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michael mott

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Everything posted by michael mott

  1. Bob your model is coming along nicely. I am envious of your time working on the model, at the moment I am not able to spend any time on the models. Michael
  2. Andy, the bowsprit rigging looks superb and the rigid staves are a clever way to solve the "Rats Nest" to use your term at the confluence of the assorted lines shrouds etc. Michael
  3. Very nice Tom, it is so much fun being able to follow a link like yours on the plate 21 and to see what you are talking about. The book you reference is one of the few that I do have. Michael
  4. Beautiful work as has been said already, it is wonderful to follow your progress. Michael
  5. Karl some other thread is asking a question about skill levels your work demonstrates that there are Masters amongst us. You show us wonderful workmanship, that is amazing. Michael
  6. Tom, that shot of the stern shows just how well you have got this solved. The mouldings look wonderful. Michael
  7. Richard, A table saw is a great tool for cutting your own planks. I do this all the time. Here is a way that I do it I am showing very thin planks here with a regular Table saw. Teh method will apply with all sorts of saws. michael
  8. Ed thank you for your clear and concise explanations about how you are building this model. I am enjoying following along and always learning. Michael
  9. John the model looks superb, I am still trying to get my head around how small it is, because it looks so much lager in the photographs. Michael
  10. Andy A wonderful bit of craftsmanship on the rigging so far, the serving does look very neat and tidy. Michael
  11. Sherry the figure head shows that this is definitely where your skills lie. If you can carve basswood like that you can carve anything. beautiful craftsmanship. Ok the rest of the ship is great too! Michael
  12. hi Bob just catching up after my trip to the coast, I will be following along. Michael
  13. Ed just caught this build and will be very interesting and educational following along. I too prefer the civilian types of vessels so am happy that you have chosen one for your next build. Michael
  14. Hello everyone, thanks for the kind remarks and information. I just got back from a speedy drive to the coast and back to visit my Son and Grandson, I did manage to pick up a book on sail-making, and some fine small diameter three strand "rope" for the cutter. Some needles and waxed twine for the big "model" sails. I need a couple of days to catch up , it was actually great to be completely disconnected. I saw a lot of boats and water though, though I did not snap lots of pics for some reason. This tree in Hope BC was intriguing though, it is a Cedar and a Douglas fir growing very close together. I thought about how appropriate cedar planking over fir frames are. Michael
  15. Neal I too have just found your log, Very impressive model, It really is interesting to see how you are replicating the original. Great job! Michael
  16. Sherry, You know I do not see these as distractions. You are simply juggling the order of tasks that need doing according to your current disposition and this changes on a regular basis. Mostly the order of things can be juggled a little here and a little there. The stand is nice and a great way to see the way it will present when finished. Michael
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