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Everything posted by mtaylor

  1. Is there a limitation in the number of "objects" in GIMP? I've run into that with some drawing programs that the more stuff you add, the more it bogs down until no more can be added. Sometimes the solution is to great an object, save and optimise it and then import it into the main drawing.
  2. Frank, I chucked them up, turned the Dremel to a speed I was comfortable with and then just used files and the plans. I wish I had pictures but turn them like you would on a lathe... from raw stock to a close shape then details and final dimensions. After doing about two or so, you should find out what works best for you and the speed will pick up.
  3. Ulises, The Lumberyard offering is basically a timbering set for the hull. No masting, etc. However, with the Hahn plans and some research, they do make nice models. My Licorne is from the Hahn plans but I ordered a timbering set (wood only, no laser cut) from the Lumberyard just for the wood. I did re-scale the Hahn plans as they weren't the size I wanted to build. BTW, I think it's Blue Jacket that has a POF kit but it's not one of the larger ships...
  4. Welcome to MSW. As for your question about the windows... wander through the scratch area. There's several different ways of doing them. The Constellation kit IS NOT the original frigate. It's actually based on the 1850 sloop of war. It doesn't have the hull lines nor much of anything else in common with the frigate. There's at least one build of the Constellation (RC, scratch) of the original. I took the AL kit and bashed it into the actual ship that AL based their kit on. I do wish you luck on bashing the kit the way you want.....
  5. I guess since enginuity is the key on this... I turned all the cannons on my Constellation from brass using a Dremel and some files. Sometimes you just have to go for whatever works. Necessity is he mother of invention after all.
  6. Thanks, John. In all fairness... this was a new product when I got mine. Support has ramped up since then. For what the machine was targeted (model railway mostly with thn woods) it would work fine. I needed something more robust and with more power. I now have it via the upgrade path. If I were doing this over, the MM would never have been considered. But times change and so does the market.
  7. Andy is right and also, take a look at the exchanges rates against the Pound. Seems the BREXIT vote is causing all sorts of issues and the value of the Pound is just one of them.
  8. Julie, I'm not sure what you want to turn, but with a wood lathe, turning metal is problematical as far as getting good surfaces and holding dimensions.
  9. Thanks for the comments everyone. Keith, Here's two links.... Given that the way the market is changing and products being changed and improved, there's a lot better machines out there at reasonable prices.
  10. Nope, not going to like that post... I hope your tricks work.
  11. When in doubt, Dave, go with the plans. There's been so many changes over the years that she probably only matches the plans in her hull shape. Ok.. maybe some other areas also.
  12. Proof of life... At least I hope it is.... After testing my memory and eye-hand coordination (along with many and sundry "honey-do's"... I'm finally back. Bear with me if my terminology isn't correct and feel free to correct it. I'm still have some memory issues with words, names, and phrases. First up... I've started planking the bulwarks. One strake done so far but it's a start. And ran a production run on the Death Star and cut out probably 30 cannon carriages. A lot more than I'll need of this size (gundeck only) but I want to have spares in case I tank a few. Hmm... photo work needs more practice but damn if it doesn't feel great to make some sawdust.
  13. Congratulations, E.J. Beautifully done. I hope you'll post a pic or two when she's in her new home. I'm hoping your doing a case.....
  14. A very nice recovery, Sjors. If you find any extra mojo, send it my way. Seems that my "get up and go" has "got up and went".
  15. There's a problem with tea... it's acidic and over a period of time (varies with strength of tea, dying time, and other factors) the line will disintegrate.
  16. I too am sorry to hear about the injury. I hope healing goes well and surgery not needed.
  17. For burrs, if your dentist is uncooperative, have look on EBay. I bought a large pile of burrs (a lifetimes worth?) for under $50 (US). Same for the other instruments. I'm sometimes amazed at what is available. Also check Amazon as lot of folks won't use EBay and Amazon is the next best thing.
  18. Nenad, that is a masterpiece in miniature. Just beautiful.
  19. What Danny said goes for me also.... As for what's on your list.. the only one I know personally is the Billings Wasa (from about 10 years ago). I'd rate it as for experienced builders with scratch building skills needed. It is the most accurate of the Wasa kits however. It will boil down to your choice, of course.
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