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michael mott

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Everything posted by michael mott

  1. I see that you are seizing the moment I am glad that things are working well, Oh and I deposited the million dollars, thanks it will make retirement just that bit easier. Michael
  2. Just checking in the ship looks great, The pictures of the attaching methods for the block were interesting, how will you colour the silver wire? Michael
  3. Very nicely done on the wheel Bob, Drilling through .246 of brass with a .021 drill is a lot of work.!! Michael
  4. Good to see you back at the workbench Tom, I agree with Druxey, you know it is furnished, now if you had the door open you could have the captain with his hand on the door, either stepping out or stepping in. Michael
  5. Just catching up Jack, you are doing a beautiful job on her. I look forward to seeing the masts and rigging. Michael
  6. B.E. well that does look very sharp displayed that way. It will continue to look great under cover like that. nice work on the water as well. Michael
  7. very nice work on the ship and the rigging Greg, I like the fine work on the bowsprit. Michael
  8. I am really enjoying this build Dan and also how you are solving the fabrication challenges of some of the parts. The interesting thing about using tube is that is heats up more quickly than the solid rod. Michael
  9. Nice work on the hatch and the sawn planks, I am looking forward to seeing the deck go down. Michael
  10. Sherry the model is looking great I like the way the lighting is working. enjoy your break. Michael
  11. Thanks Bob, Popeye I want these ropes to be soft so no I will not be coating them with any glue, or they will not run through a block. Michael
  12. Jmaitri, thanks for your kind remark. late last night I set up the rope walk and had a go with the Hemp. 3 strands of 6lb made some rope that is .071 inch diameter 3 strands of 48lb made some rope that is .132 inches in diameter That's all for now, off to help my friend again today. Michael
  13. Thanks for the commendation on the hemp Popeye, it will be interesting to see how the fine stuff lays up in the rope machine. Michael
  14. Greg thanks for stopping by and your kind words. Today while out picking up some lumber for the other model I also stopped in a Michaels Store and purchased some Hemp beading cord. I am going to try the fine weight in the rope machine to see what sort of rope it makes. This heavier stuff might work for making some rope fenders. Michael
  15. Gary I can only echo what others have already said. It is interesting how precise yet organic your work appears almost as if it had grown all of its own accord. Michael
  16. Nice touch Bob, I see that you are consistent with the clan fabric. Slocum would be happy. Michael
  17. Popeye, look on the bright side side it could have been $800 dollars worth of repairs! there don't you feel better now The rigging is coming along nicely. Michael
  18. Glad your minor lapse of attention did not result in more surgery! Yes we all have these moments knocked the gaff onto the floor today, fortunately it landed on the unfinished leather glove. Michael
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