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Everything posted by BANYAN

  1. Watch that light at the end of the tunnel Denis, it might be an oncoming train Seriously, with the end in sight you must be pretty happy with this build as it looks great. cheers Pat
  2. Thanks Nils. While the ship is complete, i still have two small boats to do which are now underway) cheers Pat
  3. Hi Mike, missed you and welcome back mate. Onto the club build of HMCSS Victoria (see scratch build logs); some progress made but a lot of research still to do. cheers Pat
  4. Missed your calling Greg; Holden (GM for non-Aussies) would not have shut up shop if you had been their production manager cheers Pat
  5. Nice work Rusty, they look nice and "tidly" the "Jimmy" will be very happy with that cheers Pat
  6. Looking really good Ulises; some nice detail there and a great looking finish. cheers Pat
  7. You may still need a spreader bar or two near the base of the shrouds though Denis. cheers Pat
  8. You'll just have to sniff on that Old grouse then Carl! cheers Pat
  9. The turrets are looking good Carl. Good luck with this microscopic parts! cheers Pat
  10. Stunning Denis; those standoff shots in particular make the model looks so life-like (colour and atmosphere). Nice work mate, that detail really pops; especially like the little things like the brass handrails etc. cheers Pat
  11. Nice work again on those 25s Greg; that ship sure had some close range fire power. 28 of this miniscule things; not just cross-eyed but a bit of a headache also I'd guess? cheers Pat
  12. Poochiie, have a look in the sites database of articles for a good article on this subject and many others that can assist you. http://modelshipworldforum.com/ship-model-materials-and-tools.php cheers Pat
  13. Nice work Dave and thanks for the pointer to Tom's work, but to find it please? cheers Pat
  14. Very nice job on the 20mm cannon / guns Greg, even if only a 6 of them, that is very well detailed and came up a treat. cheers Pat
  15. Your promised a nice addition, and probably a surprise or two left, and you haven't disappointed Looking really good mate. cheers Pat
  16. Some great reading here, thanks BW and all contributors. cheers Pat
  17. That is a great bit of detailing Greg, looks really good and I like the idea you have for hanging a float plane from it. cheers Pat
  18. Found your log this morning cog; sorry to be late to the show. Looks like another very highly detailed model in the making here. Those turret enhancements look great Make room in the front row for me too please cheers Pat
  19. I agree with Gunther; whatever you thinks looks best in situ. cheers Pat
  20. A small update, the frames/temp bulkheads have now been fitted in a basic jig. The longitudinal temp stiffener has yet to be glued and will be done after I straighten a couple of the frames. The eagle eyed will note a couple of frames not quite aligned; some of this is due to camera angle. Gluing in the longitudinal stiffener will help keep them in place vertically, but first I need to fix/redo at least one of the frames. This system works quite well and was well laid out by Dave when he did the artwork as I did not need to do much filing for fit at all. The holes in the temp bulkhead (which will be broken away later) were for a toothpick to pass through to assist with alignment, but at this scale almost impossible to utilise and too fiddly. Sorry all, I forgot the ruler again but this is only about 80mm long (just over 3") overall. cheers Pat
  21. Looking very nice Denis, quite the dressed up lady now cheers Pat
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