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Everything posted by donrobinson

  1. Hhahahahahaha Mike, You got me laughing on that one. I may need to have a cocktail(drink) to calm down. Good news about the shop, now to get it set up and back to some hobbies!
  2. Just a thought on the hatch cover lifting rings, on my Trabakul build I used rope handles. Might be easier to scale down
  3. Ian and Pierre, Thanks for your comments very much appreciated
  4. I'm impressed, this is much more of a kit than I was expecting. The epoxy is for the exterior I'm assuming, did it come with the kit?
  5. First build under your belt and she looks great, I'll be watching for the start of the gunboat
  6. I've been following along and this is real interesting. I actually checked out their site.......and it is so tempting
  7. Looks like quite the project, sorry can't help with the metal identification
  8. Too bad about the first one, this one should go easier for you
  9. Well it's been a month and I don't have much to show for it. Thanks to all for stopping in, for your likes and great comments. I bought an android box for my TV and have been wasting too much time watching that, great device but be careful!!. Here are some pictures of what little I have accomplished: These are the completed demizanas and their rack This is a before and after shot of the pedestals for the new stand I built. These are some sort of pistons that my favourite son-in-law(my only one) gave to me. I just turned them on the lathe to clean them up and size them, nothing to technical here. Milling the slot for the keel, this is a piece of rosewood This is all the pieces, the base is cherry. I drilled out the brass pedestals and epoxied some 1/8" brass pins in And here it is assembled with four coats of poly. The brass pedestals were given two coats of spray lacquer These two pictures are showing the railing installed and the demizanas/rack installed Here is a shot of one of the supporting posts down in the hold, complete with dust. lol And this is how she looks this morning Next up are some breast plates(I think that's what they are called) at the bow and stern then a top rail at the stern. Sorry no bow shots, there is some re-contruction going on that I am really not too proud of Thanks for stopping in and enjoy your day
  10. The way I see it Dave, you have gone to all this work "painting with wood" why crap out now and use paint or stain. Carry on, it is looking super!!
  11. Absolutely magnificent B.E. !!! Looking forward to seeing her in the stand
  12. Cherry is nice wood to work with, what thickness are you using? I find edge bending the .5 mm planking is almost impossible.
  13. Good to hear your holiday was relaxing, nice work Dave. The swiss pear and maple look good together
  14. I have some I would be willing to trade for, send me a pm and we can "make a deal"
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