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Jim Rogers

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Everything posted by Jim Rogers

  1. I place the sheet on some ply, press the hook end down with whatever is handy and drill. So far no twisting or tearing.
  2. This is what I do. I have two alligators clips attached to threaded rod. I clip the block in one and run the line back to the other clip and tighten it all up. Then I wind the line up in a two inch bunch and attach it to the clip with the line with tape.
  3. Your hull is turning out great. Way to persist.
  4. I use a steam cleaner, a form and a heat gun.
  5. She was also the first ship sunk by the CSS Virginia (Merrimack)
  6. Great information. You wouldn’t have one that shows Paashe Double action maintenance would you?
  7. The Continental Gunboat also used wood ratlines. Great question about what kept them from sideways motion.
  8. As I always say trenailing is not always a good thing and can ruin a model. IMHO it depends on the scale of the model as when to use it. In reality the Trenails blend into the deck and are hardly noticed so a contrasting color would not be used. The slight variation of grain patterns and a circular hole in a otherwise straight board is sutile and more pleasing to my eye. This is all just my opinion.
  9. Lard is what my Mom called bacon fat.
  10. Rusty your work looks so good I was just wondering as it would be near impossible to keep the red from accidentally getting on the bare wood with that many coats....well at least for me. She is a beaut!
  11. Do any of you guys prefit components and then use a airbrush and pre-spray components before assembly?
  12. Click on the “More” button at the top and go to articles data base. Under planking you will find a great article on Butt shift deck planking. It will answer all you questions.
  13. I use Chuck’s hooks and the ones from Age of Sails. I wind up drilling both.
  14. You earned the “gawk” and we all do it. I plan on gawking at my Syren tomorrow when I put her in the ships case.
  15. PM sent with sail maker contact information.
  16. You are a great daughter. Your father is a blessed man to have you by his side in his waning years.
  17. Tim this is like ripping the last ten pages out of a mystery novel. How did your replacement pre-glued planks work out? Any more pictures of the build?
  18. After all your woodstrip issues it turned out really well. Looks great, I like your stealers.
  19. Chuck is there a reason that little bitty section at the fore stem isn’t contained in the part with the gammoning hole?
  20. I remember slicing the crap out of my fingers on a router bit and my buddy yelling “ Whatever the hell you do, do not get blood on my White Oak. It stains” The compassion of woodworkers, also a learning moment about using push blocks😁
  21. Very nice sheaves. A skill I have not acquired yet.
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