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MSW Social Media Moderator
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Posts posted by Kevin

  1. Good evening everyone

    thank you for comments and likes


    im still adding bits to this

    the window blinds, rolled around a bit of 1mm brass, with some tie backs added to the large windows and doors

    the wheel rims went on next, 5mm black card was used


    still to do

    replace or update the through braces

    fix the brake system

    put carriage onto through braces

    insert lighting

    put in seats and benches

    driver position  rails

    roof rails

    hinges to doors

    foot rests

    PE lettering

    and a general tidy up




  2. good evening everyone

    good day today, sun was out, so the wife was happy, dog was happy, had a visitor, first one to see me in years, other than family, even brought my new build

    stagecoach boot finished, it could have been better, but looks like a covered area as intended


    and the drivers area is also in position




  3. perhaps one of the grown up could suggest a way ahead wrt previous started topics in relation to this build

    do i delete them

    or do i start a new topic and link the previous topics


    rather than three sections this will be the 7 foot version in a cutaway format,  an expected year to 18 month build




  4. 15 minutes ago, Hashir said:


    Please forgive my ignorance as I'm new in this. Brand new to be exact. But how strong is a cardboard ship going to be? It has a LOT of fine details that are so brilliant but wouldn't the cardboard compromise its life?

    the way it has been designed, as per the real ship, it is quite strong, wrt to being card, i will protect it with modge podge, which is a varnish

    many of this kits are given a outer protective layer and used on the water with RC


  5. good evening everyone

    thank you for comments and likes, i will get back to you 

    @popeye the sailor @Canute @Old Collingwood

    the great fence repair has taken me away from the build for the last few days, sorted for now, the rest can wait for warmer days

    the pretty strips are done both sides now and has all had another coat of varnish

    last night was spent making up one of the two mail pouches


    the previous night doing the trunk












  6. good evening everyone


    most of the main coach body work is done now, a few pretty strips still to be added

    i may have to rethink the suspension straps, they are very springy and quite saggy

    the door hinges are on well the rebates are done  (they will not be opening) 

    i used a bit of tape to hold the drivers cab in position, the glue in the coach is to offset the front weight

    nothing is fixed yet


  7. 2 hours ago, shipman said:

    Hi. It was me that made the comment which created this welcome debate.

    I didn't use it to try and condemn Michael.

    But it was a genuine prompt to raise the question.

    It's a topic that I've felt slightly uncomfortable with for some time.

    These responses  stir the mud a little and I thank others for their responses.


    and I should have kept my moth shut, as I never contributed anything useful to the question

  8. 9 hours ago, michael mott said:

    Asking a question about copyright in all honesty, And this answer from the person noted as the MSW social Media Moderator is a bit disappointing to say the least. I thought my question was quite clear. One is told not to post images that one does not have permission to post, so forgive this old man for not being as savvy about the internet protocols, and for wanting to do the right thing.



    it was a bit tongue in cheek, considering, most of us do it all the time, but if yr disappointed with what i said, so be it



  9. good evening everyone

    thank you for comments and likes

    the coach looked awful (in my eyes, so i decided to do something about it

    removed all door and widow frames and the top panelling between the windows, as that never looked right from day one, 

    fine grade sandpaper and took the upper coats of varnish off, washed down and then a varnish 50/50 white spirit wash applied 

    the door frames and windows are now fitted on one side 








  10. 21 hours ago, Egilman said:

    Just a question Kevin, I think your idea of using elastic for the leather suspension gives a very real action to the suspension... have you figured a way to deal with the rubber in those elastics when it dries out and breaks? My suggestion, while you are at this point, is to thread a thin brass wire or two through each elastic, so when the rubber dries out and breaks, the nylon covering and wire will hold them together and the dead rubber will serve as a filler to let them keep their shape?


    I would hate to see all that beautiful work fail in a few years...

    i had considered putting something under the coach to take the weight, but i like the wire idea


    17 hours ago, popeye the sailor said:

    good to see your back working on the coach!  :)   the chassis and wheels look very good........a very cheerful color.  so when the occupants are ticked off by the erratic ride.....just stop and tell 'em to look at the chassis  ;)    {look at the flowers Lizzie}!


    it might not be that dramatic.......what he's using is woven with fabric.  it will tend to sag over time,  but it will take longer to completely fail.

    thanks popeye

  11. good evening everyone

    the chassis continues, a lot more banding has gone in, and whilst brass at present i may take it to black before completion


    the suspension was put back on and then had a bit of fun with the through braces, which were made from leather straps, the kits asks you yo make them from wooden strips, i went my own way and used face mask elastic strapping, and clamped them in place with brass strips, the height above the chassis may be to high but no weight on there yet


    the elastic was coloured using a Flory black wash























  12. good evening everyone


    4 wheels on my wagon (well not quite on but complete), tonight i made the outer wheel bandings

    the chassis which was stripped down yesterday, was primed and now has a new coat on, pin strips well complete it 

    at present i am rebuilding it, looks better than before, but even further removed from what it should look like










  13. 5 hours ago, Canute said:

    Stagecoach looking good, Kevin


    And the dollhouses look good, too, What scale are they? I have a buddy here who used to build upscale furniture for these houses in I think 1/12 scale. He used the furniture catalogs from a home named Winterthur, outside Philadelphia, PA. Built clocks, dining room sets; he's was prolific with the furniture.

    good morning, its all 1/12, i personally dont get involved in the internal side of things, i will build the kits up if asked and sort the electrics out,

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