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Everything posted by mtaylor

  1. I like it. But then, I like anything that bends easier than ebony so your milage may vary. On the serious side, most of the scratch builder (or maybe many?) use boxwood planking. I use swiss pear on my build and it worked a treat.
  2. SawdustDave uses bamboo for his builds lately. As I recall, he buys the bamboo cutting boards from Wal-Mart, etc. especially when they go on sale and cuts the planks, etc. from those.
  3. Dave, Buy sheets and not precut strips. There will be less waste. BTW, if you want to use boxwood or pear, see this for a great price: http://modelshipworld.com/index.php/topic/13146-hobbymill-inventory-clearance-sale/
  4. You might check Ages of Sail (one our sponsors with the link on the front page). I believe they have metal ports but not sure if any of them will work for you. Worst case would be to make the linings out wood.
  5. That was a common feature (or so it seems) of the times, John. There's one like that on the Wasa. You'll have to to do some pre-rigging before closing up the upper deck.
  6. Frank, I saw several here: http://www.aamm.fr/boutique/index.php?main_page=index&language=en....On any page, click on the flag on the upper right to get English. Not all the books have an English version, however.
  7. Ah... carved cushions. Cool. I had visions of some very small stitchery and down stuffing.
  8. Thanks for following this journey, the likes and the comments. Piet, I find that making that decision to re-do is getting easier and easier. It's almost scary how easy it is to say "yup.. not good" and rip it out. Welcome aboard, John. No permission needed. Somewhere in this mess is a popcorn machine from Sjors and some cold adult beverages. This truly is a learning build. I thought Version 1.0 was the learning version.. not so. It taught me some things but this one is teaching me more. If someone at some point down the road picks up on one of my mistakes and then does not make that same mistake, this log will have been worth it. Nigel, I daresay you are correct. The books never discussed the "scrap bin" or why it got full. Well, the fun continues. The wood has been milled to thickness and I'm cutting the 3 parts for the rudder and fitting them. Pictures when I get something to show.
  9. Clare, The Morope seems to have a shine to it. Is it man-made materials? You might try the stretching to set it. I've not used it as I've heard there was an issue with it unraveling and at that price (this was before Chuck Rope) I went with Amati or Billings line.
  10. Nice work on the deck.. the scribing looks good. And you cannon turned out great.
  11. Very nice work going on, Francesca. I'm curious, at what point will you add the propeller and rudder? I would think it should have been on before doing all the deck work since you will have to turn it over.
  12. I think that's pretty amazing work. And I do understand about sore shoulders, neck, and strained eyes.
  13. The only gold leaf product I ever used (other then the real things) was a "gold leaf" paint I got from Micheal's. I was doing some lettering on a car and it worked a treat. It might be a little too thick for you boat though and I'm not sure how it would look thinned out. The varigated is lovely paint.
  14. Thanks for the feedback and support.. it means a lot and shows what we have at MSW. I guess I need to connect the TV and watch Game of Thrones... I won't look back as I don't want to know what's gaining on me (Famous baseball player quote). The decision was easy Grant. The finding the materials is/was an issue. Brass tube and rods the right size, Some more boxwood... I've gathered things up and starting to make way. Let's go back to when we were kids.... Do-Over!!!!!!! I quite agree, Ken. We need to make ourselves happy first.
  15. I agree that sometimes we're gluttons for punishment. And actually I do like knowing when I've messed up as it points out where my skills/attention/etc need improving. Anyway, destruction went well. Just holes in the planking to fill. It seems that nothing really sticks to Wipe-on-Poly and it cleaned up nicely. I've sanded those areas down to bare wood, made a new cutting template and will be proceeding (and remembering to take photos) on the morrow. And I'll get the rudder coat on this time.
  16. Well... I did the self-beating and now that I've calmed myself down, I took a long hard look. No excuses. It's not right. So... once again.. DE-CONSTRUCTION TIME. Stay tuned.
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