cup of tea, with the radio playing quietly in the background, and re-reading this wonderful log. Aaahhhhh - life doesn't get much better than this! Thanks Ed.
  3. Nice work Colin, Taking a break while you thought it through has payed off for you. It's all looking terrific!
  4. Johann, Your attention to detail is superb, and your execution stunning!
  5. Thanks Anja - and you would NEVER be considered an intruder on my log!!! I hadn't seen that post, so thank you for the links - very interesting.
  6. Andy, Just to throw in my 2c, it seems a shame to have a resource like TFFM and not follow that advice - it is more likely to be accurate IMHO.
  7. I'm with you there Augie, though its only 30 odd years for me (not that odd really ). Mine often comes in the form of, "when did you say you were going away again?"
  8. Robbyn, For your build board, why not use a few pieces of 'L' shaped steel or aluminium drilled to take screws through to the board? You can fix one side in place, then use your keel to determine the separation needed for the other side. Of course, this will happen AFTER you finish the SF, won't it
  9. Happy Birthday Anja, I do hope that Sjors is spoiling you seriously!
  10. Hi Robbyn, Well done! Your deadeyes are all in a nice even line and look great. EdT's jig really does work well doesnt it? Keith beat me to it with the one deadeye on the right being upside down though. I would encourage you not to rush this part of the build, no matter how strong the call of the Syren! The rigging is what grabs people's attention on these models, so it is worth taking your time and doing the best job you possibly can. The Syren will still be there when you finish.
  11. Glad to hear the earlier re-work is paying dividends Kevin - makes it all worthwhile doesn't it? Looking great mate.
  12. Wow! This just keeps getting better and better!
  13. Hi Andy, Congrats on the TFFM book. It's a beauty and has been a real help to me with my Vic, even though it's written around a much smaller ship. The other volumes are well worth having as general reference books too. Well written, well illustrated, and relatively easy to follow.
  14. Hi Robbyn, Glad to hear you are feeling better. Your jig looks good - just like EdT's
  15. That's a really interesting observation/experimentation with heating the blackening solution Timmo - I've not heard of that before. I wonder what our resident Mad Chemist might have to add to the discussion? Might try some experimenting myself based on this as I've had a few problems with blackening thus far.
  16. A belated Happy Birthday Ryland. Glad to hear you had a good day with the grand kids. Hope your wishes come true!
  17. Hi Mark, Glad to hear that Janet is doing so well - long may it continue. Shame about work though - but I guess that's a pretty permanent state solved only by retirement! Bring it on!!! Love the way you've experimented with the deck and not been afraid to rip it out and start over. I think that Mk IV looks pretty good, but based on your previous record, I'm putting my money on Mk V Any takers?
  18. I'm with Mark, Robbyn, Stay away from CA as much as possible. I have a similar reaction to you and avoid it if I possibly can. Use a thin thread to simulate seizing and then apply a dab of dilute PVA glue - that will work just fine. As for the colour of your shrouds/ratlines, you are the Captain, so it's your choice. The shrouds, like other parts of the Standing Rigging, are tarred to protect them from the weather. The Running Rigging, which passes through blocks and is handled often, is generally untreated, so a 'natural' colour is appropriate. The ratlines on the other hand, present an interesting discussion and two schools of thought. Some insist they are untreated and so should be left natural, others say they are 'lightly tarred' and should therefore be black. My view on this last one is that you should go with what looks good to you. I like your approach of using this build as a learning experience. Some things you will naturally decide, nuh! - I'm leaving that as is, but I'll remember for next time. And that's okay too!
  19. Hi Robbyn, I went looking for Ed's stuff only to find that I had the whole of his log from MSW 1.0 saved as a PDF. I've copied the relevant pages and will send them to you. The third page shows a great drawing of his deadeye jig - this is what I used to make mine. He explains in easy-to-follow language how it's done and used. I've also included his advice/method for ratlines as that might help you in the next bit. Just seen that the file size limit will prevent me from attaching here. If you send me a PM with an email address, I'll send it straight to that for you. (File size is 4.3 Mb - must be all the pictures in it)
  20. Hi Robbyn, If I understand your question, you are asking if you've done the shrouds at the mast top correctly. Your method looks fine, however I'd make two observations. Firstly, the first pair of shrouds (ie the lowest at the mast top) should be on the Starboard side (hard to tell from the pictures but looks to me that you've done the first pair to port - I could be wrong). Second observation is that shrouds should be black, or at least very dark brown/grey to simulate the tarring of these lines. If you're planning to colour these later, then please disregard this comment. Re your deadeye jig, I'd recommend having a go using EdT's method as illustrated in the link I sent you earlier. It is no more difficult to do than what you have used so far, and I think you will find it easier. I've just realised though, hat Ed hasn't yet re-posted that section of his log. I think I have a copy of the relevant pages from the old site, so I'll have a look and send them to you a bit later today. Just need to wait until the wife wakes up - I'm an early riser and she likes to sleep late on weekends - I'm sure you get the picture.
  21. Hi Marc, For some reason I've only just found your log. I built the Billings version of this ship about 25 years ago. Back then there was no MSW and no Internet, so I had to " go it alone". You know the old saying, "if I knew then what I know now......." I've really enjoyed reading your log. You are doing a great job of improving on what seems to be a reasonably good kit. Your additions and scratch built items are well thought out and implemented. Sorry to hear about your surgery, but glad o hear you're back on deck now. I've just had similar, with three weeks off, only returning to work last week. Take it easy and don't over do it coming back. As Mark Taylor's signature block says, "the wood is patient". And so are we! I look forward to following the rest of your build.
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