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USF Confederacy by Augie & Moonbug - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64

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Nice work Augie! I'm glad to see you back at it. I also am divided between the shipyard and the great outdoors when warmer weather comes around.

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Aye,aye Bob.  The 50mph winds (day after day) are a good incentive for shop time.  Speaking of which.......


Some necessary fillers, to accommodate the inner hull planking, have been installed and faired at the bow, stern and at the sheave positions.  You may recall the simulated sheaves we installed in the outer hull a long ways back.  Now it was time to install the inner portions.  Here we see lining up the holes between the inner and outer halves simply using several pieces of wire:




And here's a close up of one of the inner hull sheaves.  It will be flush with the inner planking: 




Now it's time to get to planking the inner hull in earnest.  Might take some time so I urge you-know-who to be patient.  By some miracle, the spirketting that runs under the gun ports is going to fit perfectly!





Current Build: US Frigate Confederacy - MS 1:64


Previous Builds :


US Brig Syren (MS) - 2013 (see Completed Ship Gallery)

Greek Tug Ulises (OcCre) - 2009 (see Completed Ship Gallery)

Victory Cross Section (Corel) - 1988

Essex (MS) 1/8"- 1976

Cutty Sark (Revell 1:96) - 1956

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Augie what is a spirketting ? You sure did a nice job fairing the bulkhead top

completed build: Delta River Co. Riverboat     HMAT SUPPLY


                         USRC "ALERT"


in progress: Red Dragon  (Chinese junk)


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It's the inner hull planking between the gun ports and the waterways.  In the case of Confed, it's both a thicker and wider plank than those used for the rest of the inner hull planking.  It needs to fit exactly between the false deck and the top of the gun port sill.  Since it just happened to come out that way, I consider it a miracle (considering Ben's comment).



Current Build: US Frigate Confederacy - MS 1:64


Previous Builds :


US Brig Syren (MS) - 2013 (see Completed Ship Gallery)

Greek Tug Ulises (OcCre) - 2009 (see Completed Ship Gallery)

Victory Cross Section (Corel) - 1988

Essex (MS) 1/8"- 1976

Cutty Sark (Revell 1:96) - 1956

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Yeh!!! Another perfect fitting spirkiting!! Well done Augie, that means all of your construction with the bulkheads, gunports framing, false deck etc.... is dead on.

Smooth sailing now for the rest of the bulwark planking.



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Augie, good to see you back at it, I still have a couple weeks before I can make sawdust :( . Great work again as always, as for things fitting perfectly...why were you worried in the first place, you have taken your time and built the foundation perfectly!


If you risk nothing, you risk everything!


Current builds

Syren (Model Shipways) version 2.0

AL San Francisco II

Mordaunt (Euro Model)

Completed Builds

18th Century Longboat designed by Chuck Passaro

In the closet

Battle Station

Al Charles Morgan (1980s version)


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Augie, this is looking awesome!!   The windows really came out nice and the overall look of the ship is really coming together!  I picked up some window maker myself - but I have been away from the bench so long I can't remember why I picked it up!!!  hahahaha... oh my.



Wonderful work!!



Current Builds

Santa Maria - Artesania Latina (1:65) POB

MayFlower - Model Shipways (5/32"=1') POB
Blue Shadow - Mamoli Revolutionary War Brigantine. (Fict) (1:64) POB (Recommissioned as the Kara June)


On The Shelf Waiting so Patiently

USRC Ranger - Corel (1:50) POB

18th Century Longboat - Model Shipways (1:4) POF

La Nina - Artesania Latina (1:65) POB

U.S Brig Syren - Model Shipways (1:64) POB


Completed Builds

Phantom NY Pilot Boat - Model Shipways (1:96) Solid Hull


Decommissioned Builds
(Time and conditions were not good to these. They have been cancelled =( )

Willie L Bennett - Model Shipways (1:32) POF
USRC Harriet Lane - Model Shipways (1:128) Solid Hull


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Thanks to all for stopping by.  Making slow but steady progress on inboard planking....update in a week or two.



Current Build: US Frigate Confederacy - MS 1:64


Previous Builds :


US Brig Syren (MS) - 2013 (see Completed Ship Gallery)

Greek Tug Ulises (OcCre) - 2009 (see Completed Ship Gallery)

Victory Cross Section (Corel) - 1988

Essex (MS) 1/8"- 1976

Cutty Sark (Revell 1:96) - 1956

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Lots of everything right now!  And yes, I recall 'encouraging' you on the cabin floor.  Turnabout is fair play.



Current Build: US Frigate Confederacy - MS 1:64


Previous Builds :


US Brig Syren (MS) - 2013 (see Completed Ship Gallery)

Greek Tug Ulises (OcCre) - 2009 (see Completed Ship Gallery)

Victory Cross Section (Corel) - 1988

Essex (MS) 1/8"- 1976

Cutty Sark (Revell 1:96) - 1956

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When you do get to the great cabin Augie, you will need to refer to Doris's log for the correct way to outfit it.  Now that the "standard" has been set, we expect no less from you! :P:) 

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Edwin -  see post #1117 (one page back) on spirkiting.



Current Build: US Frigate Confederacy - MS 1:64


Previous Builds :


US Brig Syren (MS) - 2013 (see Completed Ship Gallery)

Greek Tug Ulises (OcCre) - 2009 (see Completed Ship Gallery)

Victory Cross Section (Corel) - 1988

Essex (MS) 1/8"- 1976

Cutty Sark (Revell 1:96) - 1956

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Hi Augie,


Been a while since I last looked in mate and your making some fantastic progress. I love what your doing with the hull sheaves.


Make hay while the sun shines mate, the summer is getting shorter and the winters getting longer, make the most of it while you can.


I promise not to stay away so long in future.


Be Good



Edited by mobbsie

All mistakes are deliberate ( me )

Current Build:- HMS Schooner Pickle


Completed Builds :-   Panart 1/16 Armed Launch / Pinnace ( Completed ),  Granado Cross Section 1/48

Harwich Bawley, Restoration,  Thames Barge Edme, Repair / Restoration,  Will Everard 1/67 Billings 

HMS Agamemnon 1781 - 1/64 Caldercraft KitHM Brig Badger,  HM Bomb Vessel Granado,
Thames Steam Launch Louise,  Thames Barge Edme,  Viking Dragon Boat

Next Build :-  

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Having just logged the 500th hour in the build log, it's time for a small update.


A portion of the photoetched parts for the outer hull have been added.  The first photo shows them blackened and ready to deploy:




For the blackening, I use the process described throughout MSW.  Specifically, the trimmed parts are degreased by bathing in acetone for about 10 minutes followed by an 'etching' in a household vinegar bath for about the same time.  They are then soaked in a bath of 50% 'Blacken-it' for 5-15 minutes, rinsed thoroughly then dried.  Before gluing (using either CA or epoxy), the surface to be glued is roughened with a 150 grit sanding block.  After the part is applied to the ship, a coat of Testors Flat Acrylic lacquer is applied.  This protects the coating and (I think) gives a nice appearance.


Stern gun port hinges and rings, keel fastener:




Bilge port and sweep port hinges:




Bridle port and forward keel fastener:




Finally, just an overview of where she stands: 




It is now time to bid a fond farewell to the outer hull for the time being.  There is still much to be done but we will now turn our attention to the innermost details of the ship.  But first, a short break in the shipyard to acknowledge the arrival of good weather, tend to the garden and (long delayed) Spring cleaning. 


Everyone stay the course and be well!


Looking fine Augie,


very nicely built, natural Wood Colors, in contrast to the metal Fittings, accurate clean planking,

in all very well done !



Current builds

-Lightship Elbe 1


- Steamship Ergenstrasse ex Laker Corsicana 1918- scale 1:87 scratchbuild

"Zeesboot"  heritage wooden fishing small craft around 1870, POB  clinker scratch build scale 1:24

Pilot Schooner # 5 ELBE  ex Wanderbird, scale 1:50 scratchbuild

Mississippi Sterwheelsteamer built as christmapresent for grandson modified kit build

Chebec "Eagle of Algier" 1753--scale 1:48-POB-(scratchbuild) 

"SS Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse" four stacker passenger liner of 1897, blue ribbond awarded, 1:144 (scratchbuild)
"HMS Pegasus" , 16 gun sloop, Swan-Class 1776-1777 scale 1:64 from Amati plan 

-"Pamir" 4-mast barque, P-liner, 1:96  (scratchbuild)

-"Gorch Fock 2" German Navy cadet training 3-mast barque, 1:95 (scratchbuild) 

"Heinrich Kayser" heritage Merchant Steamship, 1:96 (scratchbuild)  original was my grandfathers ship

-"Bohuslän" , heritage ,live Swedish museum passenger steamer (Billings kit), 1:50 

"Lorbas", river tug, steam driven for RC, fictive design (scratchbuild), scale appr. 1:32

under restoration / restoration finished 

"Hjejlen" steam paddlewheeler, 1861, Billings Boats rare old kit, scale 1:50

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Sorry Ben.....that's still weeks away.  Every time I pick up a board to plank the bulwarks the Great Outdoors calls.  Almost done though :)



Current Build: US Frigate Confederacy - MS 1:64


Previous Builds :


US Brig Syren (MS) - 2013 (see Completed Ship Gallery)

Greek Tug Ulises (OcCre) - 2009 (see Completed Ship Gallery)

Victory Cross Section (Corel) - 1988

Essex (MS) 1/8"- 1976

Cutty Sark (Revell 1:96) - 1956

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WOW - I love the stern, nice to be catching up with the logs

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Augie,  I just ordered my Confederacy kit a couple weeks ago, and am anxious for arrival. I am an old airplane guy also. Hope this kit isn't over my ability.

Your construction series really got me stoked ! Thank you for sharing.     Pete

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Hey Augie, when you get back from fishing, don't forget to tie your moose up!! :D :D

completed build: Delta River Co. Riverboat     HMAT SUPPLY


                         USRC "ALERT"


in progress: Red Dragon  (Chinese junk)


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Beautiful ship you're building here Augie.  Silly question, I do get a litle confused with how some of the wood types are used, what is the wood used for the exterior planking?




"Which it will be ready when it is ready!"
In the shipyard:

HMS Jason (c.1794: Artois Class 38 gun frigate)

Queen Anne Royal Barge (c.1700)


HMS Snake (c.1797: Cruizer Class, ship rigged sloop)

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Thanks for all the overly kind comments.  Welcome aboard Sam and Pete -----  and hello again, Kevin.


Update time.  The inboard planking has been completed up through the deck clamps.  It's all basswood.






Of some importance here is that the deck clamps, which will support some 30 odd beams for the quarter and fore decks, must be absolutely level to the deck and square to the centerline of the ship.  This required some plank 'juggling' / customizing to get it all just right.

Here, I've placed a deck beam temporarily in place to check everything along the way:






The fore and quarter decks will be half planked allowing us to view this deck, but a lot of what we see will be covered.  No matter, it needs to be right.  Which brings me to a comment on this kit.  Alignment (of everything) is important.  We saw this with the stern and it certainly continues here.  I'm still pretty new at this and, sometimes it tests my patience (or lack thereof).


Here's an overall shot:




Finally, a shot of the main cabin area.  This is where Ben's favorite aspect, the cabin floor, will appear at some point.




I shall now proceed to paint these inner bulwarks red to match the gun ports.  The ports themselves, and some other areas need some touching up and the shop needs to be policed.  The bulwarks in the Great Cabin will remain natural.  Then it's time to switch gears and decide what's next.  I could start setting up the margin planks in preparation for the Great Cabin floor ---- as per Ben!  But with Summer here, maybe something mind numbing like work on the cannon.  Or perhaps even some completely off-line detail.  All depends on the fishing/flying weather. 


Let ya all know next time :)





Current Build: US Frigate Confederacy - MS 1:64


Previous Builds :


US Brig Syren (MS) - 2013 (see Completed Ship Gallery)

Greek Tug Ulises (OcCre) - 2009 (see Completed Ship Gallery)

Victory Cross Section (Corel) - 1988

Essex (MS) 1/8"- 1976

Cutty Sark (Revell 1:96) - 1956

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Beautiful ship you're building here Augie.  Silly question, I do get a litle confused with how some of the wood types are used, what is the wood used for the exterior planking?



Thank you, Jason.  The exterior planking is all kit-supplied basswood.  Above the wales, the natural wood was stained with 40% Minwax Golden Oak (40/60 with Natural).  Below the wales was just the Natural stain with a coat of poly.



Current Build: US Frigate Confederacy - MS 1:64


Previous Builds :


US Brig Syren (MS) - 2013 (see Completed Ship Gallery)

Greek Tug Ulises (OcCre) - 2009 (see Completed Ship Gallery)

Victory Cross Section (Corel) - 1988

Essex (MS) 1/8"- 1976

Cutty Sark (Revell 1:96) - 1956

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