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Everything posted by WackoWolf

  1. Dam, that is Beautiful, love the detail. Keep the pictures coming.
  2. The Cad work was first trace using AutoCAD and then everything else is being done with SoildWorks which is a heck of a lot harder but more rewarding since I can move and see in any way that I want. There is no framing plan at any of the museums so had to do a lot of research and ask and talk with people like Chuck, which I am lucky enough to have been able to talk in person with, he has been a big help with this. A real good friend of mine is a master with SoildWorks and has been teaching me what they couldn't teach me in Collage, plus he knows ships inside and out and never seems to amaze me every time we get together. It is a learning experience every time and I love it, now that I will be in my own place and with out the stress and BS I will be able to get back to working on her and at the same time teaching myself CNC software for the 4 axes machine, the hands are shot to H*ll, to much surgery on both of them. I will be making her in 1/48 scale and that will be big LOL.
  3. Paul, Now that is beautiful, and you did it all which makes it even better. I am in the process of finally moving this week, I have someone doing the cellar for me so that I can get as much space as possible and at the same time have it cut off from where the washer and dryer and hot water heater and so forth or not in the same section. In fact I am meeting him in a couple of hours to go to Home Depot to get all the lumber ( I get a 10% vet discount ) and then he will let me know how much electric wire and plugs and breakers I need, those I will get from another place and get my friends discount ( he is a manager ). He will have it done in two days for me because the new kitchen cabinets and counter tops will be in and also the carpet. The whole place will be done over for me and all I have to pay for is the materials for the work shop. And then I will be finally out of hell and can get started on my build, and I have a heck of a lot of them, but the Confederacy will be first, have to finished the CAD work for the frames. Here is a picture of where I am at now.
  4. Frederica, I will be watching this build all the way. I am sure it will turn out to be a beauty like the Cutty did. Keep the pictures coming.
  5. Brian, that is a good question. Why haven't you done any planking? Keep the pictures coming.
  6. It is a lot different when you use a "Spindle Sander". The up and down motion and sanding at the same time takes off a heck of a lot of wood and fast. Just my option. I bought mine at "Harborfrieght" which is a Chinese version but it does the job. But like Brian said it is a toy.
  7. Now that you got our interests, we would like more information if you have any.
  8. Almost all of us have been following since the very first post. I know I have, and I have learn a great deal because of this build. So don't think for one minute that we have not been watching and learning from you.
  9. Excellent love the work and the detail is beautiful. Keep the pictures coming.
  10. Thank you for the link, very nice site. It is worth checking out this site.
  11. I have two like that and also have a Dial one from SP and also one from "Brown & Shop" never use either one of those ("Swiss Precision Instruments" which I one at a show call "East Tech in Springfield Mass. And it is engrave with my name on it. Never use it), and a couple of others.
  12. Very nice work, something to be proud off. I will be waiting for more pictures. Excellent work.
  13. In inches it is 62.99 X 47.24 X 22.04. Now this is going to be one big F%%%%%% Ship, a person might need to add on to the house LOL LOL. But I am saving my money as we speak. DAM that is big. .
  14. Thank you for posting the pictures. Keep the pictures coming.
  15. Now you know how I felt with old age. LOL
  16. Send me your home email address. I have a couple of .pdf files that might be a big help for you.
  17. RC people that do planes have one that they use to put the skin on and it has a temp control built into it. Most Hobby shop and also Hobby Lobby sell it.
  18. Glad to hear that your all right, was wondering what happen to you. Will be waiting for your updates when you get back. Always keep the pictures coming.
  19. Antony, Very nice start. How are you making out with SoildWorks. Are you using it to do your frames?
  20. Wayne, Thank you for getting back to us with the answer, like you said it is just like adding a picture. Thank
  21. Antony, You always seem to come up with questions that I also have but never ask. Thanks for asking this question since I would also like to know for when I start my build at some point in time.
  22. Mobbsie, If you were to take a look at a pictures of Chuck finishes model or look at it on Model Expo you would see that it is to show the frames of the ship, just a bell or whistle. It's a nice feature without havind to do a whole side since then it would be a POF model. I have been lucky enough to have seen Chuck's, Rusty's and Ron (from my club) models in person.
  23. She is coming along very nice. Taking your time pays off in a big way. Keep the picture coming.
  24. Nice work, will be watching this all the way so Please keep the pictures coming. I have a thing for these ships.
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